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Noob.Com updated and reset with more clues!

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
I haven't really been keeping up with this thread but has anyone seen this picture?

It's on the first page #9.
I'm sure I'm hella late and it's been discussed but I didn't see it lol
So...is that Supergirl deconfirmed? I wonder what that says about Power Girl's chances...


Steam / Twitch: Apsasu
i think it spells something. the first 9 numbers from the top left corner going horizontal spell injustice. maybe its a cross word or something

nice find btw


Thrill Kill
If you assign each number a letter:

9 = I
14 = N
10 = J
21 = U
19 = S
20 = T
9 = I
3 = C
5 = E

maybe we have to figure out other letters, and find words in the numbers?


draxx them sklounst
the first row is a lot of gibberish: injusticeategdaginidduptub. So there's definitely more to it than just the letter-number cipher, but I'm not sure what.
pretty sure it's a crossword. hopefully the numbers that are greater than 26 are just to mislead cause if there's some more trolling going on then fuuuuu


draxx them sklounst
First column down gave me nothing either. For the ones greater than 26 I just started over; 27=A, 28=b, etc.

Here's the column, though I don't think it matters :itapsskamnomqfhdvjzhqyebac


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
I have translated the numbers into letters. When the numbers rose above 26, I just carried the letters over to the next numbers (A = 27, B = 28, ect.) Thanks for the tip, CallmeTetris. I'm gonna try and decode the letters and see if they reveal anything of importance later on, possibly tomorrow. Feel free to try yourselves:



Hey guys, stumbled on this post from Neogaf, not sure if it means anything, but maybe it's the right idea.
First letters of first row spell "INJUSTICE", last letters of last row spell "YCNEGRUSNI" - which is "INSURGENCY" backwords. There are backward wards here. There's also the word "FATALITIES" in here :)
Here the whole list backwards:



Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*