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Dealing With the Runaway Problem, and Growing Our Sport


A prop on the stage of life.
what benefit is there for a pro player on a level up forum? there was a blog by justin wong from way back on the direction srk went with its community shift where justin said there is now a point where you reach a certain level and that is when the forum will hold you back... once upon a time srk had tons of top players actively posting and sharing strats until all the scrubs and noob favortism took over that drew them off... tym is going down the same path now and dont be suprised if in injustice half of the top 16 at majors are not even active on tym.... this happens to all sites that cater to number advertising & popular traffic flow over top players...
Because they are here to help US level up. I could care less that they get petty with one another. This place is a gateway for players to expand and grow their scene. All the information on the games is put here...and a lot of it is FROM top level players. I don't see how posting useful information on the site for the community is somehow "holding you back". The top players here drove each other away or got too involved with people trolling them.


what benefit is there for a pro player on a level up forum? there was a blog by justin wong from way back on the direction srk went with its community shift where justin said there is now a point where you reach a certain level and that is when the forum will hold you back... once upon a time srk had tons of top players actively posting and sharing strats until all the scrubs and noob favortism took over that drew them off... tym is going down the same path now and dont be suprised if in injustice half of the top 16 at majors are not even active on tym.... this happens to all sites that cater to number advertising & popular traffic flow over top players...
This is true but also be aware that its a domino effect as well.. You have players that haven't even reach that level and are disappearing just because everybody is. Some players have no reason to just up and leave and do it because they just want to follow the crowd.


Because they are here to help US level up. I could care less that they get petty with one another. This place is a gateway for players to expand and grow their scene. All the information on the games is put here...and a lot of it is FROM top level players. I don't see how posting useful information on the site for the community is somehow "holding you back". The top players here drove each other away or got too involved with people trolling them.
Actually dood, I wouldn't entirely agree with this. The top players are here to help themselves STAY top players by keeping up with meta-game and tech/tactics with other characters and scenes. That part that helps everyone else is the public discussions of tech and strats for everyone to view and learn from. Not saying that top players aren't willing to train and teach, but I would say that it's not the #1 reason why they're here.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
Because they are here to help US level up. I could care less that they get petty with one another. This place is a gateway for players to expand and grow their scene. All the information on the games is put here...and a lot of it is FROM top level players. I don't see how posting useful information on the site for the community is somehow "holding you back". The top players here drove each other away or got too involved with people trolling them.
To be fair, many top players probably don't care about leveling up the people here. Fact is, there's nothing the site provides that will help THEM level up at this point (besides frame data); they're usually the ones with any useful information to share. And even if there is, they don't need to post to get the info they need. Also, I'm sure top players have each others texts, IMs, GTs, or Skypes to discuss anything they want in detail. This is probably where Wong is coming from (though I dunno about a forum holding anyone back). =P

Honestly, the only top player I'm surprised just vanished at this point was Pig Of The Hut . Dunno the story behind that, but I thought he just enjoyed posting here and supporting the community. Maybe he retired temporarily or got bored? Unless the Kenshi hate and Pig downplaying got to him...lol
Reactions: SLy


A prop on the stage of life.
Actually dood, I wouldn't entirely agree with this. The top players are here to help themselves STAY top players by keeping up with meta-game and tech/tactics with other characters and scenes. That part that helps everyone else is the public discussions of tech and strats for everyone to view and learn from. Not saying that top players aren't willing to train and teach, but I would say that it's not the #1 reason why they're here.
You mean to say that the meta game isn't developed by the top players in the first place?


A prop on the stage of life.
To be fair, many top players probably don't care about leveling up the people here. Fact is, there's nothing the site provides that will help THEM level up at this point (besides frame data); they're usually the ones with any useful information to share. And even if there is, they don't need to post to get the info they need. Also, I'm sure top players have each others texts, IMs, GTs, or Skypes to discuss anything they want in detail. This is probably where Wong is coming from (though I dunno about a forum holding anyone back). =P

Honestly, the only top player I'm surprised just vanished at this point was Pig Of The Hut . Dunno the story behind that, but I thought he just enjoyed posting here and supporting the community. Maybe he retired temporarily or got bored? Unless the Kenshi hate and Pig downplaying got to him...lol
The whole point of being on the site is to level and be leveled up. If you aren't doing either, then I agree, you shouldn't be here. I was being overly optimistic I guess. It just sounds strange that they are here to keep up with the meta if its just mere "scrubs" talking about the game.
Ok, there may be disagreement between people, but any content regarding the game a top player posts on TYM is helping level up the community. No one needs to literally spoon feed you info. The content is accessible to anyone, and just ask them and they'll answer you. You can't say they don't "care".

