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The Official Souls Forum (Demon/DS1/DS2)


I'm a literal Sloth
As long as this game is hard, I'll be extremely happy. I was impressed with everything I've seen so far. I just want the game now >_<

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
I just hope they flesh out the covenant system. Half of the covenants in Souls offer little loyalty incentive, with absolution for oath breaking through Oswald of Carim. Such crimes against your brethren should result in being drawn and quartered. Addition of tiers to a given covenant would also be a nice touch. Leveling to +2/+3 in the majority of the covenants was far too easy. Even something as small as a piece of specialized gear (shield, weapon, helm, what have you for reaching +4 would be gravy. Also all items gained through a certain covenant need to be exclusive to that covenant. Dark Souls is horseshit in that regards.

WotW, Princess Guard, Chaos Servant, Path of the Dragon = All fairly worthless covenants
The covenants that work semi well such as the Darkmoons and Wraiths still are rather unpolished.


EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
I just hope they flesh out the covenant system. Half of the covenants in Souls offer little loyalty incentive, with absolution for oath breaking through Oswald of Carim. Such crimes against your brethren should result in being drawn and quartered. Addition of tiers to a given covenant would also be a nice touch. Leveling to +2/+3 in the majority of the covenants was far too easy. Even something as small as a piece of specialized gear (shield, weapon, helm, what have you for reaching +4 would be gravy. Also all items gained through a certain covenant need to be exclusive to that covenant. Dark Souls is horseshit in that regards.

WotW, Princess Guard, Chaos Servant, Path of the Dragon = All fairly worthless covenants
The covenants that work semi well such as the Darkmoons and Wraiths still are rather unpolished.

Dragon covenant wasn't useless, you got to duel other dragon covenant people until you got the full dragon powers, I think it was really cool. Chaos Servant was useless... Princess Guard is sort of like Sun Bros but you get weird healing spells instead. Wotw I think was made to be the starter covenant so all it really does it get you paired with summons better.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
In 200 hours of Souls (usually in human form), I probably came across 2 members of PotD. How much inter-covenant PVP did you get?

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Chaos Servant was good for ruining other peoples lives. Just camp out in Tomb of Giants and put down your sign and 3 people will never be getting anything done ever.

Chaos Servant not Gravelord Servant, I made that mistake at first too.


Chaos Servant not Gravelord Servant, I made that mistake at first too.
I totally misread that. Chaos Servant was good if you wanted to skip Lost Izalith which is what I did every time. Finish the area then switch to another covenant so I wouldn't have to go through that shit.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
A few days late, but some tidbits coming from E3.

Word has spread among E3's Dark Souls aficionados that Namco Bandai is giving a free shirt to anyone who can defeat the Mirror Knight, the boss in the playable build on display today. Shirts are basically worthless at E3: most people accrue dozens across the week. When the convention closes at 6pm, dozens of unwanted video game shirts lay abandoned in the canteens.

According to a Namco rep, not one journalist has managed to defeat the Mirror Knight. Even the rep had only managed to defeat it once, and he'd spent the last six hours demonstrating the same five minutes of gameplay over, and over again.

So yes, as in Dark Souls, you will need to do things over and over again, and isn't that bloody good news? The section we played - from an unspecified section of the game - was tiny but unforgiving. The player begins in a castle tower before descending via a pitch black cellar into a ruined courtyard. In order to navigate the cellar without getting slaughtered, it's necessary to carry a torch. But in order to carry a torch, you must sacrifice your shield, which many Dark Souls fans will know is a high price to pay for the ability to see.
Enemies range from typical variations on the lumpen undead seen throughout Dark Souls, though to a new turtle-backed beast that will crush you beneath its shell dare you attack it from behind. The enemy AI has been improved, in the sense that each enemy's moveset is larger than before. This means simply memorising what each foe is capable of will not hold you in good stead. Even the lowly enemies are unpredictable, though patience and observation is still rewarded. As in Dark Souls, three consecutive sword swipes is very reckless, so know your enemy.

The controls operate and feel exactly the same as Dark Souls 2, but there is a new health item in addition to Estus. Called Lifegems, these items regenerate health very slowly and by a fraction of what an Estus will. It's a trade-off, because consuming Lifegems doesn't slow the player down like supping from the Estus flask does, and be warned: enemy's are more likely to attack while your guard is down in Dark Souls 2. They're smarter.
Another neat change is with dual-wielding: if you're brave enough to forgo a shield, you can actually attack with both weapons simultaneously, rather than with just one at a time. Simply equip two weapons and hit the button to attack with two hands, and you'll deal a lot of damage to certain enemies, but it's a risky maneuver.

