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Identifying Every Character's Weaknesses.

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xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
It's hard to consistently anti air with a lot of characters for me. Then again, I don't have an offline scene around here, so most of my games are online.
For Reptile though, standing 1 and 2 are both 11 frames while others have 9 frame normals or down+1 pokes that can naturally be used as anti air.


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
It's hard to consistently anti air with a lot of characters for me. Then again, I don't have an offline scene around here, so most of my games are online.
Mine as well.
And, to wait around for an AA opportunity, is opening yourself up to a DASH in pressure setup, or giving them time to run away and zone. I don't find much use for AA as a Liu Kang player, despite the fact that his standing 2 is said to be his best anti-air.

-Slower than a turtle stuck in quicksand. (Everything he has is slow by normal standards)
-Dreadful pokes. (D+1 is 8 frames, but it is -5 on hit. D+3 is 13 frames, on hit it's -4.)
-Golden Fleece cannot parry pokes and most low-hitting attacks. (Those with great pokes and fast low-hitting combo starters aren't good news.)
-Characters with very quick mobility and moves can give Kratos a bad time.


Something wicked this way comes.
Mileena: No reliable answer to pressure outside of her tiny hitbox. She does piss poor damage which is hard to hit confirm into unless on a jiP. Her corner game is weak, and she has few ways to escape from it herself. Teleport puts you right in the face of your opponent all over again (potentially eating a full combo), and roll is incredibly unsafe outside of whiff punishment and combos.


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
shang's wakeup game is absolute ass

his strings and pressure are a huge block of swiss cheese, holes everywhere
Ahh, yes, he could just be jumped in on... Wakeup Soul Steal isn't good enough, but that's his only special other than flame skulls.


What about Skarlet, or Rain?
I main Rain, so I can sort of vouch. If you don't have meter, you can't use the EX roundhouse, which is like his most important tool. And it's hard for him to build meter due to his slow normals. He can cancel into a RH to keep it going, but if your opponent knows it's coming they will jump out of it. And while he probably has the highest meterless damage, it can be hard to land on actually smart people (although it's fun to troll scrubs with 47%). His wakeups are easily punishable, making for a really tough time getting out of the corner unchipped and unharmed, especially when the meter runs dry.

B W1zZ


B312 and 334 interruptible (however canceling into tele can counter some characters armored interrupts and xrays, plus these aren't the only strings he has)
High hitbox, susceptible to frametraps and kabals 2ndc nonsense (although smart raidens know frame data and can escape these)
Superman is hella punishable (but thats what you get for making a bad read or throwing it out for no reason)
Teleport is punishable (thats what you get for using it unwisely)
As far as having no comeback potential I disagree. This is a myth.


Online Punching Bag
-biggest hitbox in the game
-lots of slow normals
-grabs require opponents to be ducking, in the air or standing to connect for each specific grab.
-very meter dependant
-telestomp can be predictable and easily countered, just by dashing before she lands, neutral jump punch, kung spin, baraka spin, kitana fan lift, mileena telekick, raiden teleport, reptile dash and more
-fireball is slow
-has no single move overhead except for low grab which can easily miss due to low hitbox characters doing d3,d4 ect and doesn't have enough range to grab someone unless they are right next to you.
-groundstomp isn't cancellable and leaves her wide open unless its done full screen or after a stun.
-she has bad breath and sucks at math

Deleted member 9158

Noob : Low damage output (mid-screen anyways)
mileena : relatively low damage output, no armour (besides her x-ray)
Quan : piss poor wake up, slow normals, next to useless without meter, his teleport sucks, no invisibility frames on wake up skydrop. I still love him though.

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
noob / for a zoner his tools are pretty shitty , , no directional options on ex portals , i actually dont mind his damage output , the way i play him i do small combos to trick the opponent three 20% combos = one big one ;)
sektor / fuck his tiny t -rex arms , , if standing 1 hits the follow up 2 should also hit not get me full combo punished :mad:


TYM White Knight
Just over the course of these new mains tournaments I can give quite a few analysis based on characters I mained and those characters themselves.

Jade - Not enough damage, lack of damaging punisher, to many true highs.
Cyrax - Pretty solid character, no great armour.
Raiden - If you whiff his strings, you die. Slow strings, fast string is true high. Relies on counters and punishes.
Noob Saibot - Horrible Mid screen damage.
Sektor - Horrible Down 3, has deceptively short range on his normals, lots of duckable strings, easily whiff punished.


you don't get it, do you?
Baraka: no weakness
Smoke: no damaging lows, poor blockstrings, projectile does no chip damage forcing him to come close if he has no life lead, poor wakeups besides EX Smoke towards/away, no armor besides his pathetic xray, no useful tools to get in.


The Netherrealm beckons
- Stryker has too many high hitting strings that are not only slow, but don't advance him forward enough into his opponent's face to be a threat

- His hitbox is larger than God

- Virtually everything he has is negative on block

- His mix-ups are limited to the point where he god I can't go on, this is making me depressed