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Gun Reform?

The Green Machine

I just finished catching up reading this. All i can ask is for you guys to be civil and to refrain from insulting each other. The point of this discussion is to clear up your own views, not to change those of others. Also, try not to deter from gun reform too much. We were bringing Mexico and stuff into it earlier. But this is my thread, so please respect my wishes, I'm glad we have let the discussion get to page 17 without being closed. :)

I think we can all believe that the media is playing a big part in all these shootings. In my opinion, it makes people who would think about these things do them, if other people are doing it and becoming famous from it. It makes them seem like they'll be more accepted, or at least not cast out from the world which is how i think most killers feel. They need psychoanalysis not encouragement. They shouldn't feel like it's becoming popular to murder people for attention.

As far as reform, how about making it mandatory to own a gun safe if you have children. My brother in law has children and had an Ak47 pistol grip, a glock 26, mossberg shotgun, taurus judge, a 22 rifle, and a 25 pistol. Why would you even need that many guns? He doesn't have a gun safe. For him it's about having the power, i think, more than the safety. Guns provide a feeling of safety that everything else in the American society is taking away, but honestly they're the biggest contribution to feeling unsafe.


cr. HP Master
The Green Machine, gun safes being mandatory is brilliant, but there would have to be a system in place. Like taking a gun safety course and the cost of it included a safe. Or being able to present physical proof before a purchase. There can be variables in place.


Worst Injustice Player
I've been mugged and attacked when I lived in London. I was drunk at the time on my way home from a night out, so easy pickings. Had something like a 2nd Amendment existed in the United Kingdom, I might very well not be writing this very post now.

I seriously cant debate with someone that is that apathetic. Apathy is the worst affliction in society today. No one gives a flying shit about anything unless it's utterly self serving.
You were the biggest asshole on this thread (Treadmill coming up in a close 2nd) calling someone a little shit before when they insulted your beloved motherland I believe. But sure, you're such a caring person.


Worst Injustice Player
I've been.held up at gun point. I would have done fine with a pistol, but an sks with a banana clip would be a bit much. You don't know me, or anyone else. Stfu.

Had you had been armed, you could've shot him first. You don't know me either. I never said there should be absolutely no restrictions on guns just stop taking away guns from people who are responsible and don't let the rotten shits of society fuck everyone else over

The Green Machine

The Green Machine, gun safes being mandatory is brilliant, but there would have to be a system in place. Like taking a gun safety course and the cost of it included a safe. Or being able to present physical proof before a purchase. There can be variables in place.
Well, something like that. For the type of gun you want you have to show some kind of proof of ownership for a gun safe, like for an AK, you can't have a handgun sized safe. This would eliminate children getting them and make it a lot harder to steal guns.. I feel like this in combination with some kind of cognitive exam would be a very good way to help appease both sides. Sure a gun safe can be expensive, but it's no more expensive than a gun, and makes them 100x safer.

Also, maybe you could require your entire family to attend a gun safety class for each purchase of a gun. (Like the people you live with).


cr. HP Master
Well, something like that. For the type of gun you want you have to show some kind of proof of ownership for a gun safe, like for an AK, you can't have a handgun sized safe. This would eliminate children getting them and make it a lot harder to steal guns.. I feel like this in combination with some kind of cognitive exam would be a very good way to help appease both sides. Sure a gun safe can be expensive, but it's no more expensive than a gun, and makes them 100x safer.

Also, maybe you could require your entire family to attend a gun safety class for each purchase of a gun. (Like the people you live with).

Where I live there actually is a test you have to take, but that's only if you're under 21 years of age. I think all ages should be included.

The Green Machine

Where I live there actually is a test you have to take, but that's only if you're under 21 years of age. I think all ages should be included.
Man, i live in Kentucky. I'm pretty sure you can just go to any pawn shop and buy a gun. My brother in law just went into a pawn shop and bought an Ak-47 pistol grip. I don't think he had to do anything other than sign some paper work.


My blades will find your heart
You were the biggest asshole on this thread (Treadmill coming up in a close 2nd) calling someone a little shit before when they insulted your beloved motherland I believe. But sure, you're such a caring person.
You are not that much better yourself dude lol.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Education is a big factor that can be implimented, this also eliminates the ability to scape goat other things for one's actions. If one is to sign some form of proof of passing a course then they can fully be held liable for their actions and we can start seeing parents being forced to pay for their lack of attention of what their children are up to, hence forth we can start seeing fewer school shootings.

The media doesn't help either, all it does report half truths and leaves out enough information to get readers, while at the same time sensatinalizing these incidents, which tends to encourage copycats who want their 15 min of fame. If those out there don't believe in the media leaving key information out on a crime, just look up many of the teen suicides linked to cyber-bullying, which attributed mostly a small fraction of what drove them in that direction. If you really think about the media is almost worse than the conspiracy theorists that think the gov. was behind the whole Sandy Hook thing, hell they tried to convince people that The Dark Kinght Rises showed proof of it all being planned.

What we need is legislation that impliments gun tracking, stricter punishments for gun related crimes, streghnthen security in schools, mandatory educational programs for weapons, and there are a multitude of other things, another thing that may one day help reduce gun related incidents would be to also end the war on drugs, but I'm not gonna get into that debate today.


My blades will find your heart
Had you had been armed, you could've shot him first. You don't know me either. I never said there should be absolutely no restrictions on guns just stop taking away guns from people who are responsible and don't let the rotten shits of society fuck everyone else over
You have such a schewed view on the way the world works. If someone gets the jump on you and they have a gun, you having a gun is USELESS. If you grab your gun unless they are completely idiotic they will just shoot you and take your money. Plus if you just shoot anyone that tries to mug you, people will start shooting someone who was just walking by saying "They looked like they were about to mug me.

