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Fat Kombat - 995Phil's chronicles in weight loss.


Well, I have crossed the one month barrier! 27lbs lost! My last weigh in was 259.6 lbs.

Here are some pictures to give a sense of the difference so far.

1 Month ago, the day after I started dieting.-----2 Days ago, one month after starting




Lean meat, veggies and cardio and about 2 gallons of water a day. Bodyweight excercises but you may have to work your way up for that. Preferably static holds until your able to do 1 rep.

I lost about 70lbs in just under 3 months. I was 305 in mid July and I am about 230 now.

Keep up the hard work brother. Its worth it in the end.


Getting better with age
Keep fightin the good fight Phil
You stay in your fight and I'll stay in mine

I'm getting off of my diet pills soon for 3 months so its about to be rough days ahead
Gonna keep checking up on this thread for more motivation to not fall back in my habits
Speaking of which, it was good seeing you after the weight change. I didn't want to say anything about it out of respect, but you looked good. Only other thing i said to myself was that you looked shorter.


Speaking of which, it was good seeing you after the weight change. I didn't want to say anything about it out of respect, but you looked good. Only other thing i said to myself was that you looked shorter.
LOL... I always look short...


missiles are coming
Full supporter here. I did a lot of research on what a short male line ourselves should weigh; 154 for a larger frame is considered healthy. Anymore is overweight. In the last 2 months I went from 185 to 158... soo close.

Keep at it Phil. Seeing progress is the best kind of motivation, and at vsm the other week it seems like everyone noticed your progress.


Full supporter here. I did a lot of research on what a short male line ourselves should weigh; 154 for a larger frame is considered healthy. Anymore is overweight. In the last 2 months I went from 185 to 158... soo close.

Keep at it Phil. Seeing progress is the best kind of motivation, and at vsm the other week it seems like everyone noticed your progress.
It's funny... at anything lower than 170 I feel really bad. My goal is 180, but I'd like to go to 170 then build up to at least 175 with muscle. That's when I played softball at my absolute best. My lowest was 160, and I couldn't put anything behind the bat...could barely hit the ball out of the infield... went up to 17o and suddenly I could hit the ball 300+.


missiles are coming
It's funny... at anything lower than 170 I feel really bad. My goal is 180, but I'd like to go to 170 then build up to at least 175 with muscle. That's when I played softball at my absolute best. My lowest was 160, and I couldn't put anything behind the bat...could barely hit the ball out of the infield... went up to 17o and suddenly I could hit the ball 300+.
Hmm, I'm don't have a degree in this or anything, but that area seems healthy. All I care about is looking good and living long; I'm one weak ass bitch.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Phil, it's incredible to see the process you've made. Keep it up man!

HGTV DrFlash44

Quan Cheese!!!
that's awesome gl losing that weight again. I've lost a lot of weight too lately. It's hard work but way worth it in the end.


Friend shared this with me, and I thought I'd share too.
Thank you for posting that. Actually brought tears to my eyes...stuff like that is very emotional and motivational to me. Thank you.

It's been 9 weeks. I've lost 43.8lbs.

I started at 287.8lbs and I'm now 243.8lbs! Still not done though, as I have 63.8lbs left to lose to get to my goal weight.

Thanksgiving is funny because its like staring down the barrel of a shotgun loaded with mashed potatoes and turkey. Nothing but calorie heavy food. I decided to take Thanksgiving as my day off. Fortunately my appetite has naturally decreased so I don't eat nearly as much anymore.


Getting better with age
Karried - Bro I needed that video.

I've been on a bad slide on my diet since Halloween. (damn candy)
Ive been trying to stretch my diet pills out because I have to go 3months without and that combined with my returned bad habits,
I had a bad episode Thursday. Heart was fluttering bad enough that I was sure a heart attack was incoming.
I went to my dr, but I had to see his fill-in. Still haven't gotten results yet on everything. I'm hoping they call me with something this morning.
All I know is the ekg came back low. I've since feel a lil better, but Ive really needed some inspiration to get back with it. And that video's done it.
I'm hitting the weights today, that's all there is to it.

