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Fat Kombat - 995Phil's chronicles in weight loss.

DJ L Toro

Phil, i see that you have been doing alright without really being able to work out, but here's one suggestion to get you started on making your body stronger. when you wake up tomorrow morning, immediately do 10 pushups, 20 crunches, 25 jumping jacks. then the next day do 11 pushups, 21 crunches, and 26 jumping jacks, then 12, 22, and 27, continue adding 1 every day and you'll keep getting stronger and healthier at a pace that your body can handle. slowly you'll start to put on muscle, and as any kinesiologist will tell you, muscle burns fat even when inactive.
I'm rooting for you man.


Phil, i see that you have been doing alright without really being able to work out, but here's one suggestion to get you started on making your body stronger. when you wake up tomorrow morning, immediately do 10 pushups, 20 crunches, 25 jumping jacks. then the next day do 11 pushups, 21 crunches, and 26 jumping jacks, then 12, 22, and 27, continue adding 1 every day and you'll keep getting stronger and healthier at a pace that your body can handle. slowly you'll start to put on muscle, and as any kinesiologist will tell you, muscle burns fat even when inactive.
I'm rooting for you man.
Mornings are always difficult for me due to life based things. I'm not making excuses, but the mornings simply won't work for me unless I want to wake up at 5am...and that simply isn't going to happen, LOL. I have to change/feed my dogs, change/feed my birds, change/feed my rabbit. Then I have to prep/cook my lunch for the day. Get dressed, get out the door, and 30 min. drive to work. Honestly my mornings are packed and to put in the kind of time needed to work out in the morning... not something I'm willing to do.

I'm being realistic here. I'm doing what I need to do to lose weight and maintain motivation. Getting up at 5am would mean it being easier to just stay asleep and fall back into bad habits. I don't want that to happen so instead I'm working on having time when it's workable for me to work out. I knew this part was going to be a hurdle because of how stupid busy my life is and can be.

I'm also limited in certain exercises. I have a snapped ACL in my right knee and possibly a snapped MCL. The meniscus is also torn on both the medial and lateral sides. I can't do anything other than stationary bike or swimming on my right knee as per doc's orders.

That brings me to my shoulders. Both my right and left shoulders have impingement syndrome(what you get before you tear your rotator cuff), so that makes most lifting very difficult for me over long periods of time. I can lift, and I can lift heavy things, but the repetitive nature of lifting, doing pushups, etc. puts my shoulders in a lot of pain.

I'm 20lbs off from having my knee worked on again. I'll push through the shoulder pain, or I'll have them worked on as well.

One way or another, I need to begin working out soon.
congrats man im working on losing weight myself i do run 3 miles 5 days a week but i eat weird so im gonna start today eating different and seeing it like a game ill keep u posted once a week im 31 and im 180 today


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Congrats on your success dude. My folks are on weight watchers and so far mother lost 70 lbs, father 25. So apparently if you're determined, it's possible. Me, personally I'm where I should be according to my doc and BMI but I'm self conscience if I see a little belly so I try to walk, work out lightly to keep it that way and TRY my best to eat right. The most challenging part imo, especially around this time of the year lol


Getting better with age
Back on track w the diet, lots of water, no soda (even diet), partially back into the lifting... gained 2.8 pounds in about 3 days???

This is some heavy ass water or I gained more muscle than I expected :\

9.95 - Dusted off my old myfitnesspal account and added you. Haven't used it in what feels like forever, the logging felt tedious


Back on track w the diet, lots of water, no soda (even diet), partially back into the lifting... gained 2.8 pounds in about 3 days???

This is some heavy ass water or I gained more muscle than I expected :\

9.95 - Dusted off my old myfitnesspal account and added you. Haven't used it in what feels like forever, the logging felt tedious

Just got done being sick... REALLY sick. Missed a week of work.

I got your request. It is tedious at first but as you build a library of common foods it does the work for you.

So here's the update:

As of this past Saturday's weigh in, I am down 51.3lbs! That puts me 2.7lbs from the 50% mark of my goal... 108lbs.

Pics for comparison:

Sept 15, 2012 - 288lbs

October 13, 2012 - 259.6lbs

December 17, 2012 - 234.8lbs


9.95 good stuff man. I wish you continued success!
I appreciate it. Still more weight to lose and need to start working out, but it's all coming soon.

