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General/Other The Deathstroke Anti-Nerf Coalition


Flying Grayson
That nigga Cyborg has Hidden Missiles, instant air fireballs, a grapple that goes fullscreen and is fast as hell, and a command grab. On top of all this, he can heal himself.

And still people wanna complain about an ordinary guy with guns? Fuck outta here.

I don't play Deathstroke, but count me in on this coalition.


Head Cage
I am fully aware of how to play fighters. Has nothing to do with me calling out a broken character. Honestly if there was a character of Kabals tier in this game everyone would just be saying "quit whining" and the same shit that they are saying about Deathstroke.

Yes he can be beat but LBSH, at least 2/3rds of the cast is it a pretty big disadvantage vs the character.
Wasn't trying to be a dick, but its still week one. The fact that reo and brady are doing videos on how to beat this guys means there must be a lot of tools to get around his zoning that we don't realize yet.


just saying anti statics DS will never lose to a harley in a zoning fight, u doing so is sad.
I never said I was zoning, guy you're just a stubborn and arrogant person so I won't be replying to you anymore and learn to read god damn it you are atrocious at interpreting the words that you see on the screen.


That nigga Cyborg has Hidden Missiles, instant air fireballs, a grapple that goes fullscreen and is fast as hell, and a command grab. On top of all this, he can heal himself.

And still people wanna complain about an ordinary guy with guns? Fuck outta here.

I don't play Deathstroke, but count me in on this coalition.
Bravo! Excellent post brother.


Button Masher
I never said I was zoning, guy you're just a stubborn and arrogant person so I won't be replying to you anymore and learn to read god damn it you are atrocious at interpreting the words that you see on the screen.
so you wernt zoning. you tried to rush harley down with DS,

Right and im the dumb one.....


False Information Police Officer
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NetherRealm Studios
I'm sure cyborgs iafbs will be fine if we can walk forward and block.

In other news, I am willing to sign a peace treaty that gives nerf immunity to deathstroke for as long as Iniquity is banned from TYM.


Ayy Lmao
Please don't nerf Stry-I mean Deathstroke. It took him 2 years to buff up even more and work on his gun skills. Hell, he even went out and bought a rifle and better grenades. His close up game has gotten better, but still needs a bit more work.

In all seriousness, they just need to buff the walk speed.


nerfs on a one week old game? :confused:
You haven't even had time to really TRY and counter it. Let's see.... Batman should only always be able to call one bat but only once per match... deathstroke shouldn't be able to shoot in the air and his guns should backfire half the time... KF should only slide backwards... solomon grundy shouldn't be able to dash... Doomsday should die if he doesn't kill someone after his armor is activated. supes should get kryptonite poisoning after every heat blast... black adam should age 5000 years and die if he does his super... catwoman should fight naked... (sigh) whiners
All in favor of nerfing Catwoman's clothes say "Aye"

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Enenra speaks the fucking truth.

I'll be in the lab all week this week. No one will know this char better than me when I'm done. Afterwards I'll tell EVERYONE how to beat him on the 5-5 show and field every last fucking question people have.

I would so love in on this episode.
I have a matchup notebook I'm working on, character by character.
Name a person, I'll be able to tell you what you want to know to some degree.

Kenshi was ten times worse than Deathstroke. I didnt expect many from this community to carry around a bib and soiled diaper.

I feel the same way. I'm genuinely annoyed.
I have a bad feeling this poor guy's gonna get it too damn hard when the bats start swinging.

No idea. No one other character plays like Deathstroke.
No other character plays like any other character. That's what makes it so fucking good.

I'm now on the bandwagon of people waiting until the rest of the world meets CD's Doomsday.
I just watched the vids, and you people are DREAMING if you think Slade is your biggest problem.


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
You know, NRS said they weren't going to nerf, only buff. Just throwing that out there.
Buffing half the cast to deal with one character would cause chaos--
and potentially create weirdness or broke-ness in hundreds of other match-ups.
Maybe universal mobility buff would be good- but what would that do to someone like Doomsday?
So many variables wold need to be considered...


Buffing half the cast to deal with one character would cause chaos--
and potentially create weirdness or broke-ness in hundreds of other match-ups.
Maybe universal mobility buff would be good- but what would that do to someone like Doomsday?
So many variables wold need to be considered...
Mind blowing new information it's not about Deathstroke and there are other characters you should worry about! 0:

Deathstroke doesn't need nerfs, your attention spans need buffs though.
I main batman and alt DS. The character doesn't need a nerf so to speak, but put him on a stage with interactactables on both sides and with big area of effect like aquamans stage, then it becomes ridiculous. Sure you can try bait use of the interactable, but you still have to get close to him and play a guessing game about which move or combo he is going to try. Meanwhile the interactable has refreshed and you are back to trying to bait its use while avoiding bullets and spins.

The other player cannot use interactables because he just interrupts them with near instant full screen bullets and it makes little difference to him if they do because he is usually full screen away.

I can't wait to see tournament players deal with that, maybe I will learn something or maybe interactables will be turned off at tournaments.


Purple balls covering the screen
And saying you are gonna sell your game if your character gets adjusted isnt? Dont see me quitting injustice cause im facing deathstroke 4 of every 10 matches. It doesnt get any saltier than selling your game if your OP character gets adjusted.
That's different, death stroke doesn't need fixed. His zoning is good and it should be the way way it is. We all need to learn how to deal yo not fuck over a character out of laziness.