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Match-up Discussion Reptile Matchup Discussion Thread


Mileena is infuriating to play against to me. If reptiles normal dash didn't suck it'd be better to me. D4 her teleports, b4 her d4. That's all I got.

Oh and I always end combos with reset with her. If she wants to do one of her annoying wake ups she's going to have to eat an additional 7%

Mileena is infuriating to play against to me. If reptiles normal dash didn't suck it'd be better to me. D4 her teleports, b4 her d4. That's all I got.

Oh and I always end combos with reset with her. If she wants to do one of her annoying wake ups she's going to have to eat an additional 7%

I had some success with seapeoples njp splat setup in the corner on her as well. But damn is a dumb match when you don't punish everything lol


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Killin Natzees Ok guys I'm going to break this down for you, since I'm da bess and there is only one Mileena that has ever consistently beaten my Reptile just from sheer experience in the MU. In order to make this feel like a 5-5, you actually have to play the character safely...VERY SAFELY. It's easy to get in, and once you get a knockdown and start getting her to respect ex sfb, you have lots of options. I'm pretty sure this topic has been discussed like then times on this discussion thread.

Killin Natzees Ok guys I'm going to break this down for you, since I'm da bess and there is only one Mileena that has ever consistently beaten my Reptile just from sheer experience in the MU. In order to make this feel like a 5-5, you actually have to play the character safely...VERY SAFELY. It's easy to get in, and once you get a knockdown and start getting her to respect ex sfb, you have lots of options. I'm pretty sure this topic has been discussed like then times on this discussion thread.

lol I'm almost positive this is one of his most talked about MU's, but safe just isn't my style :( I'm gonna be working deeply on this for the next two weeks though. I'll make sure to keep you updated cause you care so much about me lmao


This one's for you
I messed with Mileena's teleport~sai today, and it does jail Reptile in stand block leaving her at advantage from the blocked sai. So I'm pretty sure you want to crouch block against both hits of the teleport.
For a meterless punish, the best I found is 122~slide for 13%, or you could just go into guaranteed pressure instead.
With meter, the best punish is 1~ex fastball, 32~slowball, 2f3(1+2) = 32%
^That's for both the regular and ex teleports.

Also for the best punish on her roll, here's what I'm using now:
1~fastball, 32~slowball, 2f3(1+2)
^This reset leaves you close enough to Mileena for a guaranteed 321 or d4 afterward


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Killin Natzees Ok guys I'm going to break this down for you, since I'm da bess and there is only one Mileena that has ever consistently beaten my Reptile just from sheer experience in the MU. In order to make this feel like a 5-5, you actually have to play the character safely...VERY SAFELY. It's easy to get in, and once you get a knockdown and start getting her to respect ex sfb, you have lots of options. I'm pretty sure this topic has been discussed like then times on this discussion thread.

This. Play the matchup patiently just like this.

The matchup isn't total trash for Reptile.
I just feel like the low hats eat me. I try not to dash or rush that much, i usually just zone a little and wait for the teleport. How do you punish his tele the best?

And thanks for the reply :)


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
You can't zone Kung Lao, but your low hitbox and d4 save you from a bunch of shit he could be doing to you.
I just feel like the low hats eat me. I try not to dash or rush that much, i usually just zone a little and wait for the teleport. How do you punish his tele the best?

And thanks for the reply :)
Never elbow dash lol. Just jump the low hats. Reptile is very limited in this match because of how well lao controls the air


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
vs sonya its imperative that u make good reads and always keep the sonya guessing. Use pokes as a means of escape rather than starting your own offense and bait out her divekicks for full combo punish.