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Injustice - Speculation leads to 'Raven' and 'Killer Frost' being possibly leaked in achievements


Burn in my Light
We've all pretty much accepted that. Her reveal trailer, along with Doomsday's, Black Adam's, and Ares', is being seen almost as a formality at this point. It's mostly just a "Is this her?" thing we've got going on here. In some ways, I can see the top right being Raven. In some ways, I can't. I still feel like the hood is too close to the head to be her hood, and Raven in the comics does have on lipstick and this character doesn't seem to. I do NOT think the middle character is wearing a hood, it's too off-balance for a hood in a video game.
I kinda hope thats not as much as I want her in I always liked her more as a hero trying not to be evil, and I def think its hair on the one in the middle, if you put a gun to my head Id say its Frost and a male character lol


I am Arkham
I STILL stand by my thought, that Raven is the middle character.

The picture in the original post looks so saturated and it isn't increased in size, so you don't notice some of the details...

You can tell that she is wearing a hood. That is not hair, with white highlights. If you look at the white, it folds down onto her shoulders just like a hood would. If you look back and to the left of the white, you will see the back of the hood, which is purple. If you look at the sides of the face, before the white, I have circled the hair coming out of the hood. It is purple. She has pale skin, and dark lipstick.

Sure, it doesn't have the pointy end to the hood, nor does Raven have a white trim to her hood, but these are NRS designs, and her alternate could be her classic look.

As for the character in the top right? I have said that it's Catwoman, maybe in an alt. or something. I swear it looks like her facial structure(jaw, lips, cheeks, eyes seem to be very similar), and it's really hard to tell, but it looks like there's cat ears on top of the head. This is just a pure shot in the dark though, the picture is obviously hard to make out anything for sure given nobody has nailed down anything concrete.

I also don't think the picture neccessarily is relagated to ONLY villains. Nothing says that's the case...the characters could be random, or have some other common link related to the mode you get the achievement from. Sure, all the other characters are villains for sure, but who knows.
That is NOT Catwoman in the top right. There are no cat ears and Catwoman has very full lipstick.

As for the middle image, that is NOT a hood with white trim. Look at the shape. If this were a hood in a game, then the center would likely fall neatly over the middle of her face, and it doesn't. At all. And it's higher on the left side. If this were a render with the character looking off to the side, then maybe I could see that, but it's a straight on shot. And Raven has a gem in the middle of her forehead. There isn't one here.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
The more I look at the middle pic the more I think its Circe.

If you concentrate hard at the picture that BlackCyborg just posted you could see that her eyebrows are skinny and diagonal like bitchy/evil female characters have. That and her eyes generally look like it's an older woman.

Idk... These blurry little pics are going to drive us insane....
Still looks more like hair to me. As for top right being Catwoman...no.Not Catwoman.jpg
The eyes don't match up, the mystery character doesn't have goggles at all. I can't imagine them using an alternate render when the rest of the renders in that picture are obviously site renders such as the one I used for Catwoman and such as Rathalos used for Shazam.

EDIT: Yes Circus. They are. I think that was the point.


I am Arkham
That is NOT Catwoman in the top right. There are no cat ears and Catwoman has very full lipstick.

As for the middle image, that is NOT a hood with white trim. Look at the shape. If this were a hood in a game, then the center would likely fall neatly over the middle of her face, and it doesn't. At all. And it's higher on the left side. If this were a render with the character looking off to the side, then maybe I could see that, but it's a straight on shot. And Raven has a gem in the middle of her forehead. There isn't one here.
Well...that's just like your opinion man.

I know it being Catwoman is a long shot, but so is every other far-fethced guess going on. It's not like anybody has presented anything more concrete than a simple guess or prediction based on the very poor detail lacking image we all see. I took it into photoshop, on my 32" monitor, and increased the size and to me, it looks like there's something on the top of the head on each side, where the cat ears would be on Catwoman. That's it. That's my opinion.

As for the middle wearing a hood or not.

What the heck is that purple thing coming from the back of her head then? Also, I put an arrow at the top where it looks like there's something that goes up from the top of the head on the figure in the top right. I don't know how big of a monitor you are viewing this on, but try and zoom in and see what I am pointing to.

Still looks more like hair to me. As for top right being Catwoman...no.View attachment 4036
The eyes don't match up, the mystery character doesn't have goggles at all. I can't imagine them using an alternate render when the rest of the renders in that picture are obviously site renders such as the one I used for Catwoman and such as Rathalos used for Shazam.

