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Chris G is picking up Kenshi and giving it a "good try"

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Do not touch me again.
you only get credit for what you actually do and not what you would do.



Interesting that you say that, Tom. Weren't you JUST complaining about how you WOULD perform excellently at MLG and therefore should be considered a top 10 player?

Tom Brady




Interesting that you say that, Tom. Weren't you JUST complaining about how you WOULD perform excellently at MLG and therefore should be considered a top 10 player?
wtf is wrong with you? you have this big hate fest for me, one of your fav things to do on tym is bash me as much as possible. seriously dude, maybe its time to let it go. funny thing is, I didnt even do anything wrong to you, you just think that I intentionally ignored you on a hectic weekend. I even apologized for it and tried to explain it. I even said that next event you go to that I'd refuse to shake anyones hand until I saw you first lol. come on man, time to move on.

anyway...NO I said that people like YOU hold commentating and not playing against me... as if i did play and didnt deliver. I deserve NO credit for MLG as I didnt play, but also dont deserve to have it seen as I DIDNT deliver..

MLG is an N/A situation for me, but people like you view it as did not deliver. I said that I was a top 10 player because I am one of only 3 players who have placed consistently from the first tourney to the last. I am no stranger to top 4-8 at majors, and people like YOU have said many times that events like NEC will prove that I am not top 10.. sadly.. just another time where it was said my top placing days were done and I again prove them wrong.

BTW.. obviously Chris G is a high level fg player. The question isnt "would he be good?" because we know he would.. the question is "will he actually put in the time?". If he puts time in, he'll be fine.

even though you know someone would do something if the put time in, they still have to do it before they actually get the props.


Positive Poster!
wtf is wrong with you? you have this big hate fest for me, one of your fav things to do on tym is bash me as much as possible.
The guy attacks just about anybody that's not a top player he can kiss the ass of. (Edit: Not to say that you are not a top player, Tom. But, he goes deepthroat for some.) It's what he does. It's his hobby because obviously playing the game no longer cuts it for him.

Tom Brady

The guy attacks just about anybody that's not a top player he can kiss the ass of. (Edit: Not to say that you are not a top player, Tom. But, he goes deepthroat for some.) It's what he does. It's his hobby because obviously playing the game no longer cuts it for him.
LOL.. I'm sure the dude got mad in 16bits recent top 10 thread about me because about 70% of the replies had me top 10 and the other 30% had me at # 11. he gets angry at any mention of me being considered a great player.

I have no clue why he still hates on me so much. All because he thinks I blew him off when I really had no clue. I wasnt even paying attention, I had so much going on that weekend. I really wasnt being malicious or "hollywood", It really was just me not paying attention. I apologized to him 99999 times but he just wants to be malicious toward me and hate as much as he can. How can you hate on someone so much for something so little.


Positive Poster!
LOL.. I'm sure the dude got mad in 16bits recent top 10 thread about me because about 70% of the replies had me top 10 and the other 30% had me at # 11. he gets angry at any mention of me being considered a great player.

I have no clue why he still hates on me so much. All because he thinks I blew him off when I really had no clue. I wasnt even paying attention, I had so much going on that weekend. I really wasnt being malicious or "hollywood", It really was just me not paying attention. I apologized to him 99999 times but he just wants to be malicious toward me and hate as much as he can. How can you hate on someone so much for something so little.
It doesn't take my level of people training to know who's a real insecure stuck up bastard (no example) and who's simply the kind of person to focus so hard he misses some details (you).
I don't like to openly bash people but I'll tell you this: if it wasn't for people like Runway, Prinz, Espio, 16bit, REO, or yourself, I'd been out of here by now because of exactly the kind of trollshit attitude going on up there.


I Break Hearts, Not Combos
Its nice when well-known and good players decide to give games they initially disliked a second chance :)

Brings in diversity :D


Do not touch me again.
Tom Brady don't make this more than it is. I'm simply saying that your performance in 2012 was not up to par with other top 10 players. The tournaments that you placed in were all small locals or local majors with low turnouts.

Tom Brady

Tom Brady don't make this more than it is. I'm simply saying that your performance in 2012 was not up to par with other top 10 players. The tournaments that you placed in were all small locals or local majors with low turnouts.
its not on par because I missed 5 majors while commentating MLG. BTW... those majors are the MAIN factor in who the top resumes in 2012 are. Also, keep in mind that some of the players you would put top 10 havent placed in a major tourney in over 6 months. There are some players who's only 2012 accomplishments are doing well in 2 MLG events and failing to place in any other event especially in the last 6 months. Yet, me not competing in any major for 6 months then CURRENTLY placing the fist chance I get is held against me, when the reason I failed to place in so long is because I couldnt play and not because I didnt deliver.


