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General/Other The Deathstroke Anti-Nerf Coalition


Low tier? I was born in it, molded by it
Put a few more frames on start and or frame disadvantage on his gun shots. Still spamable at a distance but it shouldn't even be so spamable in the first place otherwise it wouldn't have started all this crying.

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Destroyer of Lazy
If Deathstroke is not top it will be because of character specific tools. Not "yo it's no big deal just block and walk block and walk". Let's be serious about our DS downplaying talking points. That's all I'm saying.
you say that like it's a bad thing??? we haven't learned all the ins and outs of char sp tools either so same applies. too early to nerf.


Destroyer of Lazy
Put a few more frames on start and or frame disadvantage on his gun shots. Still spamable at a distance but it shouldn't even be so spamable in the first place otherwise it wouldn't have started all this crying.

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it's already punishable by most of the cast within range of certain moves. and i'm sorry I haven't seen a DS keep any decent player at full screen for the entire match. at some point they get in... his wakeups are trash... (yes both sword spin and flip are not that good on wakeup) it's just meta then. stay on him... bait wake ups... pressure... if he gets full screen again he won that meta... time to start over. it's how zoning is done... TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER UPPERCUT.


Yeah. At some point they get in... after eating 40% chip and letting deathstroke fully build his meter. The only arguments I've seen for him (or other aspects of the game) not needing a change is that no one knows how to play yet, or that it's ok because certain characters can get around it. First, if you have to counterpick, that means the game isn't balanced. No one should need that explained. And secondly, kowing the properties of all of your characters options can factually tell you that there isn't anything some of the cast can do about it. That has nothing to do with reading or execution or any other aspect of the game. Some characters are totally invalidated by his zoning, period.

Who cares about incorrectly posted frame data unless those specified frames are supposed to be reflective of the actual properties? If they actually showed the real and current data, every single person who doesn't main deathstroke would read it and immedieately say "haha fuck that shit."

As for speaking wihout bias... Wow... a deathstroke main and notorious zoner thinks it's ok. Yup, that's credible.


Just to make this clear, there isn't real beef between me and Tom Brady. I was being an ass towards him saying he was washed up and that REO would win CivilWar. I did say Tom would get top 3, however. And I didn't put Tom on the 3v3 MKvsSF. I was just messing with him, and he knows that. But, he got the upper hand telling me to fuck myself in front of 16k+ people. I'll get you back Tom... I'll get you back.

That's completely besides the point. I was "clicking the like button" on Skisonics response..


If Deathstroke is not top it will be because of character specific tools. Not "yo it's no big deal just block and walk block and walk". Let's be serious about our DS downplaying talking points. That's all I'm saying.
If dash blocking twice puts you in a range where your character specific tools can punish shots on block does that count?


Destroyer of Lazy
Yeah. At some point they get in... after eating 40% chip and letting deathstroke fully build his meter. The only arguments I've seen for him (or other aspects of the game) not needing a change is that no one knows how to play yet, or that it's ok because certain characters can get around it. First, if you have to counterpick, that means the game isn't balanced. No one should need that explained. And secondly, kowing the properties of all of your characters options can factually tell you that there isn't anything some of the cast can do about it. That has nothing to do with reading or execution or any other aspect of the game. Some characters are totally invalidated by his zoning, period.

Who cares about incorrectly posted frame data unless those specified frames are supposed to be reflective of the actual properties? If they actually showed the real and current data, every single person who doesn't main deathstroke would read it and immedieately say "haha fuck that shit."

As for speaking wihout bias... Wow... a deathstroke main and notorious zoner thinks it's ok. Yup, that's credible.
I don't even play DS but I still think it's unreasonable to want nerfs right now. Let me dive in a little more. I'm not anti nerf. I just think it's WAY too early to nerf/buff/balance tweak anything one week in. I suppose that's my opinion. I shall now bow to your obviously more infinite wisdom in saying that you can read those properties and fully put them into meta game practice to be making a completely accurate and informed statement that you for a fact know that some characters have no chance against him in the infancy of this game. Not arrogant at all. I guess all my hard work and practice is for naught, I should just say OPOPOPNERFNERF. If it warrants a nerf then I'm all for it. And you may become right. It might warrant it. I'm just saying right now we don't know... well most of us intelligently don't know.... obviously you know. (bowing out)


It's not unreasonable because if you let something that's obviously overpowered continue long enoguh for everyone to become aware, it ruins sales and popularity. Even if peopel are mislead, it's not in NRS' best interest to just see how it plays out. It's turning people away from the game.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
it's just meta then. stay on him... bait wake ups... pressure... if he gets full screen again he won that meta... time to start over. it's how zoning is done... TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER UPPERCUT.
This. Vanilla SF4 Sagat single-handedly turned the interpretation of zoning into "chucking out projectiles for the sake of chucking out projectiles" lol.

