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Breakthrough I might have a way to figure out Cyrax Toasty Boost!

JAP What inputs have you tried for Freddy?

I'm so confused. I thought we were close with Freddy?

I'm guessing nothing has been tried except what has been posted?



Combo maker
apparently Jade 3, CSZ 4, Kano 3, Freddy 3?, Kenshi 3 (YES)
Jade-Kano-Freddy- Kenchi one group with 3??
apparently Jade 3, CSZ 4, Kano 3, Freddy 3?, Kenshi 3 (YES)
Jade-Kano-Freddy- Kenchi one group with 3??
I still say to try some of these inputs:


(last two maybe UDD and UDF)

JAP What have you tried for both 2 and 3?
Reactions: JAP
I'm fed up with her character. Toasty keeps me interested :)
Oh no you aren't. I have something else in the works that i've been keeping secret. So far Kano Raiden and Sub are done. Sektor and Jade are next. Not sure who else i'll do, but the video will be sick. It's a surprise :)


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
Oh no you aren't. I have something else in the works that i've been keeping secret. So far Kano Raiden and Sub are done. Sektor and Jade are next. Not sure who else i'll do, but the video will be sick. It's a surprise :)
baraka and mileena or gtfo,
you still never posted the 50% no meter combos u said u had with baraka :p only that one corner vid with the 52% one meter one
(although i do have a 50% no meter now)
theres not enough baraka/mileena on your youtube channel, you should make a "tarkatan special" video
baraka and mileena or gtfo,
you still never posted the 50% no meter combos u said u had with baraka :p only that one corner vid with the 52% one meter one
(although i dohave a 505 no meter now)
theres not enough baraka/mileena on your youtube channel, you should make a "tarkatan special" video
I'll add Baraka. Ill also record the 52% no meter.

Mileena sounds interesting. I'm still mad at what happened to her since the demo :( Bring back old Mileena!


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
I'll add Baraka. Ill also record the 52% no meter.

Mileena sounds interesting. I'm still mad at what happened to her since the demo :( Bring back old Mileena!
hold on 52% NO meter? :eek:
the one you have up has 52% with one meter,damn

yea demo mileena was hella fun, wished they didnt add more recovery frames to her d2 :(


Alright I take back what I said. lol Midscreen uppercut is fkin hard. Gonna try the Wall instead.

STORMS should make a front page article of all these Combos. :D


Nice, TylerLantern. You might be able to do the full wall combo and still squeeze in the Toasty Boost. Possibly end it like this: 2~fan (buffer FFB during fan), 4~lift.

If you decide to keep making TB vids, we'd love to have you on board for the community TB project. Keep recording till then.

Rip Torn - What about FDD? And where the hell is JAP? lol
Yeah, I noticed that with your Kenshi TB combo how you finished the combo and still got the TB, which was just sick by the way, so I will see what I can do with Kitana. I just threw this combo together real quick after getting the Toasty quicker than I thought, so I will definitely see how much more damage I can pull out of it. And yeah, a community TB project sounds great.
TylerLantern - Keep at it. Every day is a new day to learn (tried to sub you on youtube earlier BTW)

InFlames - The wall setup will be hard as fuck too.

I also take back what i said about Subs 66%. I have another way of landing it, but what i was doing was 21(bbd1)4, but the buffer window in between 1 and 4 seems to be a frame short. You would need to use 212 instead because of the longer delay in between 1 and 2.

Regardless, i have found a new way to land the 66%. This time it's just 214(bbd1~xray). The trick here is you have to just frame the xray from bbd1 or else the xray won't come out. It's not hard, but it's tricky if you don't time it right.

As soon as i get Forden back on screen i'll record it.

As for Sektor, 68% when it comes time.

From there i believe i fulfilled my part of the TYM TB vid. If more need to be done then i will.

These days just trying to keep balanced. Search for a TB, then take a break and try some TB combos.

Stay balanced.

JAP When is the earliest you can start inputting the Toasty Boost?

-Is it as soon as he finishes saying Toasty?
-Is it when he is completely offscreen? (or close to it?)

Help me out here.
Reactions: JAP