The holidays are rough though... as I said about Thanksgiving, it's kind of like staring down the barrel of a mashed potato loaded shotgun.

From what I can tell, my normal eating schedule will be interrupted 2 times: Christmas Day and Dec. 27th(my company Holiday party).

Shouldn't be too bad. I have already accounted for the day "off" on Christmas. The 27th, I'll just order something I know I can log in myfitnesspal so I should be fine either way.


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
Good luck with this Phil...later down the road, if you want some rehab exercises for your knee, HMU on pm.


So, as of last Saturday, my weight was 231.3lbs! I've lost over 55lbs, and I'm so close to the 220's I can smell it.

Obviously the holidays will play a part in a small setback, but I've tried to make my "days off" coincide with the holidays and make that work... but even with minor pitfalls of the holidays, I'll keep myself on track and keep losing this weight.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
I'm also limited in certain exercises. I have a snapped ACL in my right knee and possibly a snapped MCL. The meniscus is also torn on both the medial and lateral sides. I can't do anything other than stationary bike or swimming on my right knee as per doc's orders.
If your shoulders can handle it, I would recommend swimming. Swimming is a great exercise that utilizes so many body parts and is great for cardio too. It can be very difficult to do, but I feel like that's the best cardio exercise to do besides running (and even then running you are very limited to what body parts are being worked out and is much more taxing on the knees).

I used to be fat when I was a kid but in high-school I got into tennis and wrestling and started dieting a bit. Cutting out soda was probably the biggest part of my diet that worked. I have a lot of respect for people who want to lose weight and do it the right way because I know it can be very challenging both physically and mentally. Good luck!


So it's been 3 weeks since I've posted about my weight.

I'm officially down 60 lbs!

I expected the holidays to be a little challenging, and they were... as I always say... it's like staring down the barrel of a mashed potato loaded shotgun.

I also dealt with having shingles...and while I stayed on diet during that, I was forced to take prednisone (a steroid) to diminish the possibility of getting a type of long lasting pain associated with shingles. Prednisone is known to keep weight on people, as well as cause weight gain...and I'm happy that I was able to lose weight during the time I needed to take it.

So all in all, as of now, I'm down 60 lbs, free of shingles and prednisone, and feeling great. I've got another 48 lbs. to lose and my goal of being 180lbs by my birthday is well within reach!


Administrator and Community Engineer
Man Phil .. you're looking great, and you've managed to keep it up through the holiday season, which is the hardest thing of all :D Wishing you the best--


Man Phil .. you're looking great, and you've managed to keep it up through the holiday season, which is the hardest thing of all :D Wishing you the best--
I'm getting there... I keep telling myself everyday, "You're not gonna lose it all tonight, so don't be in a rush" and it seems to be working.

The support from here is an amazing asset as well. Believe me, I appreciate it and it helps to keep me motivated on a daily basis.
Reactions: ZAQ
So it's been 3 weeks since I've posted about my weight.

I'm officially down 60 lbs!

I expected the holidays to be a little challenging, and they were... as I always say... it's like staring down the barrel of a mashed potato loaded shotgun.

I also dealt with having shingles...and while I stayed on diet during that, I was forced to take prednisone (a steroid) to diminish the possibility of getting a type of long lasting pain associated with shingles. Prednisone is known to keep weight on people, as well as cause weight gain...and I'm happy that I was able to lose weight during the time I needed to take it.

So all in all, as of now, I'm down 60 lbs, free of shingles and prednisone, and feeling great. I've got another 48 lbs. to lose and my goal of being 180lbs by my birthday is well within reach!
I had to take that, boy did my face look all puffy and shit, and it made my apatite go through the roof.


Stay Free
Well done Phil!
Just remember to keep working even HARDER. The more weight you lose, the harder it gets to lose more.
I've got faith in ya!

PS - I know this shows football, but the message in the video can be used towards anything, including your goal!
I swear by this when training for soccer gets tough. :)


Joker waiting room
first of all good progress.

second, there are 2 kinds of people

those who eat breakfast and feel great

and those who eat breakfast and feel hungry an hour later

in the seconds case not eating at all ive found keeps your stomach from "waking" up, no food enters, nothing gets done there.

try it.