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Fat Kombat - 995Phil's chronicles in weight loss.


So, I got on the scale this morning and I weighed 275.6lbs! I have lost 11lbs.

I realize that this level of weight loss will not keep up...I know it's going to slow down. My goal is eventually 2lbs per week, but I'll take any additional that I can get.

As I said before, exercising has been problematic because I'm just not finding the time to do it. I have a clear schedule this coming week, so barring any major emergencies, this will be a great week to begin what should be a good routine for working out daily.

In terms of me not eating enough food: I eat what satisfies me.

Usually my day looks like this...
Breakfast is 4 egg whites

Lunch is 4 egg whites on break(80-100 calories per slice x2 slices)

Dinner is a mixed bag. Usually a good helping of vegetables(2-2.5 servings). One night a week I have pasta. Most other nights I have salmon, chicken, or veggie burgers. Sometimes I add in this Maryland Vegetable Crab Soup that I love(and low in calories)... my Dinners are pretty big and I'm satisfied by my other meals. Ultimately, I'm eating the amount of food that makes me content. I'm not starving, nor am I purposely starving myself. I'm just not hungry.

With regards to water intake. Yes, my water intake is double to almost triple the daily recommended amount(I have 15-20 cups daily). I have always been big on liquids... even when I wasn't dieting, I was drinking 3-4 20 oz bottles of diet coke per day, plus filling one of those bottles with water a few times a day... and some water (or crystal light) with dinner. To be quite honest, I'm not REALLY changing my liquid intake all that much.


Joker waiting room
Phil, glad you've decided to get as healthy as you possibly can. One thing I noticed you said, you drink 15-20 cups of water a day. I would cut that in half, because what you're doing is flushing nutrients that you need from your body, so cut that down.

The key to losing bodyfat is not just as simple as calories in calories out. You have to manipulate your hormones to work for you (insulin, IGF-1, Testosterone). Give you an example, whom do you think will have the better physique and feel better, someone who eats 2000 calories a day of rice, fowl, meats and veggies or the one that eats 2000 calories day of pizza, ice cream and beer. So much of what you put in your mouth determines your body composition. Eating and sleeping properly are bigger pieces of the puzzle than the workouts themselves.

If you have the will power, don't eat any crap (junk basically, simple sugars)...if you have to, do it once a week...have like a cheat day. Insulin is a powerful hormone. It helps you build muscle but it also makes you store fat so you have to be careful. Don't eat anything white, make sure it's brown, whether it's bread or rice. Have sweet potatoes instead of white.

Right now your order of important for macronutrients is protein, fat, carbs. I recommend getting a high quality protein powder, preferably one that doesn't contain any artificial crap. Try to eat organic fruits and veggies as pesticides have estrogenic effects (female hormone, help store fat) so you want try to not put that in your body.

Lifting weights will benefit you better than doing just cardio alone. I really recommend the Starting Strength novice program from Mark Rippetoe:

Workout A
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift

Workout B
3x5 Squat
3x5 Press
5x3 Power cleans


Simply to follow, quick workouts done 3 times a week. Shouldn't take you more than 35-40 minutes. Toss in cardio on in between days and you'll be sportin' the speedo in no time.

I've been in to recreational bodybuilding for over 20 years, so any help I can offer based on my experience would be my pleasure, just pm me a question. Good luck!
Almost every single research that's been done on the matter proves you wrong,it is a matter of cals in vs cals out.

Eating healthy is also a myth for weight loss,only thing that matters are healthy fats,otherwise it doesn't matter where you get the rest of your macros.

20 years a bodybuilder and so confused?Check out BB.com
Almost every single research that's been done on the matter proves you wrong,it is a matter of cals in vs cals out.

Eating healthy is also a myth for weight loss,only thing that matters are healthy fats,otherwise it doesn't matter where you get the rest of your macros.

20 years a bodybuilder and so confused?Check out BB.com
Qwerk, I am going to try to be nice because it looks like you don't understand the body's endocrine system..hopefully this interview/article will enlighten you.


It's not about calories in, calories out (in your defense it's a myth that many believe), it's hormone manipulation and limiting carbs to control insulin that is the best way to decrease bodyfat safely and effectively.

I just don't know how you can sit there and honestly believe one will achieve the same body composition eating 2000 calories of junk everyday vs. 2000 calories of healthy foods with limited carbs.


Joker waiting room
Qwerk, I am going to try to be nice because it looks like you don't understand the body's endocrine system..hopefully this interview/article will enlighten you.