Nobody can give a rational answer as to what dictates space control in this game yet, not even for Cyborg. Although I will admit his IAFBs already look huge in contrast to Kabal where it merely (for the most part) came down to a kneejerk reaction based on who or who hadn't played UMK3/MKT before.


Destroyer of Lazy
It's not unreasonable because if you let something that's obviously overpowered continue long enoguh for everyone to become aware, it ruins sales and popularity. Even if peopel are mislead, it's not in NRS' best interest to just see how it plays out. It's turning people away from the game.
question then... they nerf it... we find out it was fine but we need to appease the ppl who can't figure things out... then what... they change it back? or leave him with an unwarranted nerf that we have no way to tell if it will ruin him or not because the game's a week old and we are a bunch of entitled fast food microwave attention span the length of a hamster type of ppl that don't want to put time into anything. I said you MAY be right. but we don't know yet. I'm glad you do but the rest of the ppl here don't reguardless of their claims
people already bringing tourney results in when there have only been 2 tourneys, guess deathstroke is not that good... people barely know how to move in this game and have never played a good character representative for probably 80% of the whole character roster...how do you guys know the other 80% doesnt rape deathstroke? the testers may know this but 95% of the people on these forums dont know anything yet.

also a lot of the salt just comes from the playstyle deathstroke has nobody likes to lose against a playstyle like that. its the same with kano.

BTW people can stop arguining about whether DS should be nerfed or not because he probably isnt going to get nerfed and especially not in the first 3 or more months of this game so deal with it until then.
Reactions: Jy0


Destroyer of Lazy
people already bringing tourney results in when there have only been 2 tourneys, guess deathstroke is not that good... people barely know how to move in this game and have never played a good character representative for probably 80% of the whole character roster...how do you guys know the other 80% doesnt rape deathstroke? the testers may know this but 95% of the people on these forums dont know anything yet.

also a lot of the salt just comes from the playstyle deathstroke has nobody likes to lose against a playstyle like that. its the same with kano.

BTW people can stop arguining about whether DS should be nerfed or not because he probably isnt going to get nerfed and especially not in the first 3 or more months of this game so deal with it until then.
NO REASON IS ALLOWED HERE SIR!!! agreed... also it's getting prevelant with "show me how to beat it"... so vid pops up trying to show what can be punished or etc. but no that's not good enough... "you gotta show all the gunshots happening at different times and different strings" instead of taking that knowledge and trying to practice it in meta. no one wants to put their own time into anything anymore. It's really disheartning. I lost to a DS who was really good with his reads so I invited him to a set... he happened to accept and we played till I was beating him... he then said he'd never play me again.... Jokingly. I don't know how to beat him with Solomon yet but that doesn't mean that it's impossible. Maybe it will be... who knows. I know some ppl want it to be close to 5/5 as possible but sometimes you get what you ask for.... BoreFighter 4 version 20who cares. If some bad matchups happen then it'll suck but I'd rather overcome a bad matchup then have it watered down. I still love Marvel and there is all kinds of broke shit there. And horrible matchups. And I'd play it over SF any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Winning with Thor is awesome! I didn't want Vergil nerfed... I got better with Thor... learned what I could do... out played them. I'll do the same here. Hmmmm... maybe DS will get nerfed that way I can use him... I was gonna ALT Main him pre release but with all this whining it kinda turned me off him so I didn't. I digressed again sorry


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
m2dave ... I don't get why you got hella defensive about GGA 16 Bit posting in this thread. What he posted was good advice:

GGA 16 Bit said:
If my character was getting blown up and I feared nerfs I'd start exploring the MU myself and make the case for why it's fine. You could argue you shouldn't have to do that but if you truly fear nerfs that's the path I take.

So far everyone is just screaming to level up and giving vague advice or saying stuff like "just walk forward and block".
I don't get the arguing.

For the record, I hope they don't nerf DS at all.


Zoning Master
m2dave ... I don't get why you got hella defensive about GGA 16 Bit posting in this thread. What he posted was good advice:

I don't get the arguing.

For the record, I hope they don't nerf DS at all.
Why is it my responsibility to do work for you? If you want to beat me, test and explore. That is what I would do, especially with a new fighting game. But this community is lazy, so REO and Tom Brady have to spell everything out for some people.

