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Battle Arena Semi Finals Voting is LIVE!


missiles are coming
Flash beats Superman all day any day. The character is busted, however he will probably lose the popularity contest every time because all he does is "run fast".

Edit: It would be hard for him every time, but he would still win lol.
In terms of popularity, Batman is going to win this thing bar none lol. It's fucking Batman.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Flash and Superman should win. Both for the same reasons...SPEED.

Flash ROFLstomps Batman before he can do anything. Seriously...try to trip or clothesline something going that speed and you lose an arm. You may as well attempt to clothesline a NASCAR. Superman has ALREADY ripped the ring off Hal Jordan before Jordan could react and he has ALWAYS been able to shatter every single construct ever made by Hal with pure brute force. Also as Geoff Johns pointed out GL can't make real Kryptonite.

Reaction speeds will win this round. However, fans are so into the Batman beats everyone meme they voted him over Wonder Woman...considering that it'll be Batman vs Superman.


missiles are coming
Flash and Superman should win. Both for the same reasons...SPEED.

Flash ROFLstomps Batman before he can do anything. Seriously...try to trip or clothesline something going that speed and you lose an arm. You may as well attempt to clothesline a NASCAR. Superman has ALREADY ripped the ring off Hal Jordan before Jordan could react and he has ALWAYS been able to shatter every single construct ever made by Hal with pure brute force. Also as Geoff Johns pointed out GL can't make real Kryptonite.

Reaction speeds will win this round. However, fans are so into the Batman beats everyone meme they voted him over Wonder Woman...considering that it'll be Batman vs Superman.
Batman vs Dale Earnheart
8-2 imo


They're supposed to email you or something like that.
I haven't checked mine yet, but they said it sent so i'll sue if i don't get it haha
They will send the code out closer to the launch date. I figure we will get them on April 16th. This was the number 1 question asked on the Injustice facebook page when the battles first started. Now the most asked question is, " Why isn't the WiiU geeting and DLC?"


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I think Bruce actually has capsules that instantly turn into walls. OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH YES I DID!
You say that like Batman wouldn't be moving in slow motion the entire time he went for his belt. Flash can beat him to that. He moves so fast not only do people appear stopped, but you do realize he vibrates through objects right? Flash can also...you know...dodge.

Flash would take him out before he could move. Dodge anything in his way to that. Vibrate through anything he was too bored to go around. And he would still have time to repaint the Batmobile Red with his own symbol across the hood afterwards before Batman had moved an inch.

Seriously...Flash beats everything the way he is written. He evacuated an entire country before the nuke finished exploding. He's gonna beat a guy going for his belt or whatever to a pulp.

However, like I said Batman winning is a meme that beat Wonder Woman in a vote so Batman will win due to that. However he only wins in a vote. He loses pathetically in any fight versus The Flash. No Contest.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
You say that like Batman wouldn't be moving in slow motion the entire time he went for his belt. Flash can beat him to that. He moves so fast not only do people appear stopped, but you do realize he vibrates through objects right? Flash can also...you know...dodge.

Flash would take him out before he could move. Dodge anything in his way to that. Vibrate through anything he was too bored to go around. And he would still have time to repaint the Batmobile Red with his own symbol across the hood afterwards before Batman had moved an inch.

Seriously...Flash beats everything the way he is written. He evacuated an entire country before the nuke finished exploding. He's gonna beat a guy going for his belt or whatever to a pulp.

However, like I said Batman winning is a meme that beat Wonder Woman in a vote so Batman will win due to that. However he only wins in a vote. He loses pathetically in any fight versus The Flash. No Contest.
I was referring to Batman vs. Dale Earnhart. ;_;


Raven can also teleport groups of people anywhere she wants just like Cyborg and doesn't need any form of batteries/electricity/energy

She made Mirror Master look really dumb when she 10-0'd him and essentially saves Superman's parents...


bye felicia
Eh? Flash doesn't win anything; he gets straight-up shot in the chest. Prometheus only loses due to some questionable writing involving Catwoman and, I believe, Batgirl trading costumes to confuse him, allowing them to beat him in close-combat. No actual members of the JLA are involved in taking down Prometheus because he beat them all.
Your submission is that Batman beat Flash by setting up a losing dilemma. Batman didn't actually win anything, he forced Flash not to compete.

This is the stupid part of all Batman vs. debate proofs, most of them involve a specific scenario that merely disables his opponent. Batman hasn't "beaten" a ton of people he's tricked them or fooled them or just forced them not to fight anymore via extenuating circumstances.

