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Things I learned Watching NEC


Emperor of the Moon
I learned that revenge is a dish best served in the losers bracket. There were 3 people eliminated by the person they sent to losers on the first day, and 1 or maybe more on the second I missed some of it today.

I remember these, blanking on the rest of them though.

TONY-T vs Tom Brady
REO vs CD jr


Things I learned.

Tom Brady hates Cyrax and is a problem for Kabals
REO doesn't talk much
Maxter and CD jr are full of swag
k-frog is an absolute force and supplied one of my favorite matches.
GGA 16 Bit is just as epic and cool in person as he seems elsewhere.
SonicFox5000 is not affected by shit talk.
Showtime was the coolest and most welcoming dude that I met.
The hand-on-hand slicing gesture is one of the funniest things I've ever seen
This is all I have for now. But there is much more.


Galloping Ghost Arcade
Cyrax only loses to characters with quick instant air projectiles. He probably only loses to Kabal Kang Kitana.
And Kang/Kitana might actually be 5-5's. Whoever said this has no idea what they are talking about :p

EDIT: And Cyblax can be used to take care of characters that give Cyrax a hard time. Cyrax is beast man lol
Cyrax may only have 2-3 losing matchups, the more I play certain ones. I feel Kabal (lol), Sonya, and Smoke may be his only bad MU's, with Kabal being 3-7 and the other 2 being 4-6.


I did learn insuperable put a whole new meaning to the term woolay! Shoutouts to giving me a brain hemorrage watching that battle versus tyrant, best pale faced shenanigan player ever.


Galloping Ghost Arcade
I know people want to blow me up for having bad tourney nerves, and that may be partially what caused my losses on saturday. I simply could not adapt to the stream monitor's delay better than my opponent, and therefore allowed him (kfrog) to jump in for free. Since we both have to play with the same delay, I cannot fault him for this and I accepted my loss graciously. I am glad that the PS3 was reset and tested afterwards because many people before me that played on it Saturday said the same thing but no on mentioned it until my teammate soonk got every top player to come talk to Phil about it to improve the condition for everyone else. I just didn't want to be "that guy" that gets labeled as salty and an excuse maker, so I couldn't say anything. Hopefully everyone understands me here, I am not making up excuses, I am just saying I couldn't adapt to the conditions I had to play in. I did go on to lose to another Kabal player (ermac...somthing was his tag) who beat me and props are due to him as well.

I think people may give me too much credit as a player because I train with the GGA guys, but I hope I didn't let anyone down this weekend besides myself.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
I learned that I like everything besides watching people play, sure sometimes its alright but I gotta play something lol


Administrator and Community Engineer
Howl is riu48 not the absolute #1 Sonya of America? This guy consistently gets no props, but no one accomplishes what he does when it's all on the line.

I motion that evilriu is unquestionably the best Sonya, and has the best track record of any sonya player in top tournaments, and anyone who disagrees should be repeatedly JC nutpunched until they see the light or can no longer have children.



I know how you feel about 9th Big D, we tied for it this weekend. But getting 9th at grassroots is definitely not as bad as getting 9th at mlg bc you hit the money at 8th.
. Just train hard for final round bc I hope they give us that tourney run back :-P

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2


but it's infinite. like if you dont do anything the chip is guaranteed, and you're still in jail, if you're up 80% health with 60 seconds left you can still lose if you get caught in jail once. .
Wait, so if you don't do anything you lose? How about doing something then... Sub Zero's corner game is anything but an infinite. I'm not saying this to be a dick but what are you talking about? And comparing Sub's tools to Kitana? What you're neglecting is how hard it is to get someone in the corner in certain match-ups. This is what Brady always talks about. He makes some things look easy so people overestimate Sub. Obviously, Sub's corner game is tremendous, but LBSH....

And if you have an 80% life lead against Sub and losing it in 60 seconds then you're not doing it right.

DJ L Toro

check his bradycast videos. he waits for the other guy either to commit to something or fo it to be too late and get the chip and another clone. it's really smart because that takes the guesswork out (because if someone acts too early they'll get caught, if they standblock they stay in jail plus chip, and if they crouchblock he can bigleg, freeze for a combo and keep you in jail) it's brilliant.


check his bradycast videos. he waits for the other guy either to commit to something or fo it to be too late and get the chip and another clone. it's really smart because that takes the guesswork out (because if someone acts too early they'll get caught, if they standblock they stay in jail plus chip, and if they crouchblock he can bigleg, freeze for a combo and keep you in jail) it's brilliant.
Don't get me wrong, it is not the actual statement that I disagreed with, but the fact that you said it in a way that makes it sound as if it's easy to actually do. If Brady does that, it's because he's that good, not Sub.