Do not touch me again.
its not on par because I missed 5 majors while commentating MLG. BTW... those majors are the MAIN factor in who the top resumes in 2012 are. Also, keep in mind that some of the players you would put top 10 havent placed in a major tourney in over 6 months. There are some players who's only 2012 accomplishments are doing well in 2 MLG events and failing to place in any other event. Yet, me not competing in any major for nearly 7 months, then CURRENTLY placing is held against me when the reason I failed to place in so long is because I couldnt play and not because I didnt deliver.
You forgot about EVO. Where you didn't even make top 16.

Tom Brady

You forgot about EVO. Where you didn't even make top 16.
neither did REO.. Know the MAIN reason why he is considered #1 in 2012 resume wise? 2 MLG wins and a win at NEC. Take out those 2 MLG wins and he would not be considered #1 for 2012. Denzell didnt place top 16 at EVO, but he is considered top because of his performances at MLG and rightfully so.

There are lots of players who didnt place at EVO but did great at MLG, again.. an events that I couldnt compete in.

Do I have a top resume in 2012? no, because no major has the weight of MLG besides EVO. Not NEC, not FF, and not PU. I could go on to FF and beat others considered top 5-10 and place to and it STILL wouldnt equate to the MLG events.

I am not top 10 by just a 2012 resume.. I am top 10 by overall body of work which comes into play because I can still deliver in todays game when I get the chance to. Do I ALWAYS place top 4-8? no, but NO ONE DOES. Are there players who have done it more? yes, which is why Id be considered top 10 not top 3. But to say that missing 5 majors because of commentating, especially the majors that make up 99.9% of the top 10 resumes for 2012, doesnt effect my 2012 resume is ridiculous.

I dint compete in MLG, true... BUT.. I can still place in events JUST AS BIG with EVEN MORE entrants with JUST AS MUCH comp, just less money on the line which is what gives MLG so much more meaning then the grass roots majors.

and again you gloss over that FACT that some of the players you would put top 10 havent placed in a major tourney in over 6 months. There are some players who's only 2012 accomplishments are doing well in 2 MLG events and failing to place in any other event especially in the last 6 months.


imma eat choo!
More high level players picking up or coming back to MK this far into it's life? Starting to take it seriously? This is a bad thing why? I'm not implying that's what anyone is saying, I'm simply saying I believe this is a good thing.

I just hope he doesn't completely drop Reptile and learns some of newer tech and match ups.
nec wasnt a top major.

it was missing HUGE KEY players such as detroit, perfect legend, pig of the hut, MIT, DJT, m2dave, CRAZY DOMINICAN, Dizzy, etc. etc. list goes on

sorry but i dont see how NEC is comparable to big majors like EVO


Get over here!
nec wasnt a top major.

it was missing HUGE KEY players such as detroit, perfect legend, pig of the hut, MIT, DJT, etc. etc. list goes on

sorry but i dont see how NEC is comparable to big majors like EVO
NEC was def a top major. Just because a few key players were not there does not take away from the ridiculous amount of other top players that were there. I agree that it was missing some key guys (IMO the ones you mentioned plus Dizzy and X blades) but it was still stacked with top level talent and had well over 100 players who came from all over the country (Texas, Florida, NY, California, Chicago, etc). I dont think its fair to take away from Tom's top 8 finish at NEC by trying to say it was not a top major. I think 90% of the community would consider NEC a top major.
NEC was def a top major. Just because a few key players were not there does not take away from the ridiculous amount of other top players that were there. I agree that it was missing some key guys (IMO the ones you mentioned plus Dizzy and X blades) but it was still stacked with top level talent and had well over 100 players who came from all over the country (Texas, Florida, NY, California, Chicago, etc). I dont think its fair to take away from Tom's top 8 finish at NEC by trying to say it was not a top major. I think 90% of the community would consider NEC a top major.
did you even read my post of the players who didnt go? i edited it right before you replied. homie you cant be serious saying nec is a major comparable to ones like evo. nec was far from stacked as evo was


