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Things I learned Watching NEC

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Someone said in Injustcast that SonicFox was going to get blowned up, he made an awesome tourney.

Big D once again repping Ermac. Still his match against Maxter got me a little surprised, because back in CEO he zoned him quite nicely and in NEC his zoning was nowhere to be seen. I haven't seen his match against Sonic Fox but I'll think that with a little more of Mileena experience (Pig pls) he will have it on point.

Great tourney nevertheless and very proud of my Ermac brothers :D

go back and retune your ears

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
What I learned from NEC. Having watched and rewatched my match videos over and over vs Wafflez, I learned that standing 2 AA isn't what cost me that match against Wafflez. My biggest problem was dropping combos in the corner. I dropped a hell of a lot of corner combos that could have won me games and instead cost me. Also, I could have won against Wafflez if I didn't do what I did at the end of the first game of the loser's finals for my pool. I ended up pulling a "Pig" and didn't convert my EN Spirit Charge in the corner for a full combo and instead just followed up with another Spirit Charge. I know I've gotten on your case about that in the past, but I can honestly I'm sorry that I did because it happens. In the heat of a battle, sometimes you know to do something and you don't do it and do something else. So now I can say it's happened to the both of us. If I had done d+1 or d+4 into RK, Wafflez wouldn't have been able to break and that combo would have killed him that round putting me up 1-0. And having won the second game in that set, I could have advanced, but that wasn't case. What is done is done. I can only learn from this and make sure next time I don't do it again, or rather try not to let it happen again. Wafflez adapted in that second match, played differently than he did in the first match, and came out the victor. So I say, a very good games to Wafflez.

But now we have a new issue. The Blackula vs Wafflez rivalry is still tied. Now it's 2-2. We need to do some sort of exhibition or something at the next tournament both of us will be at. A much longer set. I propose a FT5 at Final Round. Not necessarily for money because I don't usually do money matches, but just something for everyone to see.
Yea man when you went for the harder d4 (just like harder aa) you dropped it where as you could have gone d1 as its easier by far and converted and won

Im trying to help

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
Forgot to mention dancock prepared with nerve stress relief pills. Calmed him self down, Practiced and warmed up just to be told that he's not playing till the morning O_O all that work to relax for nothing. 0-2 as always :D

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk
Dude I hear you had an insane set against my boy drflash.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
I know people want to blow me up for having bad tourney nerves, and that may be partially what caused my losses on saturday. I simply could not adapt to the stream monitor's delay better than my opponent, and therefore allowed him (kfrog) to jump in for free. Since we both have to play with the same delay, I cannot fault him for this and I accepted my loss graciously. I am glad that the PS3 was reset and tested afterwards because many people before me that played on it Saturday said the same thing but no on mentioned it until my teammate soonk got every top player to come talk to Phil about it to improve the condition for everyone else. I just didn't want to be "that guy" that gets labeled as salty and an excuse maker, so I couldn't say anything. Hopefully everyone understands me here, I am not making up excuses, I am just saying I couldn't adapt to the conditions I had to play in. I did go on to lose to another Kabal player (ermac...somthing was his tag) who beat me and props are due to him as well.

I think people may give me too much credit as a player because I train with the GGA guys, but I hope I didn't let anyone down this weekend besides myself.
The guys name is HGTV Ermacio, and his kabal is legit, no shame losing to it. he is my offline sparring partner, so believe me I know. You still did pretty well man, and i am always rooting for you on some level.


I had a great time at NEC. I'm mostly happy with my performance. I was a combo away from knocking out Riu48 and my games with Krayzie were pretty close, but I ended up losing to them both. Cyrax is still a problem for me for some reason. DrFlash, our set was pretty intense at some points. At the end of that one round, we both dropped combos like crazy haha. Great games to everyone I played. I learned I have to work more on my tourney nerves. I'm also tempted to pick up MK2/UMK3 after seeing them played in person... Those games just look too fun to play.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
I had a great time at NEC. I'm mostly happy with my performance. I was a combo away from knocking out Riu48 and my games with Krayzie were pretty close, but I ended up losing to them both. Cyrax is still a problem for me for some reason. DrFlash, our set was pretty intense at some points. At the end of that one round, we both dropped combos like crazy haha. Great games to everyone I played. I learned I have to work more on my tourney nerves. I'm also tempted to pick up MK2/UMK3 after seeing them played in person... Those games just look too fun to play.
Is there any footage of your cage? I didnt get to watch some of the stream on sunday.


Thou shalt be slain!
shoutouts to everyone ^_^ notably;

tyrant, showtime, and shangxter for being so hospitable to me and trepound.
it was great meeting tony-t, lt box, hitoshura, mikemetroid, and whoever else i can't think of right now as well.
i didn't do great at all but i blame it on myself for not practicing this game and then expecting to waltz in and do well. shame on me. i'm going to grind it out hard for the next major and try to come out and not get blown up.

huge shoutouts to sonicfox for doing so well in everything he entered. he is the truth. fuck the haters~

if yall saw me on stream vs sonic fox, lemme say...
that really sucked. X: HERE'S A STORY
he blew my ass out da frame on stream for mortal kombat...
...and then a few hours later, i find out we are in the same pool for soul calibur, and i'm like "hell yeah, i'm actually decent at soul calibur, maybe i can exact some revenge!" so jaxel puts me and sonic on stream for SC5...
...and he 3-0's me D: heartbroken, i tear through losers bracket and a few matches in, lo' and behold, me vs. sonicfox again...
...and i finally 3-0'd him >:D off-fucking-stream tho D: but whatever :cool: justice was served. ggs.

