Sweet mother of Gwyn, Black Dragon Kalameet has completely revitalized my interest in this game. So much so, that I may continue with a NG+ run. Artorias, whilst entertaining enough, doesn't come at you with the ferocity of BDK, you can pretty much patiently wait for your openings, and there's intervals where he gives ye breathing room. Going balls out melee against Kalameet on the other hand trounces any other fight pve/pvp that I've experienced thus far. Getting bodied is a damn treat, I say!
This couldn't come at a better time, as I had a shitty ass PVP experience just yesterday. Great Invasions, Great Experiences, this was not.
1)Laggy ass Korean player backstabs while in front of me. Oh joy
2)Spawn camping dip shit spams dark magic bs, my experiment with Silver Pendant deflect is a fail. This pendant leaves you vulnerable to mixed magic attacks, or rush down in tight quarters, very risky business. Maybe I'm free as hell, I don't know, but I do really well outside of dark magic dillholes. (No offense to any of ye mages out there.)
3)See above
This was all in Oolacile btw. Heh, bleh