You really need to learn how to debate man. Stop with these stupid hypotheticals and make some real points like ar-15's having the same fire rate as hunting rifles or how many people guns have saved in times of crisis.

This is not a one-sided argument. The pro-gun side are just terrible at arguing because all they do is bring up crazy hypotheticals that are A. Illogical and B. irrelevant.


cr. HP Master
Man, i live in Kentucky. I'm pretty sure you can just go to any pawn shop and buy a gun. My brother in law just went into a pawn shop and bought an Ak-47 pistol grip. I don't think he had to do anything other than sign some paper work.
I live in TN believe it or not lol. Getting a gun here isn't that easy, depending on your age(under 21).

The Green Machine

I live in TN believe it or not lol. Getting a gun here isn't that easy, depending on your age(under 21).
Oh, i'm sure it's a little harder under 21 to get a gun here, but probably not much. The thing is, if it's so easy for someone to get a gun, whats to keep criminals to get other people to buy them guns? Like if you're making meth and were convicted, maybe your buddy whose never been caught will buy you some for some drugs? If it was harder to get them, like if you had to take a drug test or something, then that scenario wouldn't happen.


cr. HP Master
Education is a big factor that can be implimented, this also eliminates the ability to scape goat other things for one's actions. If one is to sign some form of proof of passing a course then they can fully be held liable for their actions and we can start seeing parents being forced to pay for their lack of attention of what their children are up to, hence forth we can start seeing fewer school shootings.

The media doesn't help either, all it does report half truths and leaves out enough information to get readers, while at the same time sensatinalizing these incidents, which tends to encourage copycats who want their 15 min of fame. If those out there don't believe in the media leaving key information out on a crime, just look up many of the teen suicides linked to cyber-bullying, which attributed mostly a small fraction of what drove them in that direction. If you really think about the media is almost worse than the conspiracy theorists that think the gov. was behind the whole Sandy Hook thing, hell they tried to convince people that The Dark Kinght Rises showed proof of it all being planned.

What we need is legislation that impliments gun tracking, stricter punishments for gun related crimes, streghnthen security in schools, mandatory educational programs for weapons, and there are a multitude of other things, another thing that may one day help reduce gun related incidents would be to also end the war on drugs, but I'm not gonna get into that debate today.

This is a great post. The only problem is most people that plan on shooting up a school don't intend on walking out alive so the punishment means nothing to them.


My blades will find your heart
This is a great post. The only problem is most people that plan on shooting up a school don't intend on walking out alive so the punishment means nothing to them.
This is mainly why you cannot possibly stop it. They rarely care if they die in the process, so teachers having guns will not scare them off. Likewise, they will probably just shoot the teachers before they can pull.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
@Zoidberg: I am very indifferent about weapons, but I do have to agree that many of the pro-gun enthusiests tend to have a starnge view on this topic, which is normally based in paranoia and fear. We live in a free country that enjoys freedoms many elsewhere do not and I can understand why we want to defend ourselves and there are many of us who just plain old think guns are cool (myself included), but we have to review what it is that is keeping these mass shootings to contnue. This can amount mainly the easy accessability to a weapon, I think the safe idea could be a useful deterrent, often times these weapons that are the owned by the criminals that use them and are either borrowed or stolen form one who is a law abiding citizen, but we need to look at the mental stability of a potential weapon owner as well, there is an amount of people that do pose a threat to society and need help to allow them to function properly in society.

Parenting is another factor as well, arents need to raise their kids and be involved in their lives, they need to be there to explain the consequences of using weapons and be there to guide a child into the right direction.


cr. HP Master
This is mainly why you cannot possibly stop it. They rarely care if they die in the process, so teachers having guns will not scare them off. Likewise, they will probably just shoot the teachers before they can pull.

Exactly. The quick solution to some people is to end gun violence with gun violence lol. I don't see that working out long term.

The Green Machine

The funniest thing about all of this that if you put all the gun deaths in the world, it wouldn't cast a shadow on the negative effects of obesity, just sayin'. Everyone needs their guns for protection, but they hardly care about eating healthy for their protection.

TheSpore Your sig is so relevant to this discussion.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
PLease note those of you who are pro-guns I am not insulting or directing any offense in your direction, I know many of you are just defending your constitutional rights.


My blades will find your heart
@Zoidberg: I am very indifferent about weapons, but I do have to agree that many of the pro-gun enthusiests tend to have a starnge view on this topic, which is normally based in paranoia and fear. We live in a free country that enjoys freedoms many elsewhere do not and I can understand why we want to defend ourselves and there are many of us who just plain old think guns are cool (myself included), but we have to review what it is that is keeping these mass shootings to contnue. This can amount mainly the easy accessability to a weapon, I think the safe idea could be a useful deterrent, often times these weapons that are the owned by the criminals that use them and are either borrowed or stolen form one who is a law abiding citizen, but we need to look at the mental stability of a potential weapon owner as well, there is an amount of people that do pose a threat to society and need help to allow them to function properly in society.

Parenting is another factor as well, arents need to raise their kids and be involved in their lives, they need to be there to explain the consequences of using weapons and be there to guide a child into the right direction.
These are all valid points. Which is what gun activists should start making.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
This is a great post. The only problem is most people that plan on shooting up a school don't intend on walking out alive so the punishment means nothing to them.
You are correct in that, the only thing that can be done is to continue to use deterrence and punishment, but this also why the media needs to just simly report that there was a shooting, if people were killed and injured, where it occurred, and that is it, this will help IMO.


Remember, representing ermac is illmatic.
guns have been around a long time, but these school shootings are growing in frequency. why is that? i Blame the media. I blame faulty anti-psychotics. but if you guys see it that way, vote for stricter gun laws, but please don't let the president make an executive decision. it just goes around our whole system that we have built.