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Really likes to throw things at you.
Don't consider this an argument, but TWoP and WoG are exactly why I hate faith builds. Both facing them and building them. But then again, you and I sound like opposites. I don't really use katanas, and the only dex build I have uses daggers. lol
ehhh ive had my PVP fun, im mostly just PVE now so i dont use TWoP. and i used originally used a lightning Gaxe +10 (hardest hitting weapon i could find) when the game was first released, but you get the uchi so early it just makes sense.


A prop on the stage of life.
Not even, I'll prolly get around 2 hours or more on my first playthrough. I blasted through Catacombs tonight for the first time I've ever done it. Took me like 10 mins hauling ass through it
Did you take the shortcut where you fall all the way to the bottom and summon Leeroy or did you literally run all the way through the level?

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Sweet mother of Gwyn, Black Dragon Kalameet has completely revitalized my interest in this game. So much so, that I may continue with a NG+ run. Artorias, whilst entertaining enough, doesn't come at you with the ferocity of BDK, you can pretty much patiently wait for your openings, and there's intervals where he gives ye breathing room. Going balls out melee against Kalameet on the other hand trounces any other fight pve/pvp that I've experienced thus far. Getting bodied is a damn treat, I say!

This couldn't come at a better time, as I had a shitty ass PVP experience just yesterday. Great Invasions, Great Experiences, this was not.

1)Laggy ass Korean player backstabs while in front of me. Oh joy
2)Spawn camping dip shit spams dark magic bs, my experiment with Silver Pendant deflect is a fail. This pendant leaves you vulnerable to mixed magic attacks, or rush down in tight quarters, very risky business. Maybe I'm free as hell, I don't know, but I do really well outside of dark magic dillholes. (No offense to any of ye mages out there.)
3)See above

This was all in Oolacile btw. Heh, bleh :p


On another note, I really do like the balder side sword and wonder why I've never used it before. Such a versatile weapon. :)
The Balder Side Sword is great. I have a Hunter that has a full suite of them (normal, lightning, fire, chaos, magic, enchanted, divine, occult, no raw or crystal though because those are dumb). It has an absurd reach and uses very little stamina, making it difficult to backstab around. I would say it's better than the Uchigatana for Dex builds for the move sets alone, and the increased durability is a nice bonus. That thrust is great at breaking poise too.


Elder God
Silver pendant is a troll item, completely useless, even against Manus

Son ov Timett , The only two places to pvp are the Burg and sometimes the Kiln. Everywhere else sucks Major dick.
And even then there are good time and bad but, when playing PvP with a friend present it is always a blast

The Vast majority of my PvPing is spent summoning Xblades in the burg and setting up a sort of tournament where the winner keeps fighting 1v1 until he dies, and in this setting the Host (me) is able to stop any bullshit like chain BS and Double teaming with either my trusty Bow or a quick running stab of my Uchi


Elder God
Quick question, Does anyone else use Duel wielding?

I've been having alot of fun lately trying to combine two weapons that complement each other's moveset and have come up with some pretty effective combinations


A Call For Blood
Sweet mother of Gwyn, Black Dragon Kalameet has completely revitalized my interest in this game. So much so, that I may continue with a NG+ run. Artorias, whilst entertaining enough, doesn't come at you with the ferocity of BDK, you can pretty much patiently wait for your openings, and there's intervals where he gives ye breathing room. Going balls out melee against Kalameet on the other hand trounces any other fight pve/pvp that I've experienced thus far. Getting bodied is a damn treat, I say!

This couldn't come at a better time, as I had a shitty ass PVP experience just yesterday. Great Invasions, Great Experiences, this was not.

1)Laggy ass Korean player backstabs while in front of me. Oh joy
2)Spawn camping dip shit spams dark magic bs, my experiment with Silver Pendant deflect is a fail. This pendant leaves you vulnerable to mixed magic attacks, or rush down in tight quarters, very risky business. Maybe I'm free as hell, I don't know, but I do really well outside of dark magic dillholes. (No offense to any of ye mages out there.)
3)See above

This was all in Oolacile btw. Heh, bleh :p
You do realize tomorrow night and into sunday night will be me on the xbox playing dark souls. Thus you will level up


A Call For Blood
Quick question, Does anyone else use Duel wielding?

I've been having alot of fun lately trying to combine two weapons that complement each other's moveset and have come up with some pretty effective combinations
I have dual wield builds. But in all honesty, there is no benefit to dual wielding besides looks. With the minor exception of off handing a spear.

My characters are all running around with double katanas though


A Call For Blood
How late do ye plan on playing? If you're on around midnight, I'll most definitely hit you up. ;)
I'll be on basically friday night till like 3-4am ish
saturday I'll be on literally the whole day till 4-5am
sunday whole day as well

Be switching off between MK and dark souls and caitlin who's spending saturday with me


A prop on the stage of life.
I have dual wield builds. But in all honesty, there is no benefit to dual wielding besides looks. With the minor exception of off handing a spear.

My characters are all running around with double katanas though
I haven't tried it myself, but the gold tracer may actually be a good dual wield weapon. The left hand attacks aren't as awkward as they would be with other weapons. Its that specific weapon too.


A prop on the stage of life.
I just thought I'd chime in on some pvp thing I'm just now coming across. This is so weird, like I wonder how many times I've fallen for this dumb shit.

So when I play pvp and me and buddy are dancing around one another...90% of the time, without failure, I end up getting ganked in the back. My friend has given me this technique and its so silly yet effective. Basically when someone locks onto you and starts to circle around you, all you do is take like two steps back and rotate in the same direction as they do and they end up literally walking into the backstab. Thoughts?

Edit: lmao! Guys you need to try this shit!



A Call For Blood
I just thought I'd chime in on some pvp thing I'm just now coming across. This is so weird, like I wonder how many times I've fallen for this dumb shit.

So when I play pvp and me and buddy are dancing around one another...90% of the time, without failure, I end up getting ganked in the back. My friend has given me this technique and its so silly yet effective. Basically when someone locks onto you and starts to circle around you, all you do is take like two steps back and rotate in the same direction as they do and they end up literally walking into the backstab. Thoughts?
pivot stab

well known. easily punished


A Call For Blood
It is my great pleasure to announce I will be aquiring a TV this weekend from my father that he no longer needs.

Therefore I will be once again terrorizing Lordran again.

:) See you all when I invade


EX Ovi should launch
Dark bead made this game too easy, i just did kalameet and then killed gwyn for NG+. Now the first time around gwyn was almost challenging, this time round i walked in the room, power within, tin crystal catalyst, crown of dusk, bellowing dragoncrest ring. He did his lunging jumping attack as i was doing Dark Bead, he jumped face first into it and died in one shot.

Dark souls pls.