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Tom Brady

This is why i didnt want to compete at NEC... You think I dont know that no matter what I do that people will always say it doesnt count because its not MLG? This means that I can never be considered a top player no matter what I do at any other major not MLG. All the "show up to NEC and prove them wrong" was LOL. Obviously, as I said, events like NEC, FF, SCR, etc etc will be said dont matter when it comes to me.


Dead Kings Rise
This is why i didnt want to compete at NEC... You think I dont know that no matter what I do that people will always say it doesnt count because its not MLG. This means that I can never be considered a top player no matter what I do at any other major not MLG.

So.. effective immediately.. I am done from competitive play. I'll be at FF, SCR, and WB, but only for fun casuals and to commentate. There is no reason to compete when it doesnt mean anything at any event not MLG.
Tom. Tom waht r u doin? Tom stahp.
Reactions: Jim


Get over here!
This is why i didnt want to compete at NEC... You think I dont know that no matter what I do that people will always say it doesnt count because its not MLG. This means that I can never be considered a top player no matter what I do at any other major not MLG.

So.. effective immediately.. I am done from competitive play. I'll be at FF, SCR, and WB, but only for fun casuals and to commentate. There is no reason to compete when it doesnt mean anything at any event not MLG.
Tom, honestly do you care what "Christmas Gift" on TYM thinks? Just compete because you like competing. Who cares what some random internet troll thinks.

Tom Brady

Im tired of this community hedging their bets...

dont hold it against me that I commentated MLG. Its not fair to assume that I would have done well, BUT ITS ALSO NOT FAIR TO ASSUME THAT I WOULD HAVE DONE POORLY and then place me on the assumption that I would have done poorly.

Thats my only point.. I didnt compete and thats neutral.. not a stock up or down. HOWEVER, at the most recent major, It was proven that I can place top amongst the games best.


Brain Dead Bro
Im tired of this community hedging their bets...

dont hold it against me that I commentated MLG. Its not fair to assume that I would have done well, BUT ITS ALSO NOT FAIR TO ASSUME THAT I WOULD HAVE DONE POORLY and then place me on the assumption that I would have done poorly.

Thats my only point.. I didnt compete and thats neutral.. not a stock up or down. HOWEVER, at the most recent major, It was proven that I can place top amongst the games best.
Tom, what's the next tournament you're going to? SCR?

BillStickers I bet you $100 that Brady makes Top 8 at his next major, and if he does you have to get off his dick. Simple.

Tom Brady

LMAO.. i dont care thats its CG.. my point is that he is making a point that MANY agree with. That MLG is the end all be all and that no matter what you do, its not comparable to those that play in MLG. He is saying that If you dont play at MLG because it you dont show or cant play because you commentate, or if you play and dont deliver.. you cant go to a grass roots event and place top and then be considered top.

he's just saying, fair or not in my situation.. that it is what it is and as a consequence, can never be considered top.. fair or not.


Dead Kings Rise
LMAO.. i dont care thats its CG.. my point is that he is making a point that MANY agree with. That MLG is the end all be all and that no matter what you do, its not comparable to those that play in MLG. He is saying that If you dont play at MLG because it you dont show or cant play because commentate, or if you play and dont deliver.. you cant go to a grass roots event and place top and then be considered top.

he's just saying, fair or not in my situation.. that it is what it is and as a consequence, can never be considered top.. fair or not.
Tom, you looked spiffy in your leather jacket at NEC, and you sent Curbo to jail juvenile detention center. Are you happy now?
LMAO.. i dont care thats its CG.. my point is that he is making a point that MANY agree with. That MLG is the end all be all and that no matter what you do, its not comparable to those that play in MLG. He is saying that If you dont play at MLG because it you dont show or cant play because you commentate, or if you play and dont deliver.. you cant go to a grass roots event and place top and then be considered top.

he's just saying, fair or not in my situation.. that it is what it is and as a consequence, can never be considered top.. fair or not.
i said evo not mlg. nec is no where near what evo was and some others which is my point. nec is not the biggest major just because of entries which a lot are saying. it missed too many top players which i listed

dizzy, perfect legend, mit, djt, m2dave, pig of the hut, detroitballn, crazy dominican, etc. list goes on

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
I wager that Brady will make Top 4 at FF V in two weeks.

If he doesn't, I will go to Smoke 100%. Bye bye Subby Z.**

** Wager will be null and void in the event that he pulls another Johnny Cage moment


9 of the top 20 NFG ranked players were there. That is basically half of the top 20 best players at 1 grassroots major which to me would mean that it is a top major. And honestly, do you not think the level of competition was good? There were a ton of players at NEC that are very skilled that are not even on the NFG top 20 and I am sure that many of the top 20 players themselves would agree with me.
Hey Pig of the Hut wasn't at MLG Columbus. Is that still considered a major?

Tom Brady

Hey Pig of the Hut wasn't at MLG Columbus. Is that still considered a major?
Neither were DJT, MIT, Xblades, 16 Bit, no KH players, etc..

CURBO was there, in a tourney with all the CD bros, REO, Detroit, Maxter, m2dave, Dizzy, etc etc and he placed 4th. He also got 9th at EVO.. yet, Top 16 at NEC with a bad pad and thats against him and proof that hes not top anymore? So.. a tourney like NEC cant ever count positive for players, but it can count negative? doesnt what CURBO did at MLG and EVO trump NEC? then why would he be considered "washed up" after NEC?

