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Match-up Discussion Johnny Cage Mu chart


I'm sure you've got tons more experience with this matchup than I do. Most of the cage players I've faced get AA rolled every single time they jump at me, so I absolutely agree that cage needs to stay on the ground All of your situational examples make it look like you think cage is invincible against mileena and he can just walk up to her for free. Once he gets in her face, yea.. she's in trouble.. but how does he deal with ias spamming without eating chip or using armor to get in? jumping is a bad idea for him, slowly closing the distance while she is ias spamming can get you caught with a roll.
I'm sure you've got tons more experience with this matchup than I do. Most of the cage players I've faced get AA rolled every single time they jump at me, so I absolutely agree that cage needs to stay on the ground All of your situational examples make it look like you think cage is invincible against mileena and he can just walk up to her for free. Once he gets in her face, yea.. she's in trouble.. but how does he deal with ias spamming without eating chip or using armor to get in? jumping is a bad idea for him, slowly closing the distance while she is ias spamming can get you caught with a roll.
duck the sais... lol. she has slow ass normals and unsafe wakeups, when cage is in, bad news for her to get out. Also to beat her d4, he can just d3 it bcuz d3 is 7 frames while d4 is like 12 frames. When cage gains a lead, she must approach which automatically is in his advantage and you are backing yourself to the corner all day, why do you think solid mil's like sonicfox went sonya when he fought a cage? that mu for mil is not good.


LIn Kuei Champion
I'm sure you've got tons more experience with this matchup than I do. Most of the cage players I've faced get AA rolled every single time they jump at me, so I absolutely agree that cage needs to stay on the ground All of your situational examples make it look like you think cage is invincible against mileena and he can just walk up to her for free. Once he gets in her face, yea.. she's in trouble.. but how does he deal with ias spamming without eating chip or using armor to get in? jumping is a bad idea for him, slowly closing the distance while she is ias spamming can get you caught with a roll.
mil can win it bro but its not easy at all. cage is more dominant on the ground vs mileena. he out footsies mileena. 6-4 cage. remember that 6-4 only means slight advantage. cage wins it sais are no problem just duck under and no chip. throw out a tele block punish. throw out a roll punish. cage can punish all mil throws at him. at the highest lvl cage won't jump at mileena i guarantee. don't let the online cages fool you. offline its hard for mileena ask pig death any other mileena. ask dizzy or foxy curbo high lvl cages about the match. They'll all say cage wins it. doesnt mean mil can't win it tho.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
I've kind of thought the mu was even for a while but cyrax does beat cage.
the cage can make it look even but rax wins it. he has bombs,d4,d3,buzzsaw, d1+exragdoll, aa grab, resets, command grab. cyrax can also go on the offensive with cgs. d4 is plus 16 on a standing opponent. cage has to be careful with his meter. p1 does come into play in this mu. rax standing 1 is 9f and cage f3 is 9f. they do it at the same time whoever is player one side will win. or cyrax can d1+exragdoll out of pressure and that isn't interuptible either. its like +20 on cancel. cage can't trade either. cage has to take a little more risks I think to win it.

I would say 6-4 cyrax now
Makes sense, I dig it.


Yea. Like I said it's likely that the cage's I've fought are just playing the MU wrong. I've fought against one decent one in GF in a tourny offline and I ended up making him change characters. But yea, he jumped at me.

that's kind of a problem with mileena in general though. she is highly punishable. I'd like to play Dizzy's cage, but I haven't talked to him a whole lot since WoW became lame and he usually doesn't play online.