ermac vs johnny is 5-5
how could it be in his favor? does ermac start the match pre-nut punched?
believe me i could zone cage easily. I just think you guys havent fought alot of good ermacs.
its basically like this ermac wins if he keeps him out, johnny wins if he touches him. And a smart ermac controls space and postioning very carefully, using his meter to stay out of the corner.
look at it like this, if kenshi has an advantage, ermac has gotta be even.
what does cage have on ermac's zoning? Red kick? full combo punishable on block and on hit sends me where i wanna be, away from cage? and if he doesn't have full meter now he doesn't have breaker, bad idea against ermac.
all you have to do is play it similarly to how pig played kenshi vs curbo. avoid giving him a a knockdown to get close, this means unbreakerable damage. make him have to dash block to get to you, watch out for djk. while hes doing this the ermac player has to walk backwards to buy time and make it harder for him to position that djk. ermac has the 3rd fastest walk speed in the game btw.
he also has the longest range grab in the game and it sends you full screen. and to slow down an impeding dash blocker an ermac player might be walking back ward than all of a sudden dash forward to throw him or f4 him into a throw settup. when you start dashing in without blocking.. ill make it look like im gonna throw you by dashing in, but guess what i force pushed you at point blank. if u decide to jump in standing 1 owns hard bro.
standing 1, lift, forcepush 20% unbreakerable damage and you're full screen. and you can bet ill breaker and start walking backward if u ever get in too.