Killphil doesn't want to address it i feel it is my duty to do so. . . we need to get a clear understanding about the honor code in DS. either there is honor..or there isn't. If someone bows at me and i run and back stab them, am i surviving or cheesing? If they turn around and double invade me with one weilding wraith of god and the other a lightening uchigatana.. can i pull the ethernet code? or is that unfair to the two invaders?
As an avid tournament player I can tell you what I base this code of honor on.
Things that happen when you invade.
If I know the person. Show respect, bow, don't chain stab, don't excessively fish for backstabs.
If someone is LOOKING to PvP, that is sitting in the forest or dark anor londo and they start crying that someone wasn't honorable. Tell them to go fuck themselves. If someone is doing PvE (you can usually tell 99% of the time if someone is looking to PvE) I will as an invader gladly let someone clear a room they are fighting monsters in then engage them.
However, this being said I also have the approach of the darkwraith attitude. Kill. End of story.
I embrace that fully when I'm on my dark wraiths. I will backstab, chain, circle abuse, dead angle, phantom strike, parry glitch, backstab glitch because it is my duty as a darkwraith to end them.
In tournament settings, you bow or you get kicked the fuck out of the tournament.