try to block dash into F2 range. F2, acid hand is kitana kryptonite. After you land 1 acid hand keep the pressure on with another dash to stay on her, force her to block if she does a standup jump whiff, follow it with a dash get in stay in, EX acid hand goes through projectiles now remember that, and also if you find yourself stuck at range, spit my frend spit, you recover a tad slower than kitanas fans but not slow enough to let her block and counter.How do you approach Kitana? Her fans kept me out, I was afraid to dash due to fear of being lifted into a largely unbreakable combo, her fan pokes are so fast and she can pressure. Also, the last time I checked, x-ray will not go through her fans due to them being two projectiles.
I fully underestimated a smart Mileena, also. D3 is a fast poke with good range, fuzzy blocking works like ass online btw. I should've punished those blocked telekicks with more throws.