Christmas Gift, your points arent consistent. if a tourney can count against you but not for you, not very fair.
Why does everyone keep talking about Tom Brady.

It's like annoying now. He's a top player. End of discussion.

We don't need to be reminded. Those who matter know.


Neither were DJT, MIT, Xblades, 16 Bit, no KH players, etc..

CURBO was there, in a tourney with all the CD bros, REO, Detroit, Maxter, m2dave, Dizzy, etc etc and he placed 4th. He also got 9th at EVO.. yet, Top 16 at NEC with a bad pad and thats against him and proof that hes not top anymore? So.. a tourney like NEC cant ever count positive for players, but it can count negative? doesnt what CURBO did at MLG and EVO trump NEC? then why would he be considered "washed up" after NEC?

Christmas Gift, your points arent consistent. if a tourney can count against you but not for you, not very fair.
Man those arguments are so trash it isn't even funny. By saying that NEC was not a major, he's basically discrediting every tournament that isn't an MLG or EVO. It doesn't make sense to me and I think he's just trying to get a rise out of you. MLG Dallas was missing M2dave and FOREVER KING (both top 8 at EVO), is that a major? Or does every damn great player in this community needs to be present at a tournament for Tom Brady to get props. He came out of losers and beat damn near every Kabal at NEC. Brady deserves all the props after how ridiculous this community had acted toward his skillset. Christmas_Gift you have invalid points.


Do not touch me again.
OK I want ask for a real answer here. Are you making the argument that Tom Brady may be a top player but we don't know it because of both missing all MLG events and only placing top at smaller tournaments? Or are you making the argument that Tom Brady is NOT a top player at all? Or are you just busting his balls to be a pain in the ass?

If it is the first one you might have a bit of a point but are still just coming off like a dick the way you say that in every stream/thread Tom Brady shows up in. If it is the second one you're making a lot of assumptions based on results he wasn't able to give because he couldn't be there or was commentating for MLG. And if it is the third one knock it off, you're being annoying.
Short answer: Tom Brady is not a top 10 player in 2012.

Long answer: What I'm saying is, compare the resumés of the top 10 in the 2012 player tier list to Tom Brady's. Tom has placed top 8 in 2 large tournaments this year compared to the 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 times of others. Additionally, he has made top 4 in no relevant tournaments this year. Tom's argument is "yeah, but you're counting MLG for those guys and it's not fair." OF COURSE IT'S FUCKING FAIR! The world doesn't go on hold for Tom Brady just because he decides to commentate at MLG. FURTHERMORE, Tom performing at non-MLG events DOES benefit him because they're usually just following an MLG, and therefore not as many top players are able to attend (for example, MLG Dallas and NEC). What are the odds that, if Tom had competed at MLG, he would have been able to break through top 16 at Dallas, when not even THE TWO TIME EVO CHAMPION could do it?

What Tom thinks is fair is for us to say "ok he got 9th at Winter Brawl and 7th at NEC, so let's interpolate 3 more top 8 performances for him just because had he competed at MLG, he's almost certainly a shoo-in for top 16. Oh yeah and let's totally ignore his non-top 16 performance at EVO." Yeah, never going to happen. Tom can keep dreaming about being a top 10 player all he wants, but the numbers simply don't show it.

And LBSH, Tom blows me up all the time unprovoked. It's what he does. He pokes me with a stick, I attack, he plays victim, and little shitheads come to his rescue. Tom 'damsel in distress' Brady.

Tom Brady

Karried I agree, I hate how every top plaer discussions ends up having a few haters come in and start a Tom Brady debate. I just want my MLG events to be known as something I did a good job in. I took pride in my commentating Tekken and MK and hope I did a good job. I just dont like it being held against me that I didnt play, or for me as an "he would have done..". Hope I did both games and their communities justice w/y commentary.

look how many top 8 placers from MLG were at NEC. CURBO, CDjr, Maxter, REO, Showtime, Tyrant, Riu48, 16Bit, KT Smith.

Top 16 MLG placers.. CURBO, CDjr, Maxter, REO, Showtime, Tyrant, Riu48, 16Bit, KT Smith.Winter Warz, Noobe, Waffelz, Insuperable, Krayzie.

Players who have placed top 3-8 at grass roots tournaments this year... CDjr, Maxter, REO, Showtime, Tyrant, Riu48, 16Bit, KT Smith.Winter Warz, Trepound, Noobe, Waffelz, Insuperable, Krayzie, Big D, Han, Soonk, Death, Sonic Fox, Khaotik, Chris G, ZAF, JER, STH, Kfrog, AC1984, MOE30W, Blackula, BlueNine, and a several other players that I cant even think of because I dont have the player list in front of me.

Other notable top players.. Tony T and his friend from Australia(sorry that I didnt get your name), TetraSpirit, etc etc...

So.. top players off the top of my head are.. Curbo, CDjr, Maxter, REO, Showtime, Tyrant, Riu48, 16Bit, KT Smith.Winter Warz, Trepound, Noobe, Waffelz, Insuperable, Krayzie, Big D, Han, Soonk, Death, Sonic Fox, Khaotik, Chris G, ZAF, JER, STH, Kfrog, AC1984, MOE30W, Blackula, BlueNine, Tont T and friend from Australia, TetraSpirit, etc etc.. I wish I had the player list so I could list all the good players there.
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