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Fat Kombat - 995Phil's chronicles in weight loss.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
9.95 Bruh, you shouldn't be weighing yourself every day, the 3lbs lost could be water weight. Also, are you able to workout before you head out to work in the morning? Doing cardio on an empty stomach will increase your metabolism throughout the day, as there's less insulin and glucose present when you arise, and your body will turn towards mobilizing fat stores.

Kick the diet coke habit as well, it's garbage bro. Water, water, water, is what you need.


Filthy Casual
9.95 Bruh, you shouldn't be weighing yourself every day, the 3lbs lost could be water weight. Also, are you able to workout before you head out to work in the morning? Doing cardio on an empty stomach will increase your metabolism throughout the day, as there's less insulin and glucose present when you arise, and your body will turn towards mobilizing fat stores.

Kick the diet coke habit as well, it's garbage bro. Water, water, water, is what you need.
I usually ride at night, but I will start doing it in the morning.


9.95 Bruh, you shouldn't be weighing yourself every day, the 3lbs lost could be water weight. Also, are you able to workout before you head out to work in the morning? Doing cardio on an empty stomach will increase your metabolism throughout the day, as there's less insulin and glucose present when you arise, and your body will turn towards mobilizing fat stores.

Kick the diet coke habit as well, it's garbage bro. Water, water, water, is what you need.
I actually drank about 16 cups of water yesterday. As for daily weigh ins... right now it's just to get a baseline. After a week, I move to weekly weigh-ins.

Working out before I leave for work will require me to get up at 6am. Not an excuse, but I'm just not sure I'm ready to be up at that time right now. If I do my hour workout, that requires a shower after, then take care of all the animals, make lunch, get ready for work, etc. I'll find the time to work out... LOL... just a matter of re-scheduling my days. Before work could very well be where I wind up working out!


Good luck to you brother. I'm trying to lose some weight myself, but all I have time for these days is just pushups every other day. 5 reps of as many as I can do with one minute breaks in between. And all I pretty much do is drink water so we shall see.


Filthy Casual
I actually drank about 16 cups of water yesterday. As for daily weigh ins... right now it's just to get a baseline. After a week, I move to weekly weigh-ins.

Working out before I leave for work will require me to get up at 6am. Not an excuse, but I'm just not sure I'm ready to be up at that time right now. If I do my hour workout, that requires a shower after, then take care of all the animals, make lunch, get ready for work, etc. I'll find the time to work out... LOL... just a matter of re-scheduling my days. Before work could very well be where I wind up working out!

"At 35, I have to cook dinner, clean the apartment, walk and feed the dogs...you know the drill. By 10pm I'm thinking, "Awesome, 1/2 hour before I get to go to sleep." Guess I'm going to have to make that 11pm if I want to put that hour's worth of working out in everyday."

I really think you should work out in the morning since it's much harder to put off rather than doing it before bed. Like Timett said, it's better to lose weight this way too.

I feel like riding the bike energizes me and I end up having trouble falling asleep.


Filthy Casual
Don't you think you should stay away from pasta? Do you plan your food intake a day before? Man I miss a plate full of angel air spaghetti and half a block of Parmesan cheese :(

I'm a horrible cook and I NEVER cook because of it, but starting today I'm going to try. Gordon Ramsey has this new show where he teaches you to cook very simple meals and look amazing. I'm going to cook this as a late lunch/early dinner
I will eat a salad with carrots, tomatoes, and feta cheese with a olive oil and vinegar dressing.

If your interested here is a link to some recipes...

next on my list are the chili beef lettuce wraps...mmmmmm.

I hate how cooking can take so much damn time, but these seem to be reasonable.


Get on the ephedrine when you start training, that'll shed the pounds alot faster.
Man, I miss my ephedrine. I used to use it until it was banned in the US... then I used Ephedrine HCL until it skyrocketed in price. If only Stacker 2 with ephedra was still legal...


