Karried I agree, I hate how every top plaer discussions ends up having a few haters come in and start a Tom Brady debate. I just want my MLG events to be known as something I did a good job in. I took pride in my commentating Tekken and MK and hope I did a good job. I just dont like it being held against me that I didnt play, or for me as an "he would have done..". Hope I did both games and their communities justice w/y commentary.
look how many top 8 placers from MLG were at NEC. CURBO, CDjr, Maxter, REO, Showtime, Tyrant, Riu48, 16Bit, KT Smith.
Top 16 MLG placers.. CURBO, CDjr, Maxter, REO, Showtime, Tyrant, Riu48, 16Bit, KT Smith.Winter Warz, Noobe, Waffelz, Insuperable, Krayzie.
Players who have placed top 3-8 at grass roots tournaments this year... CDjr, Maxter, REO, Showtime, Tyrant, Riu48, 16Bit, KT Smith.Winter Warz, Trepound, Noobe, Waffelz, Insuperable, Krayzie, Big D, Han, Soonk, Death, Sonic Fox, Khaotik, Chris G, ZAF, JER, STH, Kfrog, AC1984, MOE30W, Blackula, BlueNine, and a several other players that I cant even think of because I dont have the player list in front of me.
Other notable top players.. Tony T and his friend from Australia(sorry that I didnt get your name), TetraSpirit, etc etc...
So.. top players off the top of my head are.. Curbo, CDjr, Maxter, REO, Showtime, Tyrant, Riu48, 16Bit, KT Smith.Winter Warz, Trepound, Noobe, Waffelz, Insuperable, Krayzie, Big D, Han, Soonk, Death, Sonic Fox, Khaotik, Chris G, ZAF, JER, STH, Kfrog, AC1984, MOE30W, Blackula, BlueNine, Tont T and friend from Australia, TetraSpirit, etc etc.. I wish I had the player list so I could list all the good players there.