You do the leveling up yourself, by either playing offline or online and trying to learn as best as you can with the info you're given. How do you all think the guides and BnBs and such is created? Thin air. A large part is due to top players.

I aslo hate the mentality that if you're not top player, there's no point in playing or attending events.

If you have the resources, don't hold yourself back for absurd reasons.


The whole point of being on the site is to level and be leveled up. If you aren't doing either, then I agree, you shouldn't be here. I was being overly optimistic I guess. It just sounds strange that they are here to keep up with the meta if its just mere "scrubs" talking about the game.
Maybe that used to be the whole point of the site. It doesn't look that way anymore. Even if you ignore all the Injustice stuff(which is reasonable, but annoying imo), threads about gameplay and tech and strategy don't get as many views or posts as other stuff. Usually stuff relating to match ups are the closest you can get to gameplay and still get a response anywhere near what drama threads get, and that's mostly because there's drama in the match up threads


A prop on the stage of life.
Just so we're all clear here, I'm in no way calling anyone out or being sarcastic in my responses. I'm not here to argue. #savethedramaforyomama


You mean to say that the meta game isn't developed by the top players in the first place?
Mostly, yeah. What I meant by that was that the top players will come here to see what's being developed by other top players and all of this forms the metagame.

For example, how pissed off would someone like REO or 16Bit or Pig be if they got sent to losers at EVO by a low-level player because they didn't realize that 50% of the community is using Baraka and they didn't train against the character.


Here is a perfect example of why top players have peaced out.


Slips tries to post some good information based on real experience and what do you get? The usual Foxy Show and a bunch of guys shouting it down who didn't even seem to comprehend what Slips was talking about.
Pretty much this exactly, i'm not usually an angry person but my god the rage i felt reading that thread was ridiculous
Everyone thinks they are the law, and the ones that don't get pushed aside


A prop on the stage of life.
Here is a perfect example of why top players have peaced out.


Slips tries to post some good information based on real experience and what do you get? The usual Foxy Show and a bunch of guys shouting it down who didn't even seem to comprehend what Slips was talking about.
Well...to be fair, there were still people who agreed with him too....:) Can't people disagree without resorting to "peacing out"?

Edit:I mean, its one thing to contest with words over the internet, but another to prove someone right or wrong. In this case, when foxy gets his back blown out by d1~spear, he'll surely concede. :coffee:

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Here is a perfect example of why top players have peaced out.


Slips tries to post some good information based on real experience and what do you get? The usual Foxy Show and a bunch of guys shouting it down who didn't even seem to comprehend what Slips was talking about.
I believe in posting for the evolution of the way the game is played, I don't think it would help players by advising them to throw out D1 spears. If you have space to throw a poke out, you have space to do something else other than risk losing half a life bar.

I'm not going any further into this topic though.

My posts aren't based on real experience either? Do I not actually play MK? What have I been doing?



because there is no perk on being a top player on this site... what is the point in being a top player on a site where you have as much say as billy312... being a top player is only worth it when at a tournament because you have a chance to win... this forum alienates the top players and calls them glamour girls for reasons not understood.. why would top players want to feed the hands that bite them.... its true what they say... all it takes is one to ruin it for them all so next time you see someone heckling a pro maybe you should step in and get a mod instead of ignoring it... im a elitist from my heart deep in so i only listen to what top players have to say on game play topics... its getting harder and harder to find info from those pros these days with all these jobbers posting there 2 cents....


My blades will find your heart

because there is no perk on being a top player on this site... what is the point in being a top player on a site where you have as much say as billy312... being a top player is only worth it when at a tournament because you have a chance to win... this forum alienates the top players and calls them glamour girls for reasons not understood.. why would top players want to feed the hands that bite them.... its true what they say... all it takes is one to ruin it for them all so next time you see someone heckling a pro maybe you should step in and get a mod instead of ignoring it... im a elitist from my heart deep in so i only listen to what top players have to say on game play topics... its getting harder and harder to find info from those pros these days with all these jobbers posting there 2 cents....
A lot of the top players like Pig enjoyed interacting with the community. Also props fishing.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Here is a perfect example of why top players have peaced out.


