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Question If Kabal was nerfed, do you think the game would be less scrubby?


No, it's not. Think about how fair everyone has treated Kabal players when it comes to tournaments... They know our character is fucked up and broken, but they smile and allow us to use him in tournaments. I think this would be a great way to treat the community back as Kabal players, think of it as a way of saying "thank you". I honestly didn't feel right being up on that stage on Dallas, I felt like I took away a possible win and achievement for someone else who deserved it way more than me. I had my time to shine already, it just really wasn't right IMO and killed all possible hype.
You're talking like a pussy now. Great show nonetheless. If you drop the game because of Kabal, you won't be missed.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
No, it's not. Think about how fair everyone has treated Kabal players when it comes to tournaments... They know our character is fucked up and broken, but they smile and allow us to use him in tournaments. I think this would be a great way to treat the community back as Kabal players, think of it as a way of saying "thank you". I honestly didn't feel right being up on that stage on Dallas, I felt like I took away a possible win and achievement for someone else who deserved it way more than me. I had my time to shine already, it just really wasn't right IMO and killed all possible hype.
REO, I really hope this is a troll... >_>

As far as banning Kabal...there's one major problem. There's no reason to. Yes, he has no bad matchups. Problem is, he's not so overbearing that other characters can't compete. This is basically T4 Jin all over again. Jin was too good, but it was basically agreed that he wasn't at that point where you had no reason not to pick him. Kabal is the same way.

You guys have dealt with Kabal thus far, and with all the shit known about him and being used, there's still only really REO consistently making GFs/winning anything with Kabal alone.

As far as Kenshi goes, Kenshi loses matchups. The only big issue with him is that he is actually a character that blows out a TON of characters backs harder than Kabal does.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Kenshi actually has losing matches. Kenshi loses horrid to Kung Lao, some say it's 2-8 even. I think I also remember Pig saying he loses to Cyrax, Reptile, and maybe some others 4-6. Kenshi also has a ton of 5-5s. You cannot compare Kenshi to Kabal, they are completely different subject.
Kenshi still has ways around Kung Lao's mobility mainly D3, it isn't as horrible as what Pig is claiming it to be. It isn't in Kenshi's favor, but it's still winnable. 4-6 KL

As far as banning Kabal goes though...no, don't ban him. Call me crazy, but he isn't as overpowered as a lot of people think...

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
For the 94738173548675234848273th time...

What nerfs did Sub-Zero receive that that didn't apply to everyone exactly? Players cottoning on to a flowchart isn't a nerf..
Every time someone received armor... they nerfed SZ
Then they decided he was the ONLY character to lose his damage reset... while others that could go to the tune of 100% were left in.


Nope, Kabal's being as broken as he is has forced nearly all players of this game to level up to the point of being able to deal with it. We are all better fighting game players in general because of his design.
This is basically the most honest post about Kabal.... Well done.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Kenshi still has ways around Kung Lao's mobility mainly D3, it isn't as horrible as what Pig is claiming it to be. It isn't in Kenshi's favor, but it's still winnable. 4-6 KL

As far as banning Kabal goes though...no, don't ban him. Call me crazy, but he isn't as overpowered as a lot of people think...
U have absolutely no idea what you're talking about

Please do not comment on a character or MU u know nothing about

D3 on it's "get up animation" gets blown up by teleport 3 by Lao players who know how to look for this

Against really shitty Laos yea it's even or 4-6 but sir u have no clue what you're talking about

I only speak about top level competition not the shitty Laos u refer to


U have absolutely no idea what you're talking about

Please do not comment on a character or MU u know nothing about

D3 on it's "get up animation" gets blown up by teleport 3 by Lao players who know how to look for this

Against really shitty Laos yea it's even or 4-6 but sir u have no clue what you're talking about

I only speak about top level competition not the shitty Laos u refer to
A little harsh no?
U have absolutely no idea what you're talking about

Please do not comment on a character or MU u know nothing about

D3 on it's "get up animation" gets blown up by teleport 3 by Lao players who know how to look for this

Against really shitty Laos yea it's even or 4-6 but sir u have no clue what you're talking about

I only speak about top level competition not the shitty Laos u refer to
Pig for biggest downplayer of the week? You are making it sound like Kenshi has it worse than Smoke in the KL matchup. pls

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
So the first time I say anything about the Kenshi/KL MU and I get blown up...yeah that's fair...

I'm talking about in terms of the whole community

For someone to tell me how a MU really is when they

A. Don't use my character
B. Don't play against the Laos that I do on a daily basis
C. Post bad info giving false hope to kenshi players in the MU

Is something I'll blow up

A better way is to say "I think d3 escapes Lao teleport options" then I show u a video showing a d3 against a top Lao gets u a loss of 42%

True Lao players teleporT , make the read then properly react

Tom Brady

For god sakes tell these people how kenshi Lao really is

4-6 lmao


The First Element
This thread is getting crazy...Ban him,Ban her etc ..lol..all what needs to happen is a couple of patches to various characters...then i would be happy .


THTB, there have been TONS of Kabal players who do well at majors or win. Michaelangelo, Erik Warda, KevoDaMan, AC1984, Lulzlou, Detroitballn313, etc. the list goes on... It's not only me doing good with Kabal.

xInfra Deadx, many players who are experienced in the match-up say Kenshi vs Lao is 2-8. Examples being Pig Of The Hut, Tom Brady, Perfect Legend, etc. I trust their word over many when it comes to Kung Lao and Kenshi. Also you have to consider Smoke has the chance to kill Kung Lao when he makes a mistake due to resets, Kenshi doesn't kill you when he touches you. lol Just something to consider. It's a reason why Perfect Legend believes the Smoke match-up with Kung Lao can be 5-5 at the highest level if played properly.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Lol at all the KL vs. Kenshi nonsense. LBSH, that MU has always been ass for Kenshi and has only gotten worse with the progression of the game. KL just has everything to make Kenshi scream for his sight back.


That doesn't mean you didn't play well, it just means others played better.
That's true.
I do wish I played friday like I did on Saturday. I need Sonya exp as well, not knowing that match up really made me nervous against showtime. Still managed to get a game off of him thankfully.