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For Those Who Like To Write

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I'm Currently writting a Spy craft comic named "Shadow Geist" and i expect to sell it, once i get build up a team with a penciler, inker, and a publisher corp.


How important is it for me to be reading other fiction if I'm also writing it? I'm just asking because I like to read nonfiction a whole lot more. Same goes for television and movies. Wonder if this is hurting me. Thanks.

G4S MinotaurLord

Wielder of Toxins
I write a bunch of poetry, work on some short stories, and have written a bunch of essays (during my time as an MA student). Now I teach other people how to write essays in Comp 1 and Comp 2 and all that. I've always been too "scared" to write something larger; I have ideas, but don't think I can handle the scope of a 3-500 page novel. That being said, I will be happy to edit anything you guys have written (for a small fee, cough cough) on a professional level.

I've actually been meaning to finish up some short stories and get them published. It's mostly an issue of time, not inspiration.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
I write stories. (or at least try to)

Mostly I go into planning stages, get very inspired, create large plot twists and create the whole layout but when I start to write I realize that I don't know how to get past the "uneventful" moments.

I kould probably write short stories but I'm always looking on expanding my ideas to a novel.


I just noticed a file upload button there. If I can find my tale on a flash drive back home, I'll put it here for everyone to make fun of. I might have erased it since I finished the book though. I'll check later.

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
I just noticed a file upload button there. If I can find my tale on a flash drive back home, I'll put it here for everyone to make fun of. I might have erased it since I finished the book though. I'll check later.
i doubt anyone will make fun trolls wont bother reading it lol , post it up ill read it :)


Here's 10 years, on and off, off pure misery. The story is a mixture of things from poetry, and short stories. I tried to make a novel out of it all. I'd be surprised if anyone makes it past Chapter 4.


Stay Free
Thanks for replying. I have a book online. Needs work, but, it's a start. It's called Descending Shade. It has problems. I gave up after my first rejection slip. Writing something I hope is better now.......Thanks for showing some interest though......everyone has something good to offer this world. Challenge is finding what that is.
Just so you know, I'm pretty sure J.K. Rowling got rejected with her first Harry Potter book like 12 times or something around that. Now look where she's at. Never give up, just improve.


I'll have to check when I get home, obviously bigger than the 1MB allowed. If it is not much bigger I can break it up. If it's a lot bigger, I'm not sure what I'll do.



File is too big, don't worry about it.

Can anyone explain how important it is to have ABI, (Advanced Book Information) and/or a Book Proposal from personal experience? I've read about the subjects, but would love more input. Thanks. Trying to get prepared......


This is my newest garbage. If it sucks, just don't say so, tell me why. Thanks. It's obviously not done, but before I go crazy, I just want to hear what people think. Thanks again for your time.


Forum General Emeritus
Do you have a blog or a Twitter account? Those are probably your best bets for reaching out to others in your line of work and getting noticed.