EDIT: Yes Circus. They are. I think that was the point.
Of course the eyes and all that aren't going to match up exactly. The face in the blurry pic is at a different angle. I am not arguing that it IS Catwoman, I am saying it's possible it could be. I never said I gurantee you it is or that it has to be. It could be a bunch of people, the picture isn't detailed enough to know for sure. I just see similarities, and I know there's something on the character's head. Be it ears, a helmet, a hat...it looks like there's something else there.
That "purple thing" coming from the back of her head? It might be hair. She might have white highlights in it like Rogue from the X-Men for all we know.


Part-Time Kano Hostage

I swear now that I see this pic I REALLY think it's Catwoman.

Look at the glare on her left cheek(right side of the picture). The shape of the glare is the exact same as Catwoman's. Also the nose shadows are what is making it look like a helmet. The eyes actually don't show at all because they are hidden in the light. The light near the ear to our right matches the light on Catwoman's render. The goggles must be only showing on our left because that is where the lightsource is pointing so the shadow casted makes it look like the google on the right is not even there. The reason why the light is all screwed up on the picture is because she is wearing basically all black.

I'm actually really really seeing it now. I really do think the top right is Catwoman.

She was released early too remember. Only integral characters to the game were revealed early. The only character missing from these groups of pictures(the good guys + bad guys pics) is Grundy who might not play too big a role in the story.


I swear now that I see this pic I REALLY think it's Catwoman.
I'm actually really really seeing it now. I really do think the top right is Catwoman.

Come on man, the picture isn't THAT blurry.
It's not Catwoman. Either it's Raven, or it's a damn feminine looking Eclipso, where I would really wonder on how they plan to depower him for the sake of "realism" in the story.


I'm getting really fucking sick of trying to figure out who these two are.
I have a strange feeling that now that this shit is going on with this ONE< little tiny 64x64 picture of a leaked achievement that Boon and NRS are gonna intentionally NOT< reveal this characters for weeks.


Tired, But Strong
You're forgetting about dear Harley Quinn, whose role in the game seems pretty important (two appearances in the story trailer, issue of the comic devoted to her). The glare hits EVERY character from that side, and I'd say Top Right Person's reaches more across their chin and obviously more vertically due to more skin exposure. There's very distinctly skin space above Top Right's eyes, which I can't say for Catwoman.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
Come on man, the picture isn't THAT blurry.
It's not Catwoman. Either it's Raven, or it's a damn feminine looking Eclipso, where I would really wonder on how they plan to depower him for the sake of "realism" in the story.
Think about it, the reason why the light is all screwed up on the picture is because she is wearing basically all black. Why else does everyone else look at least distingushable but the top right looks like a blob of light and shadow.

I don't know, maybe I'm just seeing shit, it's late lol. But seriously if this ends up being Catwoman, I'm going to come back to this thread and cyber urinate on all your faces.


I am Arkham
I swear now that I see this pic I REALLY think it's Catwoman.

Look at the glare on her left cheek(right side of the picture). The shape of the glare is the exact same as Catwoman's. Also the nose shadows are what is making it look like a helmet. The eyes actually don't show at all because they are hidden in the light. The light near the ear to our right matches the light on Catwoman's render. The goggles must be only showing on our left because that is where the lightsource is pointing so the shadow casted makes it look like the google on the right is not even there. The reason why the light is all screwed up on the picture is because she is wearing basically all black.

I'm actually really really seeing it now. I really do think the top right is Catwoman.

She was released early too remember. Only integral characters to the game were revealed early. The only character missing from these groups of pictures(the good guys + bad guys pics) is Grundy who might not play too big a role in the story.
Exactly. Glad to see i'm not the only one who sees the similarities in facial structure. The lips, eyes, nose, cheeks...all very similar to Catwoman's. Only at a different angle. I think the dark thing going down her face that people are saying is Raven's pointed hood, could be Catwoman's bangs. It could also be an alt. outfit, where she doesn't have the goggles or they are in a different position. Not sure. But the connections are there. If you look at the giant picture with arrows that I posted, it definitely looks like there's ears or at least something on the figure's head that gous back out. The head rounds, but there's something that sticks back out. Could be her goggles.

The picture is just so poor and small, that when sized up it's almost impossible to expect it to match 100%. But if it ends up being Catwoman, i'll be satisfied just knowing I predicted it before anyone else that i've seen so far.


The more I look at this pic, of the top right, the more confused I get.


Take note that the center piece coming down from the top is off center, can see a little tiny bit of a nose. The head is turned a small degree which can make up for the chin seeming masculine. The curves near the eyes are uneven. You can see the left side more than the right side which I don't think a helmet would allow you to do. Same goes for the pointy part that is off center.