It's not about calories in, calories out (in your defense it's a myth that many believe), it's hormone manipulation and limiting carbs to control insulin that is the best way to decrease bodyfat safely and effectively.
Way easier to impose your opinion with just one research on a non bodybuilding forum when there are many researches against your opinion and on much better forums with a richer education when it comes to bodybuilding


if you really think that this works,go post there,get shit on,then come back and make an excuse about why science proved you wrong.

Go for it,bro.
Way easier to impose your opinion with just one research on a non bodybuilding forum when there are many researches against your opinion and on much better forums with a richer education when it comes to bodybuilding


if you really think that this works,go post there,get shit on,then come back and make an excuse about why science proved you wrong.

Go for it,bro.
I don't know what your obsession is with bodybuilding.com, it's an online store, that has a forum in which people converse and offer opinions. How does that prove me wrong?

I gave you an article that interviews a science journalist who explains how the human body reacts to food intake. Why don't you read it?
So, I got on the scale this morning and I weighed 275.6lbs! I have lost 11lbs.

I realize that this level of weight loss will not keep up...I know it's going to slow down. My goal is eventually 2lbs per week, but I'll take any additional that I can get.

As I said before, exercising has been problematic because I'm just not finding the time to do it. I have a clear schedule this coming week, so barring any major emergencies, this will be a great week to begin what should be a good routine for working out daily.

In terms of me not eating enough food: I eat what satisfies me.

Usually my day looks like this...
Breakfast is 4 egg whites

Lunch is 4 egg whites on break(80-100 calories per slice x2 slices)

Dinner is a mixed bag. Usually a good helping of vegetables(2-2.5 servings). One night a week I have pasta. Most other nights I have salmon, chicken, or veggie burgers. Sometimes I add in this Maryland Vegetable Crab Soup that I love(and low in calories)... my Dinners are pretty big and I'm satisfied by my other meals. Ultimately, I'm eating the amount of food that makes me content. I'm not starving, nor am I purposely starving myself. I'm just not hungry.

With regards to water intake. Yes, my water intake is double to almost triple the daily recommended amount(I have 15-20 cups daily). I have always been big on liquids... even when I wasn't dieting, I was drinking 3-4 20 oz bottles of diet coke per day, plus filling one of those bottles with water a few times a day... and some water (or crystal light) with dinner. To be quite honest, I'm not REALLY changing my liquid intake all that much.
I'd stop the Crystal Light, it's full of toxic aspartame and you want to remove all toxins from your body. The difference is those liquids provided some electrolytes with the sugar content. With plain water you are flushing essential nutrients from your body, trust me you don't need that much water every day. You're essentially drowning yourself.


Joker waiting room
I don't know what your obsession is with bodybuilding.com, it's an online store, that has a forum in which people converse and offer opinions. How does that prove me wrong?

I gave you an article that interviews a science journalist who explains how the human body reacts to food intake. Why don't you read it?
It has become the #1 bodybuilding community over the years,anything new discovered,any broscience is slaughtered right then and there and they can explain to you why your broscience is exactly that.

and i didn't read the article because i know biology and the effects of it.
It has become the #1 bodybuilding community over the years,anything new discovered,any broscience is slaughtered right then and there and they can explain to you why your broscience is exactly that.

and i didn't read the article because i know biology and the effects of it.
Please read it so that you may emerge from the pits of diet fallacies and myths! It's still not too late Qwerk, you can still break away from the grip junk science has on you!

If you are a good debater and as knowledgeable on the subject as you claim to be because you are a member of bodybuilding.com, please read what I have offered you and explain why it is wrong. Otherwise, I claim victory in this battle by default.


Joker waiting room
Please read it so that you may emerge from the pits of diet fallacies and myths! It's still not too late Qwerk, you can still break away from the grip junk science has on you!

If you are a good debater and as knowledgeable on the subject as you claim to be because you are a member of bodybuilding.com, please read what I have offered you and explain why it is wrong. Otherwise, I claim victory in this battle by default.

motherfucker you got me lol,didnt even realise i was being trolled

motherfucker you got me lol,didnt even realise i was being trolled
Qwerk I am being very serious actually. I am merely injecting comedy in to this debate to deflect it from turning in a pissing contest which you are turning it in to.

Fat gain/loss is about insulin not calories in, calories out! Now read that damn article before I pull a 90% damage reset on you!
Here is a good quote to back up what I'm saying:

"Whatever makes us over-secrete insulin, for instance, must cause weight gain. And when you look at the regulators of insulin, one of the biggest dietary ones is carbohydrates. When you eat a lot of simple carbs and refined sugars, this drives insulin secretion, which in turn causes us to store fat. Until you fix the problem with hormones and weight gain at its source, you will keep having problems, even if you lower your caloric balance."


