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Balance Change Council


Ayy Lmao
2nd hit of b1,2,2 is an overhead.
Better advantage off gun cancels
His 1,2 should be like Jax's 1,2 hitbox and should combo into gun shot
Fast normals, excluding his standing 4

That should make him better, but not OP.


Joker waiting room
SUBZERO, only character i give a fuck about
2 is mid, the second 2 in 22 launches the opponent even higher, no more height related bs when AAing

ex clone lasts 10 seconds and doesnt dissapear if subzero gets hit and is not restricted by proximity bullshit

222 remains a wakeup trap in the corner even if you extend a combo so you dont sacrifice valuable damage to keep the setups

iceball recovery shortened by 10f

also make sonyas cartwheel -6 on block and the ex -10, noone should have such a good launcher with optional superarmour on top of her tools, the fact she can do cartwheel and be so low - that she can ex cartwheel right after and you have to respect it is deeply fucked up


2 1+2 all hits are high but the string fast enough and recovery is so good that it can be used to get in fast

B2 -15 on block]

F3 +1 on block, takedown 0


give this slick bastard an acid hand followup to B2

Pho Cubic

Sérieusement Sabrewulf peut aller en enfer.
Rain's water bubble should have the same stupid hitbox as Cyrax's net. For some reason NRS felt it was fair for a character with 100% combos to have a projectile that covers 2/3 of the vertical length of the screen. If you get hit by Cyrax's net and he has meter you're dead. But when it comes to Rain..."Oh no...the hitbox can't be that big! If the opponent gets hit, he loses 1/3 health! That's unbalanced!"


Also CSZ's non-EX ice ball should at least have the same frame data as Sub's, if not be made better due to the fact that CSZ doesn't have clone.
If youre expecting your imaginary requests to be taken seriously by NRS you should really know your frame data

F3 on hit= +6 already
some people on these forums, youre funny if you actually think NRS is going to patch this game again. ofcourse I dont know the frame data for each specific move for each character. but scorpion doesnt need to be on +6 because + 4 already grants free standing 3, the +5 was a counter to the p1 advantage.

and those subzero buffs you just posted, come on man keep it real.


Joker waiting room
some people on these forums, youre funny if you actually think NRS is going to patch this game again. ofcourse I dont know the frame data for each specific move for each character. but scorpion doesnt need to be on +6 because + 4 already grants free standing 3, the +5 was a counter to the p1 advantage.

and those subzero buffs you just posted, come on man keep it real.
Learn to read, I said imaginary requests.

youre funny if you actually think NRS is going to patch this game again
keep it real


Joker waiting room
also lol, if these were actually considered for a patch i sure as hell wouldnt like someone suggesting shit for a char when they dont even know his frame data
I've got a few:

Kung Lao
- Spin 8f startup
- Extra armor glitch on EX Teleport to a late 1 removed
+ Low hat recovery reduced from -12 to -10
kung lao needs a 6 frame spin because he doesnt have mids he can use. the whole point of the frame being 6 frames is that he has to take that risk to spin pokes. if the spin would be anything less than 6 frames he would get poked to death.

edit: kung lao is the most nerfed character in the game ALL his special moves have been nerfed:

spin: pushback nerf
dive kick: nerf less dive kicks in corner
Low hat: advantage on hit and recover nerf
normal hat: ex loop was removed
teleport: less armor on teleport

kung lao doesnt need nerfs, buff the other characters. the only one that REALLY needs to be nerfed is kabal and even then he should only receive some small nerfs. smoke reset and cyrax resets need to be removed though.


THTB, put me down as the Kabal nerfs spokesman. Most of these imbeciles have no idea how to nerf this character without keeping his unique core intact. I have the most experience playing Kabal more than anyone on this planet so trust me on this one. I know what this character would need to remain balanced, yet functional on a similar degree.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
THTB, put me down as the Kabal nerfs spokesman. Most of these imbeciles have no idea how to nerf this character without keeping his unique core intact. I have the most experience playing Kabal more than anyone on this planet so trust me on this one. I know what this character would need to remain balanced, yet functional on a similar degree.
True Dat.. I have no idea how to nerf the character properly.
All these combos after x-ray shit needs to stop.If that should be allowed then every character should be able to do it.not just a small handful whose shit doesn't even scale at the end.