NEC was a blast. wish i could've spent more time in the room for mortal kombat but that room was just way too crowded for me. smelled like booboo and fritos.
I really enjoyed the tag team tournament, not sure why it wasn't really brought up. Major props to 9.95 for the stream, it was superb and all that volunteered.

Thoughts on mk tag:
-I missed the majority of Tekken Tag 2 top 16 (my main game), just to watch mk tag mode :)
-J360 went in with Kano during tag
-Trepound and Tom Brady made a really good tag team (Team TreBrady). The ice clone into Kitana's fan assist to anti-air was godlike. Tre's Kitana was blowing away everyone (fans....blowing...)

-There were some really sick tag setups, wish there were more high damage tag combos/utilizing characters tag assists, but it's understandable. Most people were focused on singles since tag is just for fun.
-Blackula and Sawnik fox tag team was epic. Really good use of assists, tag combos and setups. The Kenshi/Sonya combo was godlike.
-Props to Reo and Maxter for winning. Considering they used the infinite (which was hilarious, I totally saw it coming lol), Sawnik and Blackula put up a good fight.
-I would like to see more of tag mode. Though broken, has a lot of potential considering how many possible setups and high damage combos. Hopefully there can be more of it in the future. :)

Oh and here's the archive list for tag if you missed it:

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
shoutouts to everyone ^_^ notably;

tyrant, showtime, and shangxter for being so hospitable to me and trepound.
it was great meeting tony-t, lt box, hitoshura, mikemetroid, and whoever else i can't think of right now as well.
i didn't do great at all but i blame it on myself for not practicing this game and then expecting to waltz in and do well. shame on me. i'm going to grind it out hard for the next major and try to come out and not get blown up.

huge shoutouts to sonicfox for doing so well in everything he entered. he is the truth. fuck the haters~

if yall saw me on stream vs sonic fox, lemme say...
that really sucked. X: HERE'S A STORY
he blew my ass out da frame on stream for mortal kombat...
...and then a few hours later, i find out we are in the same pool for soul calibur, and i'm like "hell yeah, i'm actually decent at soul calibur, maybe i can exact some revenge!" so jaxel puts me and sonic on stream for SC5...
...and he 3-0's me D: heartbroken, i tear through losers bracket and a few matches in, lo' and behold, me vs. sonicfox again...
...and i finally 3-0'd him >:D off-fucking-stream tho D: but whatever :cool: justice was served. ggs.

NEC was a blast. wish i could've spent more time in the room for mortal kombat but that room was just way too crowded for me. smelled like booboo and fritos.
you beat fox in scv?

dude THATS tight


If only he had a scene.
You need to stop acting like that dude.
I'm really tired of you acting like I'm being an asshole about saying that I don't have a scene. I brought the nova guys together but people left one by one. I got tired of waiting for our group to start up casuals again so I turned to online after ECT4. I owe it all to the nova guys for helping me start out. I did my best to keep everyone playing but eventually people wanted to stopped going to my house and yours. The comic shop isn't considered a mk scene since everyone else plays capcom. Astro and I are the only ones that play mk every other week sometimes. Andy plays for a bit too but he plays the other games more. If I didn't start playing online the way I did, I wouldn't have gotten to the level I'm at now.

Whether you like it or not, our group died a long time ago. It wasn't a scene imo for one reason; we weren't stable enough. Every time something starts coming a long you always freak out for no reason on the forums then no one wants to go to your house for casuals or you want us not to come. I still have no idea why you have a problem with me. You can ask anyone in the group if I have a problem with you, which I don't. Hell, I even say that I would love to help you out with whatever. I still want our group to grow and become a real scene but we can't even find something stable. Andy did find a place for casuals but I wont be able to get there until a month or so. In about a month I'll be trying really hard to get more people into mk.

Get rid of whatever you have against me because you are only wasting your time. I don't care about the past so I want you to come to meet ups whenever we have one also. If you still want to be a prick trolling or not, fuck off. From now on I will ignore every negative post you have towards me.


Filthy Casual
You need to stop acting like that dude.
I'm really tired of you acting like I'm being an asshole about saying that I don't have a scene. I brought the nova guys together but people left one by one. I got tired of waiting for our group to start up casuals again so I turned to online after ECT4. I owe it all to the nova guys for helping me start out. I did my best to keep everyone playing but eventually people wanted to stopped going to my house and yours. The comic shop isn't considered a mk scene since everyone else plays capcom. Astro and I are the only ones that play mk every other week sometimes. Andy plays for a bit too but he plays the other games more. If I didn't start playing online the way I did, I wouldn't have gotten to the level I'm at now.

Whether you like it or not, our group died a long time ago. It wasn't a scene imo for one reason; we weren't stable enough. Every time something starts coming a long you always freak out for no reason on the forums then no one wants to go to your house for casuals or you want us not to come. I still have no idea why you have a problem with me. You can ask anyone in the group if I have a problem with you, which I don't. Hell, I even say that I would love to help you out with whatever. I still want our group to grow and become a real scene but we can't even find something stable. Andy did find a place for casuals but I wont be able to get there until a month or so. In about a month I'll be trying really hard to get more people into mk.

Get rid of whatever you have against me because you are only wasting your time. I don't care about the past so I want you to come to meet ups whenever we have one also. If you still want to be a prick trolling or not, fuck off. From now on I will ignore every negative post you have towards me.
Whoa dude, stop blowing things out of context. All I stated was if only you had a scene, then you blew me up while admitting there is no scene?

If you want to discuss this in private we can.