The idea of a big Dick group video chat over skype is truly terrifying. A bunch of men discussing their Dicks and Dick strategies at great lengths, and (in)to what ends? Will Dick have good footsies? How many wagers will your Dicks win? How liberally will your Dick blow his special, and how fast can he be ready to blow it again? Will your Dick interact favorably with the environment? Will you turn off the environment to put your Dick in a vacuum? How well can your Dick handle pressure, counter-poke, and apply pressure of his own? How deep are you willing to go with your Dick?
One thing is for sure: most of these questions cannot be answered without countless hours of testing, experimenting, and fine-tuning your Dicks in the lab. It is only after extensive Dick research can we really begin to touch these sensitive matters and firmly grasp Dick as a whole.
*Sidenote: For the Nth time, he's probably not going to be one of my characters. I'll be happy to indulge in getting everyone's Dicks wet, either online or in person, though.