- Hitbox adjusted for the second hit of f24. It now has less vertical range.
- The opponent is taken a shorter distance when Electric Fly connects. This prevents an opponent from being nearly cornered instantly on certain stages from the starting point if hit by this move.
You want to nerf Raiden wtf?. He has already been nerfed badly and now you want to nerf his best string and his superman which loses to everything and has already been nerfed. That's very unfair imo.


kung lao needs a 6 frame spin because he doesnt have mids he can use. the whole point of the frame being 6 frames is that he has to take that risk to spin pokes. if the spin would be anything less than 6 frames he would get poked to death.

edit: kung lao is the most nerfed character in the game ALL his special moves have been nerfed:

spin: pushback nerf
dive kick: nerf less dive kicks in corner
Low hat: advantage on hit and recover nerf
normal hat: ex loop was removed
teleport: less armor on teleport

kung lao doesnt need nerfs, buff the other characters. the only one that REALLY needs to be nerfed is kabal and even then he should only receive some small nerfs. smoke reset and cyrax resets need to be removed though.
lol nerfing spin to 8f frames would destroy kung lao you could just mash d1 all day and he wont be able to do anything about it
lol nerfing spin to 8f frames would destroy kung lao you could just mash d1 all day and he wont be able to do anything about it
its still not like he cant do anything about it. d1 is still punishable by spin on block at point blank, but it is very hard to do in a real match. characters who can cancel a d1 in an uninteruptable special would wreck kung lao. and as long as you block their pokes you will be able to interrupt their follow up because theyr are at negative. 21 will always be able to interrupt if they try to follow up a blocked poke with a string. you can counterpoke with d3 but its doesnt get you anything without a mid hitting string. it doesnt help either that kung lao has inferior pokes. the only way to fix kung lao if he had a slower spin is by giving him a mid hitting string that is at least 15 frames fast.

kung lao would have to avoid point blank battles and need even better spacing with 21/24. to start offense without getting blown up by pokes.

no you cant do that because of the pushback from the d1
you can do it, even against kitana, the problem is unless it is close enough you wont punish it. the second problem is if youre not fast enough your spin will be blocked and youre fucked. characters like cage f3 jax f4, liu kang b3 have a fast hitting mid or low string that is safe on block, that is why you see these characters punish pokes and kung lao doesnt. using a normal is easier as well to punish d1's even though they are slower than the 6 frame spin.


its still not like he cant do anything about it. d1 is still punishable by spin on block at point blank, but it is very hard to do in a real match. characters who can cancel a d1 in an uninteruptable special would wreck kung lao. and as long as you block their pokes you will be able to interrupt their follow up because theyr are at negative. 21 will always be able to interrupt if they try to follow up a blocked poke with a string. you can counterpoke with d3 but its doesnt get you anything without a mid hitting string. it doesnt help either that kung lao has inferior pokes. the only way to fix kung lao if he had a slower spin is by giving him a mid hitting string that is at least 15 frames fast.

kung lao would have to avoid point blank battles and need even better spacing with 21/24. to start offense without getting blown up by pokes.
yea good luck with trying that
Kabal - F4 reset needs to be removed & cool down on iagb
Kenshi - SC needs to be a bit more punishable
Jax - corner bullshit needs to be removed & he should only have armor on the dash punch.


Kung Lao is the most nerfed character?.. um, Kano? :[

Also, for my Nooby:
-Clones are both now -13 on block; EX Clones are -8(is this excessive?)
-Portals have a shorter time before they become active(they hit the ground)
-EX Portals now linger
-Ghostball becomes active at 18 frames with a shorter duration; still -21 on block; EX now works online(I want to say this ends as a standing reset but it'd be OP)
-D1 is 6 frames.

I feel that's pretty reasonable. Some less reasonable things;

-B1, B2, and F3 now have 17, 15, and 14 frames of execution.
-Lord of Shadow glitch is patched to work consistently without causing the game to go into bullet-time. :)


2ndc isn't a true infinite people. The advantage is fucked up but even high hitboxes get out of it. You need to take a hit then duck OR keep blocking low until the kabal gets it off frame. The only thing you have to worry about is guessing wrong for the hit. If the kabal makes the right read he can blow you up with b121 or any string into the dash when you let go of block. I don't recall seeing anyone hitconfirming standing 2~nd

what kabal's have won matches by using 2ndc most of the time. Hell, I rarely see 2ndc used repeatedly.