Don't you think you should stay away from pasta? Do you plan your food intake a day before? Man I miss a plate full of angel air spaghetti and half a block of Parmesan cheese :(

I'm a horrible cook and I NEVER cook because of it, but starting today I'm going to try. Gordon Ramsey has this new show where he teaches you to cook very simple meals and look amazing. I'm going to cook this as a late lunch/early dinner
I will eat a salad with carrots, tomatoes, and feta cheese with a olive oil and vinegar dressing.

If your interested here is a link to some recipes...

next on my list are the chili beef lettuce wraps...mmmmmm.

I hate how cooking can take so much damn time, but these seem to be reasonable.

I learned to cook when I was like 10yrs old... had to help the family, ya know? Anyway, normally, I'd agree with you, but I have a few things to say about that:

1. I like pasta...if I don't have some every now and then, I'll feel deprived and I'll cheat. Lesser of 2 evils here.

2. Most people don't make or eat 1 serving of pasta... usually they make and eat between half and a full BOX of pasta (4-8 servings). A single serving is 3/4 cup of dry pasta, which is all I made. 210 calories.

3. My wife is a vegetarian. This complicates matters for me. Unless I want to cook 2 different dinners EVERY NIGHT (which I've done), I have to eat vegetarian for dinner most nights...or find a suitable substitute that I can cook on a different pan/plate/dish, etc.
I wouldn't weight yourself everyday or week. If you were to weigh yourself just do it monthly or a time frame. I happen to lose motivation if I see as much progress to my goal as I expected, I took pictures of myself, than I'm going to compare them like 3-6 months in, when I weigh myself.

Best time to weigh yourself is in the morning after taking a big dump.


I wouldn't weight yourself everyday or week. If you were to weigh yourself just do it monthly or a time frame. I happen to lose motivation if I see as much progress to my goal as I expected, I took pictures of myself, than I'm going to compare them like 3-6 months in, when I weigh myself.

Best time to weigh yourself is in the morning after taking a big dump.
Once a week is my favorite time frame... it's motivational regardless of the number.

Loss = doing well, keep at it!
Gain = motivational to get going in the opposite direction again
Nothing = work harder


ok, so this is my official last weigh in until next Friday. I will be doing weekly weigh ins on Fridays from here on out.

This morning: 281.4 lbs

Monday starts cardio with the recumbent bike.


Today was my day off... I take one day off a week where I can eat basically whatever I want. I blew my goal caloric intake today by about 1300 calories... but that was by eating anything I wanted! Back to business tomorrow though!


Tonight was strange... Couldn't physically measure what I was eating because I was eating at my in-laws' house tonight. I tried to guesstimate, and purposely tried to go over on the guesstimation... still came in at under 1200 calories for the day... AND I even had a dessert! So far, I feel great!


I miss you
I always had the advantage of eating as much as I wanted without gaining a single pound. Fat combat is not only phisycal, but mind over matter. Just remember that following a strict diet doesn't mean to stop eating, or negating yourself from those culinary pleasures we all love. It means to do it in a disciplined way. Once you turn your diets and your exercises into an habit, things become a lot easier. Sadly enough, you can't sleep in your glory, because those adipose cells are ready stock fat back if you let them.

If you really want to do it and you have the courage to endure the privating of some of the 8th art, be sure you will achieve it. If not, you'll probably find an excuse.

But something inside me tells me that you are going to be thin as asian turd tomorrow.

Best of wishes man, good luck in this journey.


Joker waiting room
9.95 Bruh, you shouldn't be weighing yourself every day, the 3lbs lost could be water weight. Also, are you able to workout before you head out to work in the morning? Doing cardio on an empty stomach will increase your metabolism throughout the day, as there's less insulin and glucose present when you arise, and your body will turn towards mobilizing fat stores.

Kick the diet coke habit as well, it's garbage bro. Water, water, water, is what you need.
Cardio on an empty stomach is broscience.

its all cals in vs cals out,nothing more,nothing less,can't outtrain a bad diet.