The idea here is an actual fight between Batman and Flash. Even if Batman set up the exact same situation (motion sensor bombs, true or not) Flash wins the fight because now there is no collateral damage. He has no reason not to move faster than lightspeed, unless Batman also brought a bunch of civilians to the fight to force Flashes hand.

Edit: This ironically is a particular slice of bullshit people use to hand free Ws to Flash as well, the assumption that simply because they can't hit him or because he can phase through harm he must obviously be the winner Well, even if Flash can't be hit there's no guarantee he can beat his opponent either. He could waste a day running circles around Shazam or Adam or Doomsday or even Superman, but there's no guarantee he could generate a punch kick or anything that would physically end the fight and most his most stellar techniques (ignoring bullshit like turning people to stone or "stealing" their speed or going back in time and punching them as babies) run the risk of killing Flash in the process.

Either way, its fucking pointless. Anyone can beat anyone. They aren't real and there are no rules.

Also, this is a fucking popularity contest why do people take it seriously.

Robotic Shark

you can never have too much honey
Raven can also teleport groups of people anywhere she wants just like Cyborg and doesn't need any form of batteries/electricity/energy

She made Mirror Master look really dumb when she 10-0'd him and essentially saves Superman's parents...
they really made Mirror Master look weak in that comic
gonna get some hate for this but pretty sure Mirror Master could kill Raven if you know the Rogues rules are broken a little


bye felicia
believe it or not some people like to debate it can be fun with the right people
who v who in comics is not a debate, its a waste of time. Opinion doesn't even matter because ANYTHING can be used as proof of the opposite. You said yourself in the other thread, Deathstroke lost to Flash, then he beat him. In Canon. So whats the point?

edit: I should say this, some of the comicvine debates where they actually establish parameters and rules are quite insightful. But this simply Name v Name only premise is just an argument waiting to happen, so just vote for who you want and be done with it.

Deleted member 5032

Your submission is that Batman beat Flash by setting up a losing dilemma. Batman didn't actually win anything, he forced Flash not to compete.

This is the stupid part of all Batman vs. debate proofs, most of them involve a specific scenario that merely disables his opponent. Batman hasn't "beaten" a ton of people he's tricked them or fooled them or just forced them not to fight anymore via extenuating circumstances.

The idea here is an actual fight between Batman and Flash. Even if Batman set up the exact same situation (motion sensor bombs, true or not) Flash wins the fight because now there is no collateral damage. He has no reason not to move faster than lightspeed, unless Batman also brought a bunch of civilians to the fight to force Flashes hand.

Either way, its fucking pointless. Anyone can beat anyone. They aren't real and there are no rules.

Also, this is a fucking popularity contest why do people take it seriously.
The motion bombs thing was just an example in response to another member asking how Batman could ever beat Flash. Besides the fact that Prometheus did win (again, by shooting Flash in the chest...), I wouldn't say that forcing someone not to compete and winning are mutually exclusive. If I'm in a contest and I somehow trick my most threatening competitor into not participating, I'd call that a win...

I think the stupidest part of all Batman vs. debates is how every argument in Batman's favor gets thrown out or called "overused". That's why I brought up the Flash and his Super Speed, because it's the same thing. You can't defend the Flash without referencing his Super Speed, and you can't defend Batman without referencing his strategic brilliance and the track record of his contingency plans.

I agree with the "pointless" statement, because it all depends on the writers and what version of the hero you're referencing. That's why I don't understand how you can get so angry with literally anything I post. I feel like I could post that I'm anti-cancer and I'd get a response from trufenix cursing me out for some ridiculous reason.

Robotic Shark

you can never have too much honey
who v who in comics is not a debate, its a waste of time. Opinion doesn't even matter because ANYTHING can be used as proof of the opposite. You said yourself in the other thread, Deathstroke lost to Flash, then he beat him. In Canon. So whats the point?
yes some stuff in comics don't make any sense thats why people usually are able to write some things off as PIS (Plot Induced Stupidity)

and again Debating is fun why not debate with your some of your favorite fictional characters


I don't even think it is a popularity thing with Batman anymore. His abilities seem more of a giant joke that everyone is in on than anything.


too smart to play MKX
Lanterns rings are not magic despite what Kevin Smith claims. If Sinestro couldn't beat superman, Hal stands no chance.
Stuff like this basically rolls my eyes for me. The Lantern rings pretty much meet any normal human's definition of magic. The fact that in comic canon they're ADVANCED ALIEN TECHNOLOGY means zero to 99% of the people watching this shit. Saying Lantern rings aren't magic is like saying that scene in Iron Man 2 where Tony Stark creates a new element is science. Yeah, I made a Marvel reference underneath the DC umbrella.

Anyway, I voted for Not Batman and Not Superman.