Think about it, felines in the wild eat only meat and some fat from their prey. That's what they are genetically made to eat. Have you ever see a fat cat in the wild? Once carbs are introduced in to their diet (corn gluten and other crap) like a lot of house cats, they gain fat and their body composition strays from their genetic potential.


Joker waiting room
Qwerk I am being very serious actually. I am merely injecting comedy in to this debate to deflect it from turning in a pissing contest which you are turning it in to.

Fat gain/loss is about insulin not calories in, calories out! Now read that damn article before I pull a 90% damage reset on you!
Just got done reading it.

Protein has a higher satiety percentage,thus all you can eat is actually much less than the idiot who wrote the article says.

Here's what's wrong.

No carbs=MUCH higher protein and fats,MUCH easier satiation while actually not going over maintenance,see why cals in vs cals out is not broscience?this dude is actually secretly implementing them then not giving it credit

Too much protein=Kidney problems,it's dangerous to eat over 300 grams depending on your height and you'll see why in a few years when your kidneys get their shit fucked up

Yao Mings height=Congratulations Author,you just wrote that genetics are determined by food,totaly not that the fact he's so tall lets him get away with a 5k maintenance ;)

Also it's nice that you can get full with just 800 cals with that diet while the bodybuilders that are shown in the pictures require at least 4k cals,no wonder they're not getting fatter.

So,any other author i need to blow up?

And just an FYI which these idiots don't know,insulin requires calories to make fat,those cals come from the "cals in" say,funny how that works and funny that even if your insulin spiked and somehow "made fat" that fat would come from the calories of OTHER fat cells.

wow people really writing stupid ass shit on the internet these days.

17 year old on a rampage,feed me more idiots to slaughter.
It has become the #1 bodybuilding community over the years,anything new discovered,any broscience is slaughtered right then and there and they can explain to you why your broscience is exactly that.

and i didn't read the article because i know biology and the effects of it.

I find it funny, you linked Scooby, yet say Broscience is slaughtered. Hehe. ;).


In Europe!
UNFORTUNATELY, I will never be able to see working out as anything but a chore...
You're passionate about sports, though, right? Weight lifting and jogging can be pretty boring, but they are not the be-all end-all of losing weight through exercise. If you practice sports you DO like (other than MK ;)) you can lose weight that way. Tennis, Karate, swimming, basketball. The only trick is to play/train intensively and for decent periods of time (how long does a game of softball last?).

Good luck to you man!
To be honest, you can do any type of exercise, program alongside shitty eating habits/crappy diets and cut corners sub optimally and see results, and make yourself feel all happy, it's up to the person on what their goals are, you'll make progress..... sub optimally, but that'll catch up after you body gets used to the exercises, than you gotta do shit correctly.

What's so bad about working out? Takes an hour or 2 a day for like 3 days of a week, not even that bad. It's not supposed to be easy. What else would you be doing otherwise? Is what I ask myself. Play video games, go out, sit around watching TV.


You're passionate about sports, though, right? Weight lifting and jogging can be pretty boring, but they are not the be-all end-all of losing weight through exercise. If you practice sports you DO like (other than MK ;)) you can lose weight that way. Tennis, Karate, swimming, basketball. The only trick is to play/train intensively and for decent periods of time (how long does a game of softball last?).

Good luck to you man!
I am, when I'm playing. Right now, I have a torn meniscus in my right knee, healing impingement syndrome in my right shoulder, bad impingement syndrome in my left shoulder... LOL. I'm a mess. I am getting my knee fixed soon though. The impingement syndrome is from overuse... so that will subside.
Just got done reading it.

Protein has a higher satiety percentage,thus all you can eat is actually much less than the idiot who wrote the article says.

Here's what's wrong.

No carbs=MUCH higher protein and fats,MUCH easier satiation while actually not going over maintenance,see why cals in vs cals out is not broscience?this dude is actually secretly implementing them then not giving it credit
But by limiting the carbs, you are keeping insulin levels low. Remember lipolysis is impossible with insulin present.

Too much protein=Kidney problems,it's dangerous to eat over 300 grams depending on your height and you'll see why in a few years when your kidneys get their shit fucked up
If this were the case Dorian Yates should be on dialysis right now, along with all his colleagues and those before him...another myth.

Yao Mings height=Congratulations Author,you just wrote that genetics are determined by food,totaly not that the fact he's so tall lets him get away with a 5k maintenance ;)
He did not say that directly...this is the quote: He was secreting growth hormone, and that also prompted the secretion of something called insulin-like growth factor, and those things made his bones extend and his muscles extend. He got heavier and heavier because he was getting bigger, but he didn't get bigger because he was overeating. He was overeating because he was getting bigger. He was getting bigger because he was secreting hormones.

