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Arcade Stick Promotion from Arcade in a Box for UMK members!


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
The Cyrax one is cool. Though I'm sure I can legally print that. Would be cool a midway rep was around these parts and could fill us in.

The metroid one I won't touch with a ten foot pole. Nintendo and Namco scare me. They don't just sent warnings, they put companies under.

Squaresoft is that way too, they don't warn they sue.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
B E A Utiful

Here is a Midway Official Cyrax title:

Easy enough to edit out the bg in photoshop and make bigger.
B E A Utiful

Here is a Midway Official Cyrax title:

Easy enough to edit out the bg in photoshop and make bigger.
Now why didn't I think to look for that, lol. To be totally honest, though, I was never a big fan of Cyrax's official name art. It looks a little too ripped off from this:

I'll still try it out, see how it looks. In the mean time, I made a slim version of the Cyrax stick to see how it would turn out:

I actually really like how it turned out. I think it looks much neater than the true counterpart.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Not that it looks bad, but it's a bit jagged. Maybe you meant for that look lol

Just helping out PG, can't wait to see the stick when you buy it!
Yeah, I made it look jagged on purpose. I thought it would fit the whole explosion theme better. I tried out the official name art, but unfortunately it looks grainy when blown up. Now the real question is: Would Ed accept it?


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Here's my mockup:


Took me forever to teach myself how to make a silouette out of an image then anti alias it after making it bigger, then put another image on it, then make the background transparent.


I might just go with that when I get my govt. check.


I tried using the Midway Cyrax title and it worked good for me:


Here is the photoshop file if you want to use it:

Godzilla, if he can't....just apply it yourself..

it takes a little bit of opening the box up and removing buttons and whatnot, but it's not that hard and it makes it all that much more fun...

thats what i did

edit: both of those 2nd links are invalid konqrr

edit edit: yaa they work now, I was just saying =/


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Godzilla, if he can't....just apply it yourself..

it takes a little bit of opening the box up and removing buttons and whatnot, but it's not that hard and it makes it all that much more fun...

thats what i did

edit: both of those 2nd links are invalid konqrr
Refresh (F5), they work for me.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Here's my mockup:


Took me forever to teach myself how to make a silouette out of an image then anti alias it after making it bigger, then put another image on it, then make the background transparent.


I might just go with that when I get my govt. check.
Wow, thats alot of stuff going on there.

You should try a different background Konqrr. IMO, it seems way too busy, lol.

Maybe use one of the arenas or even the background for the VS screen in UMK3.

Just an idea.:)
I know if I looked hard enough i could find it, But it feels like it would be so much easier if I just asked people who obviously know already, What are the dimensions for the slim arcade stick. Or if someone has a .psd of a blank template, It would be awesome.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator

I think you should put KONQRR WINS in the MK2 or MK3 font at the bottom, hehe. That would rock. But looks better dude.

Also, do you know you can use translucent buttons and have him label the buttons underneath? just another ridea. :p


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
ok, I've moved the portal black hole to the LP button and kept the foreground centered, changed the text:


EDIT: Added uSub Versus Pose to it:



ok, I've moved the portal black hole to the LP button and kept the foreground centered, changed the text:


EDIT: Added uSub Versus Pose to it:

Dude, these rock! :)

I wonder if theres a way to sharpen the images to make them less pixalated


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Yes, and it's pretty complicated. I've been meddling with stuff and using tutorials to get by.


I just bought a stick :)
I have no clue on how to use photshop si i just went with the red layout.
Altho it would be nice with a costum layout.
Talk to md_galaxy he would prob help you out with a custom design to your liking, or it seems pink and konqrr are having their fun with it too lol

But putting the artwork on isn't hard, so i'd suggest getting some, as my stick just looked sooooo plane w/o artwork


Talk to md_galaxy he would prob help you out with a custom design to your liking, or it seems pink and konqrr are having their fun with it too lol
I would be happy to do them. Just need a week or so at most. How long did I take on yours Gold?. I still have all of my templates and characters saved. Better to send me an email though at [email protected] since I always forget to check my messages here.