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Injustice - Speculation leads to 'Raven' and 'Killer Frost' being possibly leaked in achievements


If I worked at NRS, I would literally frame this thread. I would frame it and put it right next to the pictures of my kids and just look at it any time I felt like down about my life.
This thread is one of those that's going to be really embarrassing to look back at after the game's released.
I guess that why Ed Boon does all the wired trolls to get a good laugh everyday..
Let me hint out what your problem is, guys.
You're a bunch of pesky downers.

Especailly you trufenix. You're someone who comes along and tries to play his opinion up. When someone corrects you, you try to stand your man, when someone proves that you're wrong, you vanish ten times better than a rogue in World of Warcraft ever could.
Shut up.

To you trufenix and also the other two guys:
You bitch about how people in this thread come up with assumptions and claims, with theories and other stuff like that, even though chances are high that you did similar or more "stupid" stuff than that in other threads.
And I called it "stupid", because everything in this thread is legit. Why?

We already had pictures. Pictures that were far more blurry and came from Ed Boon, because he was hinting things out.
The Giganta + Atom Smasher or the Gorilla (Grodd) picture? These were far more blurry than the picture above and people came up with theories.
Was Gorilla (Grodd) really Gorilla Grodd? Or Ares? Or Doctor Fate?
Guess what, retards! It were Giganta + Atom Smasher and Gorilla Grodd in the end, just like most of us were assuming.

They're playing video games, I'm playing video games, you're playing video games. We're all children, or grown up children.
Stop acting like you've figured it all out, because you haven't. You're just a bunch of random idiots on the internet, just like they are and I am.

NRS way to interact with their customers is sometimes idiotic as well, because they're like: "Hehehe, we know a secret and we're not going to tell you what it is!", and people fall for it, because it's the human nature, just the way most of us would push the big red button.

/rant over

Oh, one last thing: Fuck you, trufenix :)


Let me hint out what your problem is, guys.
You're a bunch of pesky downers.

Especailly you trufenix. You're someone who comes along and tries to play his opinion up. When someone corrects you, you try to stand your man, when someone proves that you're wrong, you vanish ten times better than a rogue in World of Warcraft ever could.
Shut up.

To you trufenix and also the other two guys:
You bitch about how people in this thread come up with assumptions and claims, with theories and other stuff like that, even though chances are high that you did similar or more "stupid" stuff than that in other threads.
And I called it "stupid", because everything in this thread is legit. Why?

We already had pictures. Pictures that were far more blurry and came from Ed Boon, because he was hinting things out.
The Giganta + Atom Smasher or the Gorilla (Grodd) picture? These were far more blurry than the picture above and people came up with theories.
Was Gorilla (Grodd) really Gorilla Grodd? Or Ares? Or Doctor Fate?
Guess what, retards! It were Giganta + Atom Smasher and Gorilla Grodd in the end, just like most of us were assuming.

They're playing video games, I'm playing video games, you're playing video games. We're all children, or grown up children.
Stop acting like you've figured it all out, because you haven't. You're just a bunch of random idiots on the internet, just like they are and I am.

NRS way to interact with their customers is sometimes idiot as well, because they're like: "Hehehe, we know a secret and we're not going to tell you what it is!", and people fall for it, because it's the human nature, just the way most of us would push the big red button.

/rant over

Oh, one last thing: Fuck you, trufenix :)
This literally gave me a headache simply by trying to read it.


bye felicia
Killzone, If JaeRoar is allowed to post wildly speculative nonsense that gets front paged, and you're allowed to peruse every thread wearing the mantle of Comic Book Lordship, then I'm allowed to post counterpoint to your accusations. None of us has any more "understanding" than the next of whats going on at NRS than anyone else and I've butted heads with Reedoms and Shadow and lots of others here who don't get their shit twisted when someone disagrees with them. Even Vilen had the good sense to just ignore me. You, for some reason, thrive on making an ass of yourself in retaliation, and for that, I applaud you.

Snip snap
I don´t think you even understand what I said, All I said was I guess that why Ed boon does these hint for laugh because it most likly funny for him to see all the theories and so on that all. I don´t care if people theorycraft or not, me myself find it funny to dig into these clues and see what is hidding behind it all, I never said that these people in the theard were stupid or silly, just that Ed Boon is most likely have his fun with all of this.


I never said that these people in the theard were stupid or silly, just that Ed Boon is most likely have his fun with all of this.
You do understand that that's a pretty huge insult to Ed Boons persona?
I'm not here to defend Ed Boon, but to encourage you to think about the entire sentence and how it makes that man look like, if you view it that way.
Obviously you're free to have your own point of view, but think about it.