I think it's a hood, not a helmet. Still not really sure if Raven or Calypso or someone else that everyone is overlooking.
Exactly. Glad to see i'm not the only one who sees the similarities in facial structure. The lips, eyes, nose, cheeks...all very similar to Catwoman's. Only at a different angle. I think the dark thing going down her face that people are saying is Raven's pointed hood, could be Catwoman's bangs. It could also be an alt. outfit, where she doesn't have the goggles or they are in a different position. Not sure. But the connections are there. If you look at the giant picture with arrows that I posted, it definitely looks like there's ears or at least something on the figure's head that gous back out. The head rounds, but there's something that sticks back out. Could be her goggles.

The picture is just so poor and small, that when sized up it's almost impossible to expect it to match 100%.
OMG, why are you using the alternate outfit thing again?! Everyone else in that image, except for the middle chick that we don't know, is in their primary outfit. That would include cat-bitch if she were in here. It's not Catwoman's bangs, it's either a point from a hood or a helmet. As for the thing "Sticking out" at the top, that's the BLUR OF THE DAMN BORDER!


Part-Time Kano Hostage
It could also be an alt.

I doubt that. In the acheivement picture for the 7 good guys they all had their injustice.com site render, same as all the villains in this pic. I just think it's really unlikely that the only character out of all 14 in an alt is that really blurry one in the top right.

I'm still on the theory that it's Catwoman's render with really distorted lightning due to her wearing just black with a black background.

It probably doesn't help that the two crazy people debating that it's Catwoman are seeing different shit LOL


Tired, But Strong
On a tangential subject, I'm closely examining that mass of pixels in the neck area of Upper Right. Since those fellows at NRS can't be bothered to give us a clear version of Deathstroke's render I'm not entirely sure it's not part of his, but it loooooks like it's probably part of Upper Right's render.

Why bring this up? No reason in particular, but I haven't seen any attention drawn to it. If we're going to spend days staring at this image, may as well stare at every aspect. Looks kind of red t'me. Jewelry, maybe.

EDIT: Went ahead and uploaded a terrible crop and terrible paint.net circle around what i mean.the jewel.png


I am Arkham
OMG, why are you using the alternate outfit thing again?! Everyone else in that image, except for the middle chick that we don't know, is in their primary outfit. That would include cat-bitch if she were in here. It's not Catwoman's bangs, it's either a point from a hood or a helmet. As for the thing "Sticking out" at the top, that's the BLUR OF THE DAMN BORDER!

But seriously. Primary outfit or not, it's my personal theory. Why is that so hard for you to accept?

Do we really need more "it's Raven/Eclipso/Ares/Killer Frost"? We already have people throwing in reasons why those might be possibilities. Eversince I disected this picture in the original thread it was posted in, I have seen the similarities to Catwoman's facial features. Excuse me for bringing something different to the table. Apparently it's not too crazy, because someone else now sees the similarities.

Lastly, I can say it's another outfit, she's naked, or it's this or that if I please. Who the hell said there's a rule set here? Just because other characters are in their primaries does not mean she can't be featured in another outfit. Who the hell knows? It doesn't hurt to speculate and toss around ideas. It's not like i'm running around saying "guys guys guys...IT's CATWOMAN!!! WHY DON't YOU BEWIEVE ME PWEASE!!! SHES IN HER ALT, I KNOW 4 FACTS ITS 100% THE ANSWER!!!". As for the blur being what's at the top of the head, that's not it. That blur isn't magically causing things to pop out away from the curve of her head. That's not even how a border effect works.

I doubt that. In the acheivement picture for the 7 good guys they all had their injustice.com site render, same as all the villains in this pic. I just think it's really unlikely that the only character out of all 14 in an alt is that really blurry one in the top right.

I'm still on the theory that it's Catwoman's render with really distorted lightning due to her wearing just black with a black background.

It probably doesn't help that the two crazy people debating that it's Catwoman are seeing different shit LOL
True. Like I said to Shadow, it's not that I think it's an alt, i'm just not ruling out any possibility. It's very unlikely, sure, but not as if it's compeltely out of the question. But yes, i'm not naive enough to ignore the obvious "nobody else is wearing their alts, why would she?" point. heh


Part-Time Kano Hostage
Since those fellows at NRS can't be bothered to give us a clear version of Deathstroke's render I'm not entirely sure it's not part of his, but it loooooks like it's probably part of Upper Right's render.
Looks kind of red t'me. Jewelry, maybe.

EDIT: Went ahead and uploaded a terrible crop and terrible paint.net circle around what i mean.View attachment 4037

Check Catwoman's render here.

Catwoman's collar. Okay... now I'm almost certain it's Catwoman's render thrown off by the light due to her wearing all black with a black background of the image.

I'm at the point that if I find out it's not Catwoman I'd honestly be surprised as hell. It's be awesome if it were some character we don't have revealed yet.... but I see Catwoman -_-

<==== Most likely wrong