If some fools are still crying, they can admit that they do not want any effective zoning in this game at all. They just want to get close and press buttons.
It's too early in the games life to want say he is overpowered. The game only came out on the 19th in the UK and as an online only player Deathstroke sometimes gives me problems, but the majority of people who play him are are just spammers who just use any special they come across, although this can be said with a lot of the online players at the moment. Even though i don't play as Deathstroke I agree that he shouldn't be nerfed, if something broken pops up it can be fixed but that's the same with every character.
Why is it my responsibility to do work for you? If you want to beat me, test and explore. That is what I would do, especially with a new fighting game. But this community is lazy, so REO and Tom Brady have to spell everything out for some people.

If some fools are still crying, they can admit that they do not want any effective zoning in this game at all. They just want to get close and press buttons.
The thing is that the majority of the whining is going to be coming from the casual crowd. If they whine enough NRS will be forced to nerf him in order to appease them. The only way for this to be stopped is if they find out how to get around Deathstroke. Why would 16 Bit help people to fight a character if he doesn't have any interest in if the character is nerfed whereas you play Deathstroke and said you would quit the game if he was nerfed? This doesn't mean he should be nerfed but don't expect somebody who doesn't play the character to put a lot of time and effort into teaching people how to beat the character for no real personal gain. Yes, the majority of TYM doesn't want Deathstroke nerfed but NRS creates games for a profit and the majority of the profit is not coming from here


The thing is that the majority of the whining is going to be coming from the casual crowd. If they whine enough NRS will be forced to nerf him in order to appease them. The only way for this to be stopped is if they find out how to get around Deathstroke. Why would 16 Bit help people to fight a character if he doesn't have any interest in if the character is nerfed whereas you play Deathstroke and said you would quit the game if he was nerfed? This doesn't mean he should be nerfed but don't expect somebody who doesn't play the character to put a lot of time and effort into teaching people how to beat the character for no real personal gain. Yes, the majority of TYM doesn't want Deathstroke nerfed but NRS creates games for a profit and the majority of the profit is not coming from here
They're going to leave this game regardless. There is not a single person who wants to take this game seriously that won't figure out how the game works. It's been a week since this game came out and people are getting so angry they shit themselves in a game where the general fundamentals have yet to sprout? Get the fuck out of here, NRS knows he's fair and they know how MK was; they appease the scrubs while screwing over actual legitimate players only for those same garbage random to demand someone else be crushed too.

It's frankly insulting you think NRS will repeat MK9 and kill characters instead of pumping life into others(you know, like they said they would?) Give it some time for the characters(that nobody's using) to be figured out because there are characters FAR better than Stroke.

If Slade gets nerfed and I still win I'm sending hate mail to everyone who loses to me online. If you lose to Kano 2.0 you deserve to be mocked.


"Never say 'never'
Why is it my responsibility to do work for you? If you want to beat me, test and explore. That is what I would do, especially with a new fighting game. But this community is lazy, so REO and Tom Brady have to spell everything out for some people.

If some fools are still crying, they can admit that they do not want any effective zoning in this game at all. They just want to get close and press buttons.
I want to start off by saying I completely agree most people want to get close and press buttons. Out of the 150 games I've played online so far, half of them have called me a spammer (using Superman, Batman, GL) because they don't block. I agree: why should I change the strategy? On the flip side, what made MK9 so much fun for me was the fact that the top players all helped each other out with new tech and strategies. It literally made me want to keep learning about the game and trying.

If I do the same thing over and over, then you should be able to beat it. If you can't, then either you aren't thinking or it is OP. With DS, all his guns are negative on block. He has a few frame traps but for the most part, he cannot spam guns repeatedly. It still takes skill to keep them away. Even though I hate pure zoning characters, it's easy to see that DS is not unbeatable, just annoying.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Why is it my responsibility to do work for you? If you want to beat me, test and explore. That is what I would do, especially with a new fighting game. But this community is lazy, so REO and Tom Brady have to spell everything out for some people.

If some fools are still crying, they can admit that they do not want any effective zoning in this game at all. They just want to get close and press buttons.
So what does that have to do with 16 bit?
Pig Of The Hut, welcome.

But if you are going to be one of us, no complaining about the character.
Why can't someone complain about a character having something broken even if they play as that character? A tiny nerf to DS zoning will not break him. Or NRS could even go another way, they could buff his rifle shot and nerf some of his up close game. If MK9 came out today all of you guys that want to fight nerfs so badly would be saying that Kung Lao's Low hat and spin are totally fine just learn the game bro. Also I am expecting a tiny nerf to Doomsday's body splash move and his string that does 7% chip, and I am all for that. Nerfs are totally fine as long as they aren't drastic.

Would slightly less block stun on DS shots be absurd? No, it would just allow the opponent an easier chance to dash after they block it.