Slips tries to post some good information based on real experience and what do you get? The usual Foxy Show and a bunch of guys shouting it down who didn't even seem to comprehend what Slips was talking about.
well maybe you and those "top" players should put on your big boy pants on and deal with it. you guys are really that fragile? really Steve? what exactly does that have to do with the way this forum is moderated?

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
well maybe you and those "top" players should put on your big boy pants on and deal with it. you guys are really that fragile? really Steve? what exactly does that have to do with the way this forum is moderated?

We are dealing with it. By leaving. It's not worth it anymore.

The moderation problem is when threads are closed or subjects are edited for no good reason.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Boy did I pick a Fun time to look in on TYM

First Off let me post to make some things clear:

1. I IN NO WAY EVER HAVE HAD AN ISSUE W TYM STAFF, I think they are leaps and bounds beyond MKU or any other team in their inside scoops, news, coverage, promptness, etc etc. Plus LBSH NRS (so i've heard) visits one site because of that (and some funny member created videos). So Kudos to them (and that special video maker).

2. Killphil SPLED0R you're both right honestly. Wong, chris g, etc etc dont post on SRK anymore for variety of reasons. Most of those being the same reason I myself (cause i can't speak for anyone else) doesnt care, bother to post in response whats on this site or especially the trash on another site.

The people who left simply took their ball and went home.
No one owns anything they do. Everyone is a 13 year old girl fighting another 13 year old girl.
Not sure who this is aimed at but for me its not this at all. For me, it's more about how I got tired of all the bitching, crying, moaning from players taking out their frustrations against other players and characters they cant defeat. Also was tired of trolling in general (it's childish) and ego boosters who feel the need to have 13 accounts on tym or downplay another Top player's accomplishments because he was butthurt of his recent success. Also this multiple account shit on Twitch between VERY WELL KNOWN MEMBERS is the most pathetic shit ever, basically what you have are people too chicken shit to be real under their own moniker.

And I just got to the point that I asked myself, Do i honestly have time for this anymore and If I do have time Do I want to use it to sit there, read, reply, and then rinse repeat 10x and get nowhere because trolls or illogical people? Or people who plain suck at MK and just want some attention? ........ then Cool I just wasted a good amount of time for nothing. I figured, why me? Let someone else take the bait and engage in dumbass conversations.

we're gonna have new top players come injustice hopefully, let's pray they're not a bunch of drama queens and divas this time, eh?

Dont bet on it, Seriously Don't. I myself am not being a "drama queen" I just have better things to do than post really good shit and have it blasted by people who think Reptile is bottom 8.

Don't you train quite often with GGA Dizzy at your home? And with the rest of the GGA crew at that? Isn't discussion on strategies part of the whole training agenda you guys likely have? So who are you to say that discussing such things is a waste of time, when the reality is that it's how all players, pro and learners alike, develop themselves in the competitive scene? Whether people are mistaken in their views on match-ups, character-specific tactics, frame data, etc. isn't the point nor should they be getting blown up for that...because they learn through experience. Even I change my views on some things over time.

That was the whole idea behind TYM: to grow and support our players, not support a drama hub for people to single others out and cast stones at them. Blaming other people for such problems solves nothing, either. I'm all for competitive drama and hype - Hell, I bleed it whenever I'm in tournaments - but if the line between a friendly rivalry and heated feud becomes blurry, it completely detracts from the whole point of being a competitor.
Blake you're right, I do talk w 16 bit, reo, Tom, Pl, Etc etc etc about MUs and strats because on my phone call we're not interrupted amongst us 3 or 5 or 2 or whatever it may be on the phone with some moronic troll and Online Clan member who thinks he's all hot shit and marbles and goes 1-2 0-2 0-2 when it matters offline giving us his "DEFINITE" opinions and strats and then proceeding to argue our strats.

After a while man It gets old fast, then very fast.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he meant those "behind-the-scenes" players believe it's a waste of time discussing anything here because of all the "bullshit" (heavy moderation, flames/arguments, disagreements to what they believe is fact, etc) that occurs when they do.