Overall, Dark Souls 2 feels very similar to the first, albeit prettier. According to director Yui Tanimura, the two are also vaguely linked in other ways. "In terms of the story, Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2 take place in the same universe but they are different locations and times," he said. "They don't really have a direct relationship though. Players will be able to see familiar aspects, and possibly some connections."
Tanimura also told us that vehicles won't appear in Dark Souls 2 as previously reported, at least not for free player traversal. "Right now we're not intending to include any vehicles that you can ride anywhere you want," Yanimura said. "As in Dark Souls, there may be the ability to ride something in a specific situation, but nothing that you can control."

The team has also made some slight adjustments to the way character classes are set. In our build there were four available characters: a warrior, sorcerer, temple knight and dual swordsman. We weren't shown stats for any of these, but the dual swordsman is geared towards speed and agility, but will be too weak to wield a useful shield unless leveled appropriately. According to a Namco rep, the dual swordsman is the most difficult character class to start with.
On the topic of Humanity, Yanimura wouldn't confirm whether the system will return. Nor would he be drawn on covenants or PvP, though he did say they were "revisiting" the rules to keep the experience fresh.

As we navigate the ruined courtyard after the pitch black cellar, a strange event occurs: three dark phantoms materialise. No one will explain whether this was triggered by us, somehow, or a scripted event, but knowing we have no chance of prevailing we dodge for a nearby bonfire and warp away. There are only two connected bonfires in the build we played, but in the final game all will be connected and warpable.
On the other side of the bonfire a long dark hall awaits. In the southern alcove several candles are lit, and according to Tanimura each of these candles represents a death. Whenever any player online dies at the hands of the boss in this area, a new candle will be lit, and you will see it.
That boss is the Mirror Knight: the mongrel no journalist has managed to defeat. He's a tall knight with a sweeping heavy sword attack and a lightning projectile. He also wields a mirror which, in the final build, will be an invasion entry point for other human players. This means you'll be dealing with not only a boss but also an invader, which is hilariously sadistic.

Invader or not, the Mirror Knight is tough. I whittled his health down only a quarter of the way before the famous You Died screen crushed my pathetic little heart. My palms were sweating, my arms were shaking, and an oppressive sense of dread rose from my gut into my throat. I haven't felt that way since I played Dark Souls. I cherish that feeling.
Later in the Convention Center canteen, I notice a guy wearing a Dark Souls 2 shirt. I approach him with a mixture of jealousy and awe, because I wanted to be the owner of that shirt.
"So you beat the Mirror Knight then?" I asked him. He smiled widely, took a seat, and then we talked about Dark Souls for half an hour. Nothing bonds two people like a mutual affection for Dark Souls.

Source - http://www.computerandvideogames.com


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
My lord I have been playing this game since its release and still have yet to even beat Demons Souls. I never realized so many here play this game, now I trully feel like I have a home at TYM, you guys support MK and IGAU and finally my 3 rd passion.

Sorry if i didn't read this entire thread, but here is my thought on DS2 though. I have a feeling its still going to be chanllenging, but the lore is going to a little less discreet, though I enjoyed the discreetness of DS, I just feel it was a little too discreet. The Covenants I think will definately have more substance and a whole lot more meaning. I know they really pushing this into a full blow AAA game I do think they are thus far keeping true to its core on what it is and what has always been.

Now I'm just curious on how the lore is going to evolve since this is an actual sequal and not a spiritual successor.

Praise the Sun!


Believe in the hop kick
I have been doing some PVP after almost a year and a half long break from the game and it's nice to see that people still play. DWG ring nerf is great and there is a lot more diversity in skills and items used now. It seems like u get more souls for killing hosts or leveling is cheaper or something, but I do not recall leveling this easily still at 327, all I need to do is kill a couple of hosts for 400K souls and get to a little over 1M to level up again.

Does anyone know if the amount of souls gotten from PVP kills is dependent on the souls carried by the loser or their soul level? I invade as a forest hunter usually. Some skills have been modified I think(?) since I last played; TWOP and Sunlight blade duration seems to be shorter, but on the other hand Vow of silence seems to last forever.

