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Killer Frost ~ "Let me draw the heat from your bones, the fire from your heart"


Plus on block.
Guys that is fucking Killer Frost.

There is no one else in the DC universe that is relevant enough, has light blue skin, is a woman, and has white/light blue hair.

And Raven is in the top right, she looks a tad more demonic than I thought she would.

Now I haven't read much about Killer Frost but I do remember her being in that Justice league show, and she seemed pretty damn awesome.



You. Are Not. Alone.
Guys that is fucking Killer Frost.

There is no one else in the DC universe that is relevant enough, has light blue skin, is a woman, and has white/light blue hair.
She covers the Ice powered slot, puts the sausage fest complaints to a dead stop, and potentially free's up a spot for another Flash villain. I'm not sure how many slots there are but between this and Mirror Master showing up in the comics Colds chances are looking bleak


Guys that is fucking Killer Frost.

There is no one else in the DC universe that is relevant enough, has light blue skin, is a woman, and has white/light blue hair.
The irony of this is that Killer Frost hasn't been relevant in years/decades. Hell, her first appearance in New 52 is coming up and the books getting canceled next issue.


Plus on block.
I said relevant enough.

As in: I cant think of any other light blue skinned women with white hair in DC comics that are relevant enough.

Hell I cant think of any others at all.

What I didn't say was, "She is the only ice powered character in DC comics that is relevant" because that wouldn't be true.

Thats kind of why I said what I said, because it couldn't be anyone else...


Some of you people really don't understand what the main problem with a character like Killer Frost is, do you?
In this thread we even had a weirdo who said that because Killer Frost had one or two appearances in animated movies / shows, she would be relevant enough for this game, which is plain and simple BS.

The problem is that she steals away the spot of a character like Captain Cold, who has far more representation than Killer Frost. FAR MORE.
Especially in comic books.

As Reedoms said it, when it comes to comic books Killer Frost wasn't relevant in years.
And as I already said it, this is a fighting game based on comic book characters and not animated shows. While it might be true that this game already has some references to the shows, like for example Cyborgs: "Booyah", the main problem still remains:

It's "disrespectful" to be so stubborn and to demand a character like Killer Frost over a character like Captain Cold, simply because you think she was amazing in that show. It's probably not disrespectful to the characters, but to other people, who know more about you and who care more about you.
You turn on the television every Saturday to watch the show or you look up at Youtube for the scenes with that character and for you that's more than enough to justify your opinion, while I and many others (had) and have to spend money on comic books to read and learn more about these characters.
You watch one episode for free, while we spend so many real life Bison dollars on the comics; to own them and maybe even to have a collection.

You can request Killer Frost as much as you want, but fuck damn, stop being so stupid and saying that she is a better character than Captain Cold, or that she deserves the spot more.
She isn't, she doesn't and that that it matters what you say anyway, since most of you don't know either one of these two characters.


Burn in my Light
Some of you people really don't understand what the main problem with a character like Killer Frost is, do you?
In this thread we even had a weirdo who said that because Killer Frost had one or two appearances in animated movies / shows, she would be relevant enough for this game, which is plain and simple BS.

The problem is that she steals away the spot of a character like Captain Cold, who has far more representation than Killer Frost. FAR MORE.
Especially in comic books.

As Reedoms said it, when it comes to comic books Killer Frost wasn't relevant in years.
And as I already said it, this is a fighting game based on comic book characters and not animated shows. While it might be true that this game already has some references to the shows, like for example Cyborgs: "Booyah", the main problem still remains:

It's "disrespectful" to be so stubborn and to demand a character like Killer Frost over a character like Captain Cold, simply because you think she was amazing in that show. It's probably not disrespectful to the characters, but to other people, who know more about you and who care more about you.
You turn on the television every Saturday to watch the show or you look up at Youtube for the scenes with that character and for you that's more than enough to justify your opinion, while I and many others (had) and have to spend money on comic books to read and learn more about these characters.
You watch one episode for free, while we spend so many real life Bison dollars on the comics; to own them and maybe even to have a collection.

You can request Killer Frost as much as you want, but fuck damn, stop being so stupid and saying that she is a better character than Captain Cold, or that she deserves the spot more.
She isn't, she doesn't and that that it matters what you say anyway, since most of you don't know either one of these two characters.
You want some fries with that salt?

Lantern's Light

Member Of the Martian Manhunter Brigade .
Some of you people really don't understand what the main problem with a character like Killer Frost is, do you?
In this thread we even had a weirdo who said that because Killer Frost had one or two appearances in animated movies / shows, she would be relevant enough for this game, which is plain and simple BS.

The problem is that she steals away the spot of a character like Captain Cold, who has far more representation than Killer Frost. FAR MORE.
Especially in comic books.

As Reedoms said it, when it comes to comic books Killer Frost wasn't relevant in years.
And as I already said it, this is a fighting game based on comic book characters and not animated shows. While it might be true that this game already has some references to the shows, like for example Cyborgs: "Booyah", the main problem still remains:

It's "disrespectful" to be so stubborn and to demand a character like Killer Frost over a character like Captain Cold, simply because you think she was amazing in that show. It's probably not disrespectful to the characters, but to other people, who know more about you and who care more about you.
You turn on the television every Saturday to watch the show or you look up at Youtube for the scenes with that character and for you that's more than enough to justify your opinion, while I and many others (had) and have to spend money on comic books to read and learn more about these characters.
You watch one episode for free, while we spend so many real life Bison dollars on the comics; to own them and maybe even to have a collection.

You can request Killer Frost as much as you want, but fuck damn, stop being so stupid and saying that she is a better character than Captain Cold, or that she deserves the spot more.
She isn't, she doesn't and that that it matters what you say anyway, since most of you don't know either one of these two characters.
wow. overreacting much?


Dojo Trainee
What would really disappoint me about Killer Frost being in is that I really want a Flash villain to get a shot at the spotlight.

I mean, Killer Frost isn't gonna show up in any superhero movies any time soon. But if a Flash movie ends up happening, Cap. Cold would be a top contender.


Tired, But Strong
I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't prefer Mirror Master or Captain Boomerang out of pure favoritism, but I'm with you in hoping that we see a flash rogue in the limelight.


Worst Injustice Player
I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't prefer Mirror Master or Captain Boomerang out of pure favoritism, but I'm with you in hoping that we see a flash rogue in the limelight.
I'm kinda hoping Mirror Master is playable, but it's probably unlikely