TOMORROW IS WEIGH IN DAY! I'm very excited about it and I can't wait to share my results with everyone!

So far I'm doing rather well...both nutritionally and mentally. I haven't broken diet once other than my one "day off" which is allowed. I'm averaging 1, 100 calories a day, and consuming 15-20 cups of water as per day as well. I'm not feeling hungry, nor am I feeling deprived... so far, so good!

The only place where I'm having trouble, which is what I figured, is finding the time to exercise. Once again, this week provided me with more than my fair share of twists and turns...including an apartment inspection from my landlord...and I just didn't manage to get on that bike. I'm shooting for Monday...

Progress to be reported tomorrow.


Joker waiting room
TOMORROW IS WEIGH IN DAY! I'm very excited about it and I can't wait to share my results with everyone!

So far I'm doing rather well...both nutritionally and mentally. I haven't broken diet once other than my one "day off" which is allowed. I'm averaging 1, 100 calories a day, and consuming 15-20 cups of water as per day as well. I'm not feeling hungry, nor am I feeling deprived... so far, so good!

The only place where I'm having trouble, which is what I figured, is finding the time to exercise. Once again, this week provided me with more than my fair share of twists and turns...including an apartment inspection from my landlord...and I just didn't manage to get on that bike. I'm shooting for Monday...

Progress to be reported tomorrow.

1100 calories is great for your height and weight,congratulations on the gender change and changing your height to becoming a 4'5" girl,that's how much you're eating for.

Your stats show you require 1,8/2k cals a day,any larger deficit than that and the only extra thing it's gonna do is cause muscle loss because of the severity of the deficit,cause you to feel like shit,no energy,no motivation,wait another week and it's gonna start taking its toll.

don't expect much change or even any at all,you'll likely be holding on to water weight.

You need to learn to hit your macronutrients for the day,you're probably denying yourself either

Protein-Will cause you to maintain MUCH less muscle by the time you're done with your cut
Carbs-You'll have no energy and will feel like shit
Healthy Fats-Fucks up your hormones and testosterone,makes you prone to binging
Phil, glad you've decided to get as healthy as you possibly can. One thing I noticed you said, you drink 15-20 cups of water a day. I would cut that in half, because what you're doing is flushing nutrients that you need from your body, so cut that down.

The key to losing bodyfat is not just as simple as calories in calories out. You have to manipulate your hormones to work for you (insulin, IGF-1, Testosterone). Give you an example, whom do you think will have the better physique and feel better, someone who eats 2000 calories a day of rice, fowl, meats and veggies or the one that eats 2000 calories day of pizza, ice cream and beer. So much of what you put in your mouth determines your body composition. Eating and sleeping properly are bigger pieces of the puzzle than the workouts themselves.

If you have the will power, don't eat any crap (junk basically, simple sugars)...if you have to, do it once a week...have like a cheat day. Insulin is a powerful hormone. It helps you build muscle but it also makes you store fat so you have to be careful. Don't eat anything white, make sure it's brown, whether it's bread or rice. Have sweet potatoes instead of white.

Right now your order of important for macronutrients is protein, fat, carbs. I recommend getting a high quality protein powder, preferably one that doesn't contain any artificial crap. Try to eat organic fruits and veggies as pesticides have estrogenic effects (female hormone, help store fat) so you want try to not put that in your body.

Lifting weights will benefit you better than doing just cardio alone. I really recommend the Starting Strength novice program from Mark Rippetoe:

Workout A
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift

Workout B
3x5 Squat
3x5 Press
5x3 Power cleans


Simply to follow, quick workouts done 3 times a week. Shouldn't take you more than 35-40 minutes. Toss in cardio on in between days and you'll be sportin' the speedo in no time.

I've been in to recreational bodybuilding for over 20 years, so any help I can offer based on my experience would be my pleasure, just pm me a question. Good luck!