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The TYM Ultra-Mega Hitbox Thread


Xbl: Johnny2Die
I've been thinking about getting a Hitbox myself for a variety of reasons but the monies just aren't there right now. :'(

What I can tell you about adjusting to a new control method is: don't use it for a couple of hors then go online expecting to dominate. Great it almost as if you are learning a brand new game. Get your muscle memory updated to the new inputs, play the AI on Easy and increase as things become more comfortable under pressure, THEN go online and pwn ;)

Another thing that I found really helps, I used this when switching from a pad to a stick, then from stick to hitbox, and now my old home made hitbox with large buttons to my official one with tiny buttons... anyway, I play other games, any of the xbl arcade games like sonic or tony hawk (Tony Hawk on a hitbox is amazing btw) Ninja Turtles, etc. Playing different games with it helps me get comfortable with the device in general, then the game comes naturally. Trying to get used to it with just one game, a game that I've already mastered with a different controller, just feels too much like memorization.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
Well, that was a lot more dumb than I thought it would be... I pictured epic rock battle with fighting instead of music... instead two guys fresh off the short bus. (jk) I chuckled at this, the guy in the chair is funny to watch, what he's trying to do with his hands to do the moves makes him look really funny.



Another thing that I found really helps, I used this when switching from a pad to a stick, then from stick to hitbox, and now my old home made hitbox with large buttons to my official one with tiny buttons... anyway, I play other games, any of the xbl arcade games like sonic or tony hawk (Tony Hawk on a hitbox is amazing btw) Ninja Turtles, etc. Playing different games with it helps me get comfortable with the device in general, then the game comes naturally. Trying to get used to it with just one game, a game that I've already mastered with a different controller, just feels too much like memorization.
That's what I tried to do but the only games I could find that didn't use the right stick were other fighting games. I couldn't even play LBP very long before I needed the right stick. Although for ps3 users, I found that you can't use it for ps2 games on your ps3, you CAN use it for psX games on your ps3 :) Final Fantasy is just nuts on my Qanba :)
I'm planning on getting one, and I just wanna ask you guys:

For all of you who currently have Hit Box and used to play on stick, do you find the smaller buttons more comfortable than the average stick's larger buttons? Also, does it help you guys with side dependencies?
I used the MK Klassic before the hitbox... the MK configuration was too far apart. The sanwas are nice, but trigger very easy. You look at the button too hard and it triggers.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
I used the MK Klassic before the hitbox... the MK configuration was too far apart. The sanwas are nice, but trigger very easy. You look at the button too hard and it triggers.
Man it took me so long to get used to sanwa,after switching from happ. my hand would actually get tired trying to keep my fingers from activating those damn buttons


I built my own hitbox a year ago and used the large Sanwa buttons for the whole thing. This fall I bought the official dual modded hitbox. The tiny buttons are hard to get used to, but it comes natural with time. Just like anything else when it's new it's weird.

The weird thing with the tiny buttons is that I'm too fast, I drop stuff because I input too early. The travel time it takes a finger to actually move and hit a button does actually change.

It's all fun though, I like learning new controllers. If there were another new style of controller I would pick it up just to learn something else. Next step: nomad dash cancels with a rockband drum kit!

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When I built my hitbox I went with the 30mm buttons too. I tried a layout with 24s, but they'd be too small for me, my hands are higher than average, so this works out well.

Also went with mk layout. :)


I have quit gaming (hardcore/fighting games) and now only game casually (some Far Cry 3 every now and then). I'm selling my hitbox if anyone's interested (Multi-Console). And yes, I mainly did his spin , JK, Dive kick, F3 spin combo with it.
I have quit gaming (hardcore/fighting games) and now only game casually (some Far Cry 3 every now and then). I'm selling my hitbox if anyone's interested (Multi-Console). And yes, I mainly did his spin , JK, Dive kick, F3 spin combo with it.
whats the price tag on that?


I have quit gaming (hardcore/fighting games) and now only game casually (some Far Cry 3 every now and then). I'm selling my hitbox if anyone's interested (Multi-Console). And yes, I mainly did his spin , JK, Dive kick, F3 spin combo with it.
You should probably open a thread in the TYM marketplace for that.


Premium Supporter
Most gamers dig the Razer Tarantula but it's expensive. I play fine on the standard Dell keyboard. I also use the Insert, Home, Pg Up, Del, End, Pg Dn keys for my attacks. I have noticed that not a single other keyboard player I've ever met has used that layout. It seems so logical, because the ones without Razer Tarantulas who use the IOP/JKL/Space bar method get key lock issues.
Most gamers dig the Razer Tarantula but it's expensive. I play fine on the standard Dell keyboard. I also use the Insert, Home, Pg Up, Del, End, Pg Dn keys for my attacks. I have noticed that not a single other keyboard player I've ever met has used that layout. It seems so logical, because the ones without Razer Tarantulas who use the IOP/JKL/Space bar method get key lock issues.
It could be because keyboards, especially in that area, differ a lot with that layout of particular buttons. So there's a whole bunch of us who use keyboards as hitboxes? Is there anywhere I can go for advice on building one and stuff? :D
Well, I don't know about building a custom hitbox with a keyboard but there are some things you might want to look into. If you are just looking for a way to play with your keyboard on an xbox or ps3 you just have to buy a converter and you are good to go.

First converters for your keyboard to xbox 360 or ps3.
PS3: eagleeye converter -> works great never had any issues with it. Around $50
Xbox360: xim3 -> works good but sometimes misses when I released a button . This is like $110 but alot of people say it is worth it if you play shooters on the xbox360.

Keyboards to use: Shock is right in the sense that his configuration is better if you have lower end keyboard. Honestly I prefer higher end keyboards for mechanical keys. The type of mechanical keys you can get can lead to really sensitive keys to one you have to press hard a little to confirm. Mechanical keys feel way better then standard ones, you actually feel like you pressed the button when you press it imo.

The razer blackwidow 2013 edition allows 10 keys pressed simultaneously before ghosting occurs. It is expensive but you can look for the tournament edition which is cheaper and has no number pad at the side.

The key thing to worry about is getting comfortable with a keyboard in your lap. It might take a while to get used to and a proper configuration is key so you don't get wrist cramps lol.
Wow, thanks a lot. I own a 360 and I've looked at the xim3. It's too expensive :\. It'd be cheaper for me to just take apart a 360 controller and an old keyboard, or build a hitbox with directional inputs on the left with a keyboard layout.