yo gun deaths are a big deal but so is democide, the moment we repeal the 2nd amendment is the moment we stop being americans. do you really think less guns will make us safe? when there will always be knives and baseball bats? Bombs can be made from everyday house hold items, plus these new laws only effect hard working citizens, i wanna see the government disarm the mobs and gangs (can never happen btw). i think people should take a psychological examination before they purchase firearms, other than that there is really nothing we can do that wont make us susceptible to the powers that be.
Look I'll protect the second amendment as hard as anyone else.
I think we should be allowed to buy M1A1 Tanks.
But I'm not gonna act like banning guns doesn't decrease deaths.
Yes someone can always find another weapon to kill with. But that weapon isn't gonna make it as easy, and the fact that it isn't easy. Means less deaths.
Compare USA's death toll
to the Banned gun rates of Japan.
They have 1/3rd of our populationa nd they don't break 2 digits of deaths per year.
Where in America, we break thousands upon thousands of deaths a year.
1/3rd of population? ok times japan by 3, and it still doesn't barely break 100.
But in this day and time, where we got the NDAA, warrantless wire-tapping, the Government coming for you if you expose them to the public. No-trial executions, Unmanned drones occupying our air space to spy on you.
THIS IS THE WORST TIME, to ban weapons.