Baraka- 6/4 5/5 after playing TheTetraSpirit Peckapowa and STB Shujinkydink. Adv to Cage (aka .5 but fuck .5s)
Cyber Sub-Zero- 6/4 5/5 Parry and good use of dive kicks. See Dizzy vs UsedForGlue
Cyrax- 5/5
Ermac- 5/5
Freddy- 4/6
Jade- 6/4
Jax- 7/3 6/4 You're trying to tell me that Jax with all of his armors, damage, and safe strings is as easy as a win like it is against Kano?
Kabal- 3/7 6/4 3/7 on Rooftop Day. It's how a player can get used to Kabal's rhythm then the sudden pressure game that he can do.
Kano- 7/3
Kenshi- 2/8
Kitana- 5/5 (16 bit and Khaotic both think Kitana wins. Maybe they are right.)
Kung Lao- 6/4
Liu Kang- 5/5
Mileena- 6/4
Nightwolf- 7/3
Noob- 6/4
Quan- 7/3
Raiden- 6/4
Rain- 6/4
Reptile- 6/4 5/5 Low Hitbox and Decent zoning can keep Cage on his toes. He also has armor.
Scorpion- 6/4
Sektor- 5/5
Shang- 6/4 (Another one I could use input on, not enough experience.) 5/5 Shang's zoning is tricky to get past, but upclose his armor and slow moves is what can hurt him. He also has a decent pressure game, which you will have to use meter or a fast normal to get out of.
Sheeva- 8/2
Sindel- 6/4
Skarlet- 6/4 5/5 Skarlet's zoning is pretty damn good against Cage. She also has really great armor to use against his Pressure.
Smoke- 6/4
Sonya- 5/5
Stryker- 6/4
Sub-Zero- 4/6
If my input means anything.
this is a really solid matchup chart, i think i have a few disagreements or potential qualms, but they are all debatable, i think jax can still effectively use gps and gp cancels, and his projectile too really fuck cage up.
i think freddy very well could be 3-7, i dont see why not, i personally smoke can be hard to catch, give him amazing zoning, all nms moves are only like -3 on block, this character should be able to outspace cage run away and take advantage of his zoning to grant grabs and safe pressure...
i think raiden is potentially even, but ill give you the 6-4
i think he might lose to sonya ( military stance 2 is hard to deal with, the fact that in order to punish ex cartwheel you have to njp is very risky, however f3 kind of hurts her gameplan a lot and yeah you can just block ex cartwheels)
i think kung lao is even-ill play any cage in this matchup even though i dont main lao and i think i can make you guys change your minds. kung lao can really space cage effectively and run away. people take too many risks
i think noob could be even- dont whiff upknee.
jade has really really good spacing against cage, i think shes underrated and i think shes being slept on
i think skarlet could be 4-6...her zoning is a bitch to deal with, her pressure is amazing, ill stck with 5-5 for now though
i think reptile could be 4-6 also.... reptile has such good spacing in this matchup, safe pressure, amazing zoning that grants him safe pressure, ill stick with 5-5 because cage's pressure is a bitch for reptile especially if he reads dashs and can deal with ex dash.... also f3 can blow up d4s if u anticipate it and b3 can whiff punish them well.
kabal and kenshi could both be 2-8's... but i think theoretically kenshi should never lose, if u guess right vs kabal you can blow him up... but still theoretically you shouldnt be winning either, i consider myself good at both of these matchups. flash parry is ridiculous
i think scorpion could be 7-3, sometimes i mash out pokes if i think they are going to counter-poke and it works really well in this matchup, scorpion.... i think scorpion is underrated due to to his counter-zoning abilities, armor, and really good upclose mixup game which he can choose to make safe or take risks, but against a rushdown like cages its tough, then again scorp can do things like ex spear after a blocked takedown.
this makes cage more mid-tier....hes a wildcard though because of his ability to get in and stay in and a lot of his tools are amazing i dont want to down play one of my mains too much.. i just think spacing is so important.