9.95 - Phil, we need to discuss some recipies bro. I can't cook for shit, but as good as you're doing I've got a find a way to cheat off of your paper :)

I'm all for phil's thread, but wth happened to the Health and Fitness thread we had before the server pooped itself? Last thing I remember people were logging their workout progress and the discussion was over like milk v almond milk and then things went poof.


Karried - Bro I needed that video.

I've been on a bad slide on my diet since Halloween. (damn candy)
Ive been trying to stretch my diet pills out because I have to go 3months without and that combined with my returned bad habits,
I had a bad episode Thursday. Heart was fluttering bad enough that I was sure a heart attack was incoming.
I went to my dr, but I had to see his fill-in. Still haven't gotten results yet on everything. I'm hoping they call me with something this morning.
All I know is the ekg came back low. I've since feel a lil better, but Ive really needed some inspiration to get back with it. And that video's done it.
I'm hitting the weights today, that's all there is to it.

9.95 - Phil, we need to discuss some recipies bro. I can't cook for shit, but as good as you're doing I've got a find a way to cheat off of your paper :)

I'm all for phil's thread, but wth happened to the Health and Fitness thread we had before the server pooped itself? Last thing I remember people were logging their workout progress and the discussion was over like milk v almond milk and then things went poof.

First and foremost, if you ever feel like you're going to fall off the wagon, PM me. Vent at me, be pissed at me... but keep your motivation.

I know all too well that temptation and hopefully hearing from someone going through it will help others as well.

BTW, I use myfitnesspal, which is a calorie counter. I find it WAY easier than weight watchers. I watch my calories. I pay a little bit of attention to some of the other things it tracks like carbs, sugar, sodium, etc. But ultimately weight loss really is calories in vs. calories out.

People have argued that my food intake is too low, which is about 1100-1200 calories per day. Myfitnesspal lists my daily goal around 1,940 calories, but I find that even on my hungriest days I'm not exceeding more than 1400. That's personal for me though. Each person will be different... your goal calories will be different and what you feel satisfied eating will be different.

The good part about MFP is that it teaches you that you can eat some things you didn't expect. There are days when I'm only consuming 900 calories and in order to get my calories up, I eat a fun size Reese's Fast Break. No kidding... I'm eating Rice Krispies treats for breakfast(identical calorically to Special K cereal bars and comparable in terms of sugar and carbs... less actually I think). It's literally about being happy with WHAT you can eat, not how much of it you can eat(which will surprise you as well).


Oh... and I can't stress enough how important it is to take 1 day a week off. All you need is one day off. Take that day, eat what you want, eat as much of it as you want. (you're gonna gain weight back, yes, but you're going to crap most of it out the next day, LOL)

More importantly, it does 2 things:

1. Good for you mentally. You wanted those cheez doodles... now you got them. You don't feel deprived because of the day off.

2. Resets your body. Yes, this is pseudo-science. It's not "proven", but it's logical. When you're eating with your old habits, and then you diet, the weight literally falls off day by day. When you reset your body and over-feed it stuff you don't normally indulge in, you'll notice a brief, but sharp drop again afterward. This is how your body gets rid of the extra stuff you ate on your day off.


Getting better with age
My biggest pitfall at the moment is losing the Phentermine that was keeping me going.
Over the course of 3 months I only felt truly hungry a handful of times, the rest of the time it was constant water intake and very small meals throughout the day.
I work at a truckstop/convenience store and my work hours flip flop rapidly. One day I'm working 2pm-10pm, another I'm doing overnights and don't get out till 8am or so. So the typical, eat a solid Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner thing can't work for me.

I fell out of the weightlifting I was doing earlier in the summer. My motivater got unmotivated when he got his desk job and found a nearby burrito joint. We were doing sets Mon-Wed-Fri each week because we had a window after he got off work and I didn't go in till 10pm or so.
I've gotta pick them back up on my own, I can tell a slide in my overall energy since I stopped. Sure, I'm wearing smaller clothes but the spark I had a few months back is a fizzle lol

Just worked an overnighter, so Its past my bedtime now... when I get up I'm turning on the Lamb of God playlist and getting back into my weight routine. Gonna look into this DDPYoga thing too that the video referenced.