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Noob.Com updated and reset with more clues!

Looking at it, it's definitely a word search, though a very unconventional one. Found Hall of Justice, but it's done strangely.


Like that. Also found GREEN, CLOWN, WINGS, RAIN(diagonal), YELLOW(backwards), PAKO, LOIS, SUPERB(using the S from LOIS), APATHY, LOVEROFGRODD, DEATH STROKE(STROKE starts below DEATH), CNET(admitted by Boon to be one of his favorite sites), even found RAVEN with a little finagling, though it might just be my mind trying to cram it in where it shouldn't work.


SCENARIO is under yellow. Also, DIE is above CLOWN. Die Clown. And it's LOVEROF TACOS (going upwards above the f) ShadowKnight1. :)

Does any character other than Deadpool have an affinity for Tacos?


SCENARIO is under yellow. Also, DIE is above CLOWN. Die Clown. And it's LOVEROF TACOS (going upwards above the f) ShadowKnight1. :)

Does any character other than Deadpool have an affinity for Tacos?
Lover of Tacos is a twitter handle that Boon has been seen tweeting with in the past week or two. So that's probably where it comes from, we are probably reading way too much into this puzzle and Ed is loving every second of it.


kool guy

I think it would be easier on the eyes to just circle things in MS Paint but that would be a lot of work. Might do it later.


Lover of Tacos is a twitter handle that Boon has been seen tweeting with in the past week or two. So that's probably where it comes from, we are probably reading way too much into this puzzle and Ed is loving every second of it.
A twitter handle? I follow him and I haven't seen anything of the kind. Must have missed it.


kool guy
Also I found "ETHANK".
Any hero named Ethan or Hank?

EDIT: Also found TERRY right about APATHY. Future Batman skin?


Justice 4 Firestorm
I see Pako and Lebaron. (References to Paulo Garcia and Brian Lebaron.)

LLIBION = Billion
MTARANI= Martian? EDIT: Most likely a reference to Mike Taran.

Also see Skater,and possibly Cyborg? It's bunched weird.

Edit 2: I see : "MKCDJR" as well.