im fine with breaker. This game would be so stupid without it. So many characters can do a lot of damage into resets and if they catch you again its done.
That's my first problem.
MK9 would be stupid without the combo-breaker, since very often you would basically be chanceless.
MK9 would also be stupid without a block button, because of the many characters with amazing teleports and instant attacks after. UMVC3 has a lot of teleports as well, but there you can block the incoming mix-ups.
My problem is that the combo-breakers are too important in MK9 and that they could be too important in Injustice. When your main focus is to save 2 meters to be able to break out, you're less willing to invest it in combo-extention, or super-moves, which basically requier more execution and better gameplay, than just getting out of the opponents combo by using the breaker.
Of course behind the breaker there is also a lot of skill and strategy, but I'm more into the real over-the-top-action, as Ed Boon would say, so I personally would like to see more usage of enhanced moves and supers to deal damage, instead of always having to save 2 meters for the breaker.
And you could easily fix that by taking out the breaker-mechanic and giving the characters more life. Then the fights would go longer and you wouldn't die after making 2 mistakes and getting comboed for over 50% each time in the corner, especially with the new mechanics to get out of the corner (if that even works as easy as we talk about it).
I just dont like new mechanics that make things easy. When i play mk9 and im in the corner against cage, i enjoy the challenge of getting out, its very rewarding. I just dont want the game to have one option that is always the best option, i find it has a lack of depth. It reminds me of a kenshi player, who will always shoulder. There are other options but should really is the best option in so many situations.
This is my second problem.
Yeah, it can be very, very tough against some characters, when you're in the corner in MK9. In every fighting game, but I feel like MK9 is especially hard to deal with, when it comes to the corners.
That's what Hector Sanchez says in the interview. As soon as the match starts, if often becomes a race to the corner.
Look at the name you're naming. Cage and Kenshi.
In MK9 characters are not characters anymore. You don't play Cage, because you think that he is a cocky, cool badass and you don't play Kenshi, because ironically he is the blind guy who breaks the fourth wall. No, you play these characters, because they're good and someone like Cage is especially good when it comes to corner game. Invest meter with Noob Saibot and you have a good corner-char as well with his damn oily shadows.
It limits you as a player, since you're basically using the characters just to have advantages in the corner. It shouldn't feel rewarding to escape the corner, when you're facing a Cage, but it should be more rewarding to defeat opponents who use characters they actually like in a game that gives you so many options that you can choose how you want to fight, so having the ability to escape from the corner, when you feel uncomfortable? I'm digging it!
PS: This text could be full of shit. I'm not THAT familiar with MK9, but that's how I personally see the game and it's gameplay from time to time.