DJ L Toro

Don't get me wrong, it is not the actual statement that I disagreed with, but the fact that you said it in a way that makes it sound as if it's easy to actually do. If Brady does that, it's because he's that good, not Sub.
oh, that's addressed in a different post. i dont think sub's tools are easy to use, but i'm simply stating that he has extremely strong tools that can be used at the highest level very effectively.


see you at the top.
Things I learned:

Every Kitana or Sonya I play is the best depending on who you ask.
Ermac beats Kitana
There are a surprising number of ermacs.
Shang/Kabal is a mere 4-6; Shang/Cyrax is a got damn 3-7.
Reo is kinda ok at MK9 and other MK games.


Things I learned:

Every Kitana or Sonya I play is the best depending on who you ask.
Ermac beats Kitana
There are a surprising number of ermacs.
Shang/Kabal is a mere 4-6; Shang/Cyrax is a got damn 3-7.
Reo is kinda ok at MK9 and other MK games.
No way im getting into the kitana ermac mu discussion in here because it will derail this thread...but
God damn Finally thank you, someone can see it too


Get over here!
Maan this was the time of my life. Ill have a (sort of) blog post of my rundown from the weekend soon. So much to talk about.
Can't wait to read this!! Crum write ups and interviews own all. Give me a shoutout in there LOL!


I miss you
  • SonicFox5000 is the real deal: I ALREADY KNEW THIS but this certified it in stone. Proud and happy for him
  • Big D Noob looks Soooooooooooo good and he needs to trust him more as well as his Lao. His ermac was very sharp but the #pig/foxtrixx got him :( Wanted to see both players advance, hard to watch
Someone said in Injustcast that SonicFox was going to get blowned up, he made an awesome tourney.

Big D once again repping Ermac. Still his match against Maxter got me a little surprised, because back in CEO he zoned him quite nicely and in NEC his zoning was nowhere to be seen. I haven't seen his match against Sonic Fox but I'll think that with a little more of Mileena experience (Pig pls) he will have it on point.

Great tourney nevertheless and very proud of my Ermac brothers :D


  • Blackula for god sakes listen to me: Thats what happens when in a clutch moment you try AA w standing 2 against smoke. You looked really sharp at times but the "pretty-ness" of standing 2 AA got you in final match when it counted. A SC then ex trade with bomb would have sufficed and you would have advanced. When will Kenshis listen to me? Also why u rush down jax w large hit box ????
What I learned from NEC. Having watched and rewatched my match videos over and over vs Wafflez, I learned that standing 2 AA isn't what cost me that match against Wafflez. My biggest problem was dropping combos in the corner. I dropped a hell of a lot of corner combos that could have won me games and instead cost me. Also, I could have won against Wafflez if I didn't do what I did at the end of the first game of the loser's finals for my pool. I ended up pulling a "Pig" and didn't convert my EN Spirit Charge in the corner for a full combo and instead just followed up with another Spirit Charge. I know I've gotten on your case about that in the past, but I can honestly I'm sorry that I did because it happens. In the heat of a battle, sometimes you know to do something and you don't do it and do something else. So now I can say it's happened to the both of us. If I had done d+1 or d+4 into RK, Wafflez wouldn't have been able to break and that combo would have killed him that round putting me up 1-0. And having won the second game in that set, I could have advanced, but that wasn't case. What is done is done. I can only learn from this and make sure next time I don't do it again, or rather try not to let it happen again. Wafflez adapted in that second match, played differently than he did in the first match, and came out the victor. So I say, a very good games to Wafflez.

But now we have a new issue. The Blackula vs Wafflez rivalry is still tied. Now it's 2-2. We need to do some sort of exhibition or something at the next tournament both of us will be at. A much longer set. I propose a FT5 at Final Round. Not necessarily for money because I don't usually do money matches, but just something for everyone to see.

GGA Wafflez

the kid
What I learned from NEC. Having watched and rewatched my match videos over and over vs Wafflez, I learned that standing 2 AA isn't what cost me that match against Wafflez. My biggest problem was dropping combos in the corner. I dropped a hell of a lot of corner combos that could have won me games and instead cost me. Also, I could have won against Wafflez if I didn't do what I did at the end of the first game of the loser's finals for my pool. I ended up pulling a "Pig" and didn't convert my EN Spirit Charge in the corner for a full combo and instead just followed up with another Spirit Charge. I know I've gotten on your case about that in the past, but I can honestly I'm sorry that I did because it happens. In the heat of a battle, sometimes you know to do something and you don't do it and do something else. So now I can say it's happened to the both of us. If I had done d+1 or d+4 into RK, Wafflez wouldn't have been able to break and that combo would have killed him that round putting me up 1-0. And having won the second game in that set, I could have advanced, but that wasn't case. What is done is done. I can only learn from this and make sure next time I don't do it again, or rather try not to let it happen again. Wafflez adapted in that second match, played differently than he did in the first match, and came out the victor. So I say, a very good games to Wafflez.

But now we have a new issue. The Blackula vs Wafflez rivalry is still tied. Now it's 2-2. We need to do some sort of exhibition or something at the next tournament both of us will be at. A much longer set. I propose a FT5 at Final Round. Not necessarily for money because I don't usually do money matches, but just something for everyone to see.
one of my favorite people to play against.. a fun rivalry. i will play a ft5 for sure!