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Things I learned Watching NEC

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
  • Major props to Phil and co for the streams
  • Tom Brady is back: He had unbelievable reads, he came out the gate slow in Pools and was upset by Tony-t by then he woke up and became Omega Brady
  • OVER POWERED BRAIN DEAD KENSHI WAS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND IN TOP 16 and ALL POCKET KENSHI GOT THEIR BACK BROKEN OUT HARD - So easy to learn yet nowhere to be found. #INTRADESTING..........carry on Kenshi Haters
  • SonicFox5000 is the real deal: I ALREADY KNEW THIS but this certified it in stone. Proud and happy for him
  • Mileena/Kabal MU IS 3-7 as I said: I dont wanna hear about this being a 5-5 ever again, you're all dumbasses who believe this including you fox but I <3 You. I told you reo isnt (Insert Any other kabal name here)
  • zaf ermac is for real: No question Zaf had one of the hugest upsets that made the room roar. He needs to work on being clutch and calming himself when times are tough and he'll in the future rupture a lot of brackets
  • GGA 16 Bit AGAIN is the #1 KITANA uncontested: Im sorry but Ill keep this one short because a few select people still believe some online kits they play are better or CD is better. This is untrue, we are not in 2011 we are in 2012 The game has evolved and no one has evolved more w the times and been an advocate of the current Kitana mold more than 16 bit. PERIOD
  • REO: Is still #1 but for some reason still never AA people on crossups. Hes still LEAPS ahead of all other kabals
  • Maxter is the best most consistent Dominican currently and the #1 Cyrax hands down
  • Winter Wars has HELLLLLLLLLA leveled up. It was awesome to watch
  • @TetraSpirit Is awesome as hell with Baraka but needs more offline exp with Nerves. He really had it vs krayzie
  • Krayzie: Forever 9th? FEEL bad for him. He never plays to his caliber and still drops a lot
  • Blackula for god sakes listen to me: Thats what happens when in a clutch moment you try AA w standing 2 against smoke. You looked really sharp at times but the "pretty-ness" of standing 2 AA got you in final match when it counted. A SC then ex trade with bomb would have sufficed and you would have advanced. When will Kenshis listen to me? Also why u rush down jax w large hit box ????
  • Riu 48 has hella gotten back in shape and was looking hella good
  • Showtime is #1 tournament Sonya no question. Dude has balls of steal and was amazingly close to beating maxter, It hurt watching the final round. I was hella impressed with Showtime's execution
  • @K-FROG jumps 48459084509890845 times a round
  • SwiftTomHanks sektor looked really good and I had missed seeing him play
  • AC1984 nerves got best of him but he still looked great
  • @TONY=T blew out about 3 people's backs hard
  • Death lost a lot of weight and looks awesome (no homo) and not to mention his Sonya was very very impressive to watch. Im really happy to see death back, hope to play him soon in brackets or top8 where he belongs.
  • CD jr had a very difficult path and bracket and still showed the champ that he is
  • Digimon is extremely salty (Captain Obvious Alert)
  • GGA Soonk needs to learn Jade MU but pulled it out
  • @Neorussel #1 Jade?
  • Insuperable Jax made me so excited I was jumping up and down - Probably his most impressive character no question. Still nerves got best :)
  • Tom Brady Pop off was amazing and uncomfortable at the same time - Can someone tell me what he was yelling and saying?
  • Big D Noob looks Soooooooooooo good and he needs to trust him more as well as his Lao. His ermac was very sharp but the #pig/foxtrixx got him :( Wanted to see both players advance, hard to watch
  • CURBOLICOUS seemed to have issues w controller? Can someone explain? IMO curbo needs to drop kabal go back to what got him hot in the scene and improve his lao. HIS LAO BEAT REO 5-0 back in the day offline yet he doesnt use him anymore??????????? DA FUQ?
  • Why no one bring live stream equipment for casuals in hotel room?
  • Triforce was first on stage for that attention moment
  • @fgc Mono Got his C4 VERTEBRA blown out
  • @xKhaotikx Lost to Tetraspirit and went 0-2 or 1-2? Dude what happened here?
  • Chris g Still a top reptile but with no MU exp but his beard still looks great
  • Apparently it's cool to add a top player to the bracket when 75% of the tournament play has started and finished
  • Revolver is the KING of almost beating a top player. I was so mad, he had it :(
  • Jer needs to AA roll to go along with his S TIER IAS skills
  • I was upset no Dr Flash or Trepound380 on stream- Trepound was ready for all Mileenas
  • @Lulzlou cant catch a break in brackets
  • @waffelz losing to Tyrant saddened me heavy but I like both players but YTW i my boy. He'll get over this and get back into the swing of things. He dropped 90% of his resets and that is a no no
  • Im not sure why J360 hasnt had his massive huge win yet? He's way past credit card bill due
  • @sonicfox5000 is a huge arguement why Online play matter
More to come..................PLease post all your thoughts and observations and feel free to discuss any i posted​

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Believe me, nerves didn't do anything to me. Not being able to jump away from the command grab(For some GODFORSAKEN REASON) did it, but I don't wanna start bitching on anything.
I thought you locked up during the command grab shennangans I was close to being as pissed as you were

Still man You looked awesome


Stream was great, dropped a little bit at the beginning but 995 Phil and the KombatNetwork deserve serious props for streaming most of pools and the rest.

We need to hear the rest of what happened with Tony T and his lady friend.

Props to Shanxter, to others he seemed here and there, but he was strong playing all the way.

Props to all the tourney attendees from the 0-2 guys to the top 8 and REO. The reason we get huge tournament showings is because of everyone who shows up, not just the top players. Everyone who got out early, I encourage you to keep looking at what you lost and next tournament play harder than ever. This tournament was not easy and don't let that deter you from coming to another tournament . The MK community is about the community.

One gripe I did have on stream was all the hate getting spewed across fighters. Tekken players hating on MK, Marvel players being annoying, MK players doing the same. But I guess that's the nature of the beast.
I thought you locked up during the command grab shennangans I was close to being as pissed as you were

Still man You looked awesome
Nah, I've been there, done that. I knew so hard he was gonna keep doing it and I wanted to cross him over when he went for it, but as you saw it just refused to work.
Insuperable will attest to watching me mash on my control desperately trying to make it work. <.<

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
One thing WC does EC doesnt is NJP cross overs and OTG d3

online players do
i can count about 4 or 5 matches where just ONE time NJP a cross over would of changed the complexion of a match.

The other thing.... Ermac has to jump a fuck ton to win. If you took the names off the stream.... you'd never know who was Kfrog Zaf or BigD. Holy shit that character is a bunny.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
i can count about 4 or 5 matches where just ONE time NJP a cross over would of changed the complexion of a match.

The other thing.... Ermac has to jump a fuck ton to win. If you took the names off the stream.... you'd never know who was Kfrog Zaf or BigD. Holy shit that character is a bunny.
I thought when zaf and D jumped it was smart mostly but FROG jumps like a heathen on crack

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Last thing I learned.
Pigs Kenshi plays a major role in who gets out of certain pools.

one character really does affect how a bracket can turn out for certain players.
Surely more people go to tourneys with the #2 characters in the game that takes no skill to use


Thanks man I was emo all weekend not being there


Zoning Master
Pig Of The Hut said:
@DarKNaTaS looked good with freddy except in cyrax MU @m2dave
Rush down Freddy players are wasting their time because they will never place high until they adapt my style of gameplay.

Another word for rush down Freddy is risk. Cyrax preys on risks. He loves when you take risks. That is why DarkNaTaS got exposed.