One other question I have is this: how many points do I need to spend on attunement to get a new spell slot when I currently have only 20 attunement?

I haven't gotten the DLC, but if anyone wants to pvp in the forest on ps3 let me know. there seems to be a lot of new players, someone I invaded tried to charge and go berserk on me by 2-handing an estoc and wearing stone armor lol.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
I just hope they flesh out the covenant system. Half of the covenants in Souls offer little loyalty incentive, with absolution for oath breaking through Oswald of Carim. Such crimes against your brethren should result in being drawn and quartered. Addition of tiers to a given covenant would also be a nice touch. Leveling to +2/+3 in the majority of the covenants was far too easy. Even something as small as a piece of specialized gear (shield, weapon, helm, what have you for reaching +4 would be gravy. Also all items gained through a certain covenant need to be exclusive to that covenant. Dark Souls is horseshit in that regards.

WotW, Princess Guard, Chaos Servant, Path of the Dragon = All fairly worthless covenants
The covenants that work semi well such as the Darkmoons and Wraiths still are rather unpolished.


Yeah, that's one of my biggest issues with the game. There is no reason to stay in any of the covenants with the exception of the invader ones. I hope they make them better for DS2. Princess Guard is okay because it's the only way you can use the aoe heal miracles, and the gravelord covenant is pretty cool.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
Dragon covenant wasn't useless, you got to duel other dragon covenant people until you got the full dragon powers, I think it was really cool. Chaos Servant was useless... Princess Guard is sort of like Sun Bros but you get weird healing spells instead. Wotw I think was made to be the starter covenant so all it really does it get you paired with summons better.

It's also supposed to put you at the bottom of the que for invasions, but it doesn't even seem to do that very well.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Hell Yes! Oh Hell Yes!!!

  • Possible to be invaded while hollow.
  • Humanity scrapped, replaced with a single item like Stone of Ephemeral Eyes.
  • Repeated deaths while hollow decrease max HP up to 50%.
  • White phantoms now have a limited duration, may have to leave sooner if they do too much work for the host player.
  • More visible blood stains and messages thanks to being server-based instead of P2P, messages no longer require an item to write.
  • Way of Blue covenant summons a player phantom to help defend if you get invaded.
  • 3 item slots per hand, 10 consumable item slots. UI is much denser and more detailed, less scrolling necessary.
  • Agility stat that increases movement and dodge speed. Existing stats being retooled, such as Dexterity making bleeding/poison more effective.


Believe in the hop kick
Getting invaded while hollow and max HP getting decreased by repeated deaths is pretty unforgiving :D

I think events like Leeroy/Kirk invading and other stuff that ultimately reward you for playing online should be very frequent to discourage people from just playing offline. More messages help a lot obviously so I think getting invaded while hollow might turn out to be fair. Getting invaded by people using lightning weapons while you are still rocking your default weapon or drake sword is just the way the game works, annoying as it is. I kinda do hope though that they remove non-stat based weapons all together so low-level invaders don't have such a big advantage.


Ruthlesss Mayhem
Praise the sun.
also spent 250+ hours (60+ on first then redo) on this game. winning in pvp is sooo rewarding, getting lagstabbed destroys your day.
lightning spear so good, forgot if I got the sunlight spear or I lost it because I changed to get other skills.

hopefully DS2 PC has a lot of players.


One of many Bat-Breakers.
Hell Yes! Oh Hell Yes!!!

  • Possible to be invaded while hollow.
  • Humanity scrapped, replaced with a single item like Stone of Ephemeral Eyes.
  • Repeated deaths while hollow decrease max HP up to 50%.
  • White phantoms now have a limited duration, may have to leave sooner if they do too much work for the host player.
  • More visible blood stains and messages thanks to being server-based instead of P2P, messages no longer require an item to write.
  • Way of Blue covenant summons a player phantom to help defend if you get invaded.
  • 3 item slots per hand, 10 consumable item slots. UI is much denser and more detailed, less scrolling necessary.
  • Agility stat that increases movement and dodge speed. Existing stats being retooled, such as Dexterity making bleeding/poison more effective.
Seems I'm going way of the Blue then, unless Sunbros return, though the Phantom duration is... interesting, I can see them adding a item to shops or the like to extend it if a host uses it.