Still looks more like hair to me. As for top right being Catwoman...no.View attachment 4036
The eyes don't match up, the mystery character doesn't have goggles at all. I can't imagine them using an alternate render when the rest of the renders in that picture are obviously site renders such as the one I used for Catwoman and such as Rathalos used for Shazam.

EDIT: Yes Circus. They are. I think that was the point.
Didn't even realize Catwoman has a round chin..If that's the case then there are chances that is raven more than anyone else


too smart to play MKX
I couldn't resist hitting the Show Ignored Content button to see WTF was going on.

I want to point out that JaeRoar's wildly speculative nonsense = OUR wildly speculative nonsense.

That dude wouldn't have an opinion in the world if he couldn't lurk on this site.

*hide ignored content*
There was an article/interview hither or thither stating that the game's story mode covers stuff after the regime's establishment and stuff before the Joker bombs Metropolis. Heck, you can see in the story trailer when Batman declares a "code red" on the Watchtower (which in itself probably isn't something that could happen in the Regime years) that it's about the Joker, Harley, and a nuclear warhead. Additionally, I'm almost certain that the scenes where Supes breaks out of a GL construct is the scene shown in the comic where Hal tries to stop Supes from doing some Real Bad Stuff.

Longwinded cuz it's late, but I hope you see what I'm talkin' about.
Yes, and IF the comic is "canon" to the actual in-game story, then the Code Red doesn't make much sense. In the comics, Batman doesn't declare one, he merely asks the JLA to help find Lois. Honestly, looking at the map on the screen when Batman's calling the code red, the bomb is on an island. Seems more like Gotham City to me. Also, the scene in the trailer where Superman breaks out of GL's construct isn't the same as the comic due to Superman's outfit. He was wearing his regular outfit in the comic and his "Emperor" alt in the trailer.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
Read the comics, y'all. Raven it is.
This. My only question now is why is she with a group of villains on the acivement, and I'm not sold on that being killer frost captain cold has a redesigned/armored costume in the comic so he looks playable imo
This. My only question now is why is she with a group of villains on the acivement, and I'm not sold on that being killer frost captain cold has a redesigned/armored costume in the comic so he looks playable imo
I was just thinking the same thing when I saw his redesign armor look and with Raven complety redesign from the Raven in Teen titan I start to doubt it Killer Frost.


ҜømbÄŦ Ħøu&Ŧøπ
That's Raven in the top right. Raven was revealed in today's issue of Injustice. (Captain Cold, Gorilla Grodd, and Mirror Master were also seen as well).

Raven's a 'good' hero in this iteration, it seems, standing alongside the JL members.



We had someone here saying multiple times that be believes the final roster in game will consist out of characters from that list.
Can't remember who it was, but damn - I think that guy was right about it.

So if Raven and Captain Cold are in the game, then who is the mysterios woman in the middle?
(If Killer Frost doesn't make it in and it can only be a woman from the list)

Zatanna with a hoodie, instead of a hat? Which wouldn't make any sense. Madame Xanadu from Justice League Dark, since Circe is not on the list?
Ares playable after all and Wonder Womans villain?


Scary Bat
That's Raven in the top right. Raven was revealed in today's issue of Injustice. (Captain Cold, Gorilla Grodd, and Mirror Master were also seen as well).

Raven's a 'good' hero in this iteration, it seems, standing alongside the JL members.
I don't think it is her in that pic, have you seen her in the comic? her skins not pale, she's bright bloody red!
I don't think it is her in that pic, have you seen her in the comic? her skins not pale, she's bright bloody red!
Yes, but in the one screenshot we have already, her skin is pale, not bright bloody red. Artistic license? Possibly. I do like her look in this comic though, except the red skin.


too smart to play MKX

We had someone here saying multiple times that be believes the final roster in game will consist out of characters from that list.
Can't remember who it was, but damn - I think that guy was right about it.

So if Raven and Captain Cold are in the game, then who is the mysterios woman in the middle?
(If Killer Frost doesn't make it in and it can only be a woman from the list)

Zatanna with a hoodie, instead of a hat? Which wouldn't make any sense. Madame Xanadu from Justice League Dark, since Circe is not on the list?
Ares playable after all and Wonder Womans villain?
Hawkgirl wasn't on the list and was added to it following her announcement, IIRC.

So it probably doesn't mean too much.


Scary Bat
Yes, but in the one screenshot we have already, her skin is pale, not bright bloody red. Artistic license? Possibly. I do like her look in this comic though, except the red skin.
*sighs* I hate myself for saying this, but I'm going to go ahead theorize that if she's in it's an alt.