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Breakthrough I might have a way to figure out Cyrax Toasty Boost!

I'm not sure what the exact command is, but I got Stryker's toasty boost while doing his roll. So, I'm guessing it's bf4, bbf4, or something like that.

STB Espio

Can any of you confirm? :)

I'll confirm this within 15-20 minutes.

To anyone that wants to get online and find toastyboosts with me, please add CHECK- on PSN. Or send me a message in this thread on through PM. I'd like to get this done before 2013.

If you would rather work offline, here is a small tip i gave TonyT a while back. After each time the Toasty! pops out, quit game, and restart it. You should get another toasty within 15-20 minutes. Sometimes 5 minutes. Sometimes 25 minutes. But you will never have to wait 45 minutes to an hour again using this method. I think it's only happened once. Last night using this method i was able to get a Toasty! on the very first uppercut after resetting the game.

Anywho, hit me up online, cuz that would be a lot easier with 2 people. Try all the specials first for every character.

Insuperable i tried adding you on PSN a while back but didn't hear from you. Hit me up dude.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
I have tried so many different combinations for Kung Lao, and still nothing. Whatever Kung Lao's is, it's hard as fuck to do. Maybe similar to Sonya and Sheeva.

I've never played DMC before.

aww maaaaan :( and you being the combo monster you are i thought u would have for sure. Oh well v.v
Check said:
Does anyone know how long it stays active?
1-2 seconds after toasty... don't know the exact time though. you have like a quarter of a second after he disappears to acquire it, but you should already be pushing the last button of the input by then, so i doubt you have enough time once he's off screen. when i got sonya's he was pretty much gone though, so it has to be somewhere between 1-2 (or maybe even more, but i doubt it) seconds to activate it
I tried bbf4 for Stryker, but no luck. Does this mean it's a random input?

Stryker - Failure of the Toasty Boost (BBF4)


"Strength isn't everything"
I honestly think Toasty boost is legit for tournament play.

I think the only way to make the toasty boost effective is to figure out Quan Chi's input.

Almost every punish he has is an uppercut. All you have to do is be prepared to input after the uppercut in the off chance that it will say ''toasty''.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
i don't like toasty boost, it takes your focus away from where it should be....
I'm gonna try it again on The Flesh Pits stage. Maybe it is stage specific. After this, ima go back to not giving a fuck about these Toasty Boosts.


I dont think I recall a single instance I got dan on screen while playing Cyrax. I do get him occasionally with Cage when I uppercut.
aww maaaaan :( and you being the combo monster you are i thought u would have for sure. Oh well v.v
I recently bought DMC HD collection, so i will be playing it one day. DMC4 as well, and of course the reboot DMC, which looks to me like the best action game i ever seen (With the exception of MGS Rising for now).


"Strength isn't everything"
The characters that can really benefit from this are:

Kung Lao = Doing a naked :x, into 1 1 1 1 UPPERCUT - Hope for ''Toasty'', and do input (What ever it is) and you have instant :x again.
Cyrax = Ending any reset combo he has with DJK uppercut and hoping for ''Toasty''.
Mileena = It is common to end her biggest punish combos in Uppercuts, and again, hope for toasty and be prepared.
Stryker, Quan Chi, Sektor, Jax can all be prepared to input after any AA uppercuts.

This could be more possible than we think, once we nail the commands, if they are not random.


"Strength isn't everything"
Also, I have seen Kabal get ''Toasty'' with his B121 launcher...

Kabal really got it good in this game, he can even get mid combo toasty boosts.
I'm gonna try it again on The Flesh Pits stage. Maybe it is stage specific.
it's not, i figured sonya's out on the hidden forest.

i've tried doing just the same stage over and over, uppercutting on certain seconds of the clock, certain parts of the stage (i got dan with kabal over 9000 times with b121 in the corner), launcher~uppercut, jip~uppercut, njp~uppercut, uppercut~uppercut~uppercut~..., having no meter, 1 bar, 2 bars, full meter, having 75%+ health, having 50%+ health, having 25%+ health, having 25%- health, all sorts of different factors...

dan is completely random. unless someone cracks open the game and finds whatever it is that triggers dan we'll probably be searching for a long time lol. maybe quitting when you get dan forden, like you said, resets some kind of counter or something which makes him pop up again so soon.

that was the only theory i had left. that it's a certain # of uppercuts per character, possibly per stage, or both, to get dan forden to pop up. oh, and some things dealing with height but eh, that doesn't seem like it matters much besides that they have to get launched high, a la uppercut or kabal's b121. maybe even total distance the character launched? damage taken? damage given? i don't know, lots of theories; i tried to crack dan forden forfuckingever. i even asked ed boon like 50 times on twitter but he never replied lol.

Check said:
After this, ima go back to not giving a fuck about these Toasty Boosts.
at least you figured out your favorite character's :)

first ive heard of this code. what exactly does it do? My friend has landed kratos toasty boost atleast 3 times on the current patch of the game.
as far as i know/can tell, it does absolutely nothing lol


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
I recently bought DMC HD collection, so i will be playing it one day. DMC4 as well, and of course the reboot DMC, which looks to me like the best action game i ever seen (With the exception of MGS Rising for now).
i gotta get the dmc hd collection as well, i wish i could get dmc4 brand new instead of used, but oh well at least i have it :p.

dmc3 n 4 are the best ones imo. The new one comming out looks more innovative than the others, however i still wish Hideki Kamiya was still with capcom since he's the one originally behind the series. But then he went off and made bayonetta :D. Too bad bayonetta 2 is gonna be wii u exclusive :( soo stupid.

o-o that went way off track lmao.

DJ L Toro

Check, stryker's could be bff4 as well. with negative edge a roll might still come out. though i'd only suggest trying it once because it's not that likely.
Thanks guys. I will give it another chance with bdf 4 and bff4

Tonight i will be doing Scorpion again. I remember Digi telling me that Sheeva's was always the same, so i doubt it's random. Just need to confirm Scorp.

Moe, try Ermac's lift. Just a hunch. Also try his old lift (BDB).

Narituba, I have a hunch that Cyrax's is bb4, bbf4... something with bb.