I dont know about other top players but for me it's not about any moderation. It's always about keeping it precise and to the point without morons trolling it with excessive use of a joke such as "BF2 bro" "Kenshi bro" "Kabal OP bro." Gotten to the point to where Im only interested in helping others level up privately in 1v1 sessions, skype, my stream, etc because when I was posting on forums it was one troll after another and it instantly became a waste of my time.

And for the record I have no beef with Reo, I know there was TONS of chatter about me and reo...OoooOOOoo shit was lame and taken out of context. We talked a ton recently and we completely get each other and how it happened yadda yadda...Thats between us as is my issues w other players that have also been worked out. I do think there are some top players that are complete assholes and unprofessional and need to lead by example rather than acting like a child but those few people Im thinking of probably have deeper issues and are few and far between. I think Top players need to do the following (And im going to be serious here)

Furthermore Injustice will be great, Im not going anywhere. Ill be streaming 12:01am april 16 when the game is out playing it all night and day and providing ass loads of good info that players will want to look into. Ill be 100% competing in Injustice and Im sure more Injustice Info will be released Soon all will be interested in. Should be awesome!
The moderation problem is when threads are closed or subjects are edited for no good reason.
Hey, I wrote a big long post about this before, but it turned out to have a really poor tone and I ended up throwing the whole thing out. Do you think you could give some examples of threads like this? Also, in the future, do you think you can PM me if you ever have an issue with how moderating is being done on this site? I'm not 100% sure where you're coming from, and my job is to help. Any issues let me know and I'll work with you to get it either A. taken care of or B. have an agreement reached. Thanks.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Ill add one more thing.

So in past year Ive been blamed for

1. Rigging Evo
2. Rigging Final Round
3. Rigging MLG Online tourney
4. Hacking MKU, destroying it and making death threats to a mod there in the midst of it all (Wow)
5. I probably was blamed for rigging of Nec (Which would be tight cause I wasnt even there...#props to me....Oh wait i was see #7)
6. Said Im only good at MK (ignoring the fact I was boss in all MKs before this one) cause a character I use (Yet Im on record w all top players saying he is definitely #2 and possibly 5-5 w kabal and lao and beats reptile 6-4 and 5-5 w cyrax...........Yea you guys might have missed that one). I literally had a sub zero player bitch to me once that I only beat him cause of Kenshi..........then he proceeded to lose to all other 9 characters I use.
7. Rigging the chance for a GA Umk3 player's dream of winning UMK3 at NEC ............#JerkDickMotion
8. ***Insert Blame For something I forgot***

Yet I still stuck around and helped the community w streams, donations, over sea donations, free hotel rooms, yadda yadda yadda.

So you take the above and the previous post I had and ask yourself how you would feel about all that? lol I mean fuck I rigged a global world championship and a $3000 online tourney as well as a major in one year? GTFO here thats impressive.............Too bad i didn't though

I knew my telekinetic powers were OP but god damn thats quite a feat.


Like I said before, I check PMs so if you want some match up experience either PM me here, txt me, skype me, etc etc follow my stream and we'll record it and talk about it if you wish. Im always down when I have time but time is sometimes is hard.


About #4. TYM was a huge help during this time. The only issue ive had ever w moderation is w multiple accounts but sometimes it's hard to rid the site of due to proxys and all. It's more about those using them growing up.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
We are dealing with it. By leaving. It's not worth it anymore.

The moderation problem is when threads are closed or subjects are edited for no good reason.
Any reason we choose is a good reason. If I came into your house, and acted a fool, what would you do?

We haven't been perfect with the moderation, but please tell me about any forum that has. Please. We have learned from mistakes, just how you've done in growing as a MK9 player. But we will not cater to top players who think that the community revolves around them, because it does not. It revolves around the players who show up at weekly & monthly gatherings. It revolves around those players who spend every last penny they have to several states away to a tourney to support MK. It revolves around those guys who spend HOURS upon HOURS researching frame data for a game, to spend even more time making a guide to help teach others how to get better at the game. I could go on and on. Stop being so damn selfish. Don't like it? Fine, go away. We were fine without you before, and we'll only get better improve whether you're here or not. It makes no difference.

And if you really care about how people think of you, and care what what is truly important, we both know how this will end up.