Get over here!
did you even read my post of the players who didnt go? i edited it right before you replied. homie you cant be serious saying nec is a major comparable to ones like evo. nec was far from stacked as evo was
I agree with you that the players you named are absolutely key players and not having them there does matter but it was still a top major in my opinion. It is hard to get everyone at every major but NEC had a good portion of the top players which would make it a top major. Evo would probably be the only grassroots tournament that had more of the top guys and obviously all of the top guys are going to make the trip for the MLG events due to the prize money. If NEC is not a top major then nothing outside of EVO/MLG should be considered a top major would basically be what you are saying. (and if that is what you are saying fair enough, but i disagree). Im not trying to start an argument over this, I just feel that if you made a poll of the community and asked "would you consider NEC 13 a top major" the vast majority would say yes despite the players who you listed that did not attend.
I agree with you that the players you named are absolutely key players and not having them there does matter but it was still a top major in my opinion. It is hard to get everyone at every major but NEC had a good portion of the top players which would make it a top major. Evo would probably be the only grassroots tournament that had more of the top guys and obviously all of the top guys are going to make the trip for the MLG events due to the prize money. If NEC is not a top major then nothing outside of EVO/MLG should be considered a top major would basically be what you are saying. (and if that is what you are saying fair enough, but i disagree). Im not trying to start an argument over this, I just feel that if you made a poll of the community and asked "would you consider NEC 13 a top major" the vast majority would say yes despite the players who you listed that did not attend.
give me the top 3 most stacked majors for 2012 and reasons why. i dont care for no poll in which timmy down the block can post his 2 cents in. im telling you nec will not be in the top 3


Get over here!
give me the top 3 most stacked majors for 2012 and reasons why. i dont care for no poll in which timmy down the block can post his 2 cents in. im telling you nec will not be in the top 3
So basically if it is not in the top 3 (which would obviously be the MLG events and Evo) therefore it is not a top major? NEC also had a way better turnout than several of the MLG events, and there were key players missing from many of the MLG events as well so you could make an argument the other direction as well. I dont know what is up your ass but all I am saying is that most of the community considers NEC to be a top major. Im done derailing this thread with this stupid argument. If you dont think NEC was a top major thats fine, but you cant state it as fact because the fact is that it had a better turnout than the majority of the MLG events and had top players from all over the country.


Emperor of the Moon
You forgot about EVO. Where you didn't even make top 16.
OK I want ask for a real answer here. Are you making the argument that Tom Brady may be a top player but we don't know it because of both missing all MLG events and only placing top at smaller tournaments? Or are you making the argument that Tom Brady is NOT a top player at all? Or are you just busting his balls to be a pain in the ass?

If it is the first one you might have a bit of a point but are still just coming off like a dick the way you say that in every stream/thread Tom Brady shows up in. If it is the second one you're making a lot of assumptions based on results he wasn't able to give because he couldn't be there or was commentating for MLG. And if it is the third one knock it off, you're being annoying.
So basically if it is not in the top 3 (which would obviously be the MLG events and Evo) therefore it is not a top major? NEC also had a way better turnout than several of the MLG events, and there were key players missing from many of the MLG events as well so you could make an argument the other direction as well. I dont know what is up your ass but all I am saying is that most of the community considers NEC to be a top major. Im done derailing this thread with this stupid argument. If you dont think NEC was a top major thats fine, but you cant state it as fact because the fact is that it had a better turnout than the majority of the MLG events and had top players from all over the country.
youre only argument is nec had a lot of numbers so its top major. look no one cares if nec got 200 players when the most of the key top 20 players were absent and not present. why can you not understand that? its not about numbers its about the amount of top players that showed. stop saying numbers and entries. no one wants to see 50 stream matches of john vs jim. they want to see hype fights like detroit vs dizzy

Tom Brady

PU had players such as Forever King(top 5 at EVO), Dizzy(Top 8 at MLG and SB winner), Waffelz(top 3 at SB), 16Bit(top 8at every MLG he attended), etc etc.. only had 40 players.. but it was stacked. I placed 4th, above a lot of the players you guys say I cant compete with. But, because it wasnt MLG or EVO, it doesnt count.

At NEC, I could finally compete at BIG majors again. Placed top 8 out of 117 with A LOT of top players, still doesnt count because its not MLG or EVO. I could go to FF, SCR, WB, etc etc.. and place top, then If MLG has MK again, commentate and not compete and I would hear I'm not top because the events I played in werent MLG. What you are saying is.. THE ONLY TOURNAMENTS THAT REALLY MATTER ARE THE ONES THAT I CANT COMPETE IN. No matter what I do, It wont matter because its not MLG. Doesnt sound too fair..


Get over here!
youre only argument is nec had a lot of numbers so its top major. look no one cares if nec got 200 players when the most of the key top 20 players were absent and not present. why can you not understand that? its not about numbers its about the amount of top players that showed. stop saying numbers and entries. no one wants to see 50 stream matches of john vs jim. they want to see hype fights like detroit vs dizzy
9 of the top 20 NFG ranked players were there. That is basically half of the top 20 best players at 1 grassroots major which to me would mean that it is a top major. And honestly, do you not think the level of competition was good? There were a ton of players at NEC that are very skilled that are not even on the NFG top 20 and I am sure that many of the top 20 players themselves would agree with me.
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