Qwerk, Gary Taubes is an acclaimed science author, a graduate of Harvard and New York Times Best Seller. He's not a 17 year old spewing broscience on the interweb.

Look I'm of the opinion depriving the body and its metabolism the calories it needs is not the most effective way to drop body fat. If you're eating carbs all day you're secreting insulin as well which makes fat breakdown impossible. Growth hormone can not be secreted with insulin present in the blood. That's why controlled carb diets work.

A final note. The interviewer heeded Gary's advice and said this: I cut out all fruit from my diet, but allowed myself as much fat and protein as I felt like eating, which meant more calories, lots more calories. Regular bacon became my new best friend, much to my Jewish fiancé's dismay. And, as stated, I went from 198 pounds to 203 pounds in six weeks, while my waist shrunk by an inch!

How did he gain muscle and lose bodyfat by increasing his calories? Hmmmmmm? :D

Anyway let's just agree to disagree since we are straying from the topic at hand which is to support Phil anyway we can.


Joker waiting room
But by limiting the carbs, you are keeping insulin levels low. Remember lipolysis is impossible with insulin present.

If this were the case Dorian Yates should be on dialysis right now, along with all his colleagues and those before him...another myth.

He did not say that directly...this is the quote: He was secreting growth hormone, and that also prompted the secretion of something called insulin-like growth factor, and those things made his bones extend and his muscles extend. He got heavier and heavier because he was getting bigger, but he didn't get bigger because he was overeating. He was overeating because he was getting bigger. He was getting bigger because he was secreting hormones.

Qwerk, Gary Taubes is an acclaimed science author, a graduate of Harvard and New York Times Best Seller. He's not a 17 year old spewing broscience on the interweb.

Look I'm of the opinion depriving the body and its metabolism the calories it needs is not the most effective way to drop body fat. If you're eating carbs all day you're secreting insulin as well which makes fat breakdown impossible. Growth hormone can not be secreted with insulin present in the blood. That's why controlled carb diets work.

A final note. The interviewer heeded Gary's advice and said this: I cut out all fruit from my diet, but allowed myself as much fat and protein as I felt like eating, which meant more calories, lots more calories. Regular bacon became my new best friend, much to my Jewish fiancé's dismay. And, as stated, I went from 198 pounds to 203 pounds in six weeks, while my waist shrunk by an inch!

How did he gain muscle and lose bodyfat by increasing his calories? Hmmmmmm? :D

Anyway let's just agree to disagree since we are straying from the topic at hand which is to support Phil anyway we can.
Yeah,i'll go with your last sentence,i don't even feel like your points are even worth me wasting my time,but i have to lol so much at 5 pounds in 1,5 months,that really takes the cake.
Anyways,bodybuilding.com,i read your link,you still haven't gone there to get shot down even further by more experienced people,that's why i'm ending this ;)
Yeah,i'll go with your last sentence,i don't even feel like your points are even worth me wasting my time,but i have to lol so much at 5 pounds in 1,5 months,that really takes the cake.
Anyways,bodybuilding.com,i read your link,you still haven't gone there to get shot down even further by more experienced people,that's why i'm ending this ;)
To gain 5 pounds while losing an inch is probably 10 lbs swing, but I understand if that is too complex for you to comprehend. As for bodybuilding.com, I am well aware of it, I have ordered from them plenty of times and have read their articles and have been to the forums, but they cater to the casual crowd. Everyone knows that www.t-nation.com is a site for more serious lifters. I recommend you read their articles in addition to the ones at bodybuilding.com, it doesn't hurt to take in more information. I officially now know what Magellan had to go through.


So, tomorrow is my 2 week weigh in. I'm very excited... I'm hoping to break back into the 260's this week!

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
So, tomorrow is my 2 week weigh in. I'm very excited... I'm hoping to break back into the 260's this week!
keep trucking. :) That two week barrier is broken. The habit of workout has begun!!!! Have you started feeling the "high" after the workouts yet?


keep trucking. :) That two week barrier is broken. The habit of workout has begun!!!! Have you started feeling the "high" after the workouts yet?
LOL, I wish I could say I've started to work out. This has all been diet so far. I am desperately trying to find time to work out... that's not doing so well right now, LOL.


As of this morning... 266.5lbs! I have lost 20.1 lbs since I started!

I am now super motivated... I know that the weight is not going to keep coming off at this rate, but again, I'll take any extra I can get now, LOL.