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Arcade Stick Promotion from Arcade in a Box for UMK members!

So If I made a graphic w/ photoshop that had MK Characters on it, would that be against the copyright laws?
If you get the stick and put the graphics on yourself, then you should be fine. You cant sell it or distribute it. If you send him the graphics, then I believe 'technically'. that would be fine, but then again, he is selling you a product with another company's artwork on it, that is a no no.

I've heard boon is pretty cool about people using MK's media, but I would ask HIM first, not Midway. If you ask Midway, then you will probably end up getting a standard response detailing why it is illegal and so forth.


He everyone! Sorry I've been absent from the forum for a bit. I acquired a new job over the last several weeks.

Anyways, Gold, I'm glad that graphic overlay worked out for you. Looks great by the way!

If anyone wants a custom graphic for a stick, just let me know. As long as Ed still allows it, I will continue to make them.

Ed, I hope all is well with the business. Still loving my stick!
Ed, I have a question. Is it possible to make a stick that works for UMK3, as well as SF3? I play both, so buying two sticks would be pointless. Moreover, I'm not conversant with arcade sticks, so please abide with my abysmal ignorance.


Premium Supporter
you could get a 3x3 layout with a dropped button to the left and just use the middle buttons for block or have an extra run button between HP and HK or something, since you can config SF you'd be alright.


you could get a 3x3 layout with a dropped button to the left and just use the middle buttons for block or have an extra run button between HP and HK or something, since you can config SF you'd be alright.
that's exactly what I did with mine. I basically just have a duplicate medium kick button. works very well as a "universal" layout.
I'm extremely behind right now waiting for overlays to arrive. I'm hoping to have it sometime this week as I have about 20 prints I'm waiting for.

I would need to look in the queue, but a guess would be the next week or two depending on when the overlays gets here.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana

Added button names that look pretty cool. I've made some other additions to this theme for use on my upcoming stick order, but have taken them off to post this so if anyone wants to use it.

This is assuming it's still an ok pic to use anymore, that is.
I'm contemplating on buying a stick, and I've also been messing around with design ideas for fun. I thought up a different way to label buttons that I thought came out pretty cool:

Obviously there's no background yet, I was just messing with the idea.


Premium Supporter
Maybe have that Cyrax art on the desert stage or something, might look too busy though.

Konqrr those labels look cool


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
That Cyrax template is AWESOME!

With the joystick plate that prevents pinching, it would cover most of the movement sprites, so you'd have to move them out. I'd put the HP sprite above the button and get rid of the air throw sprite so you can move the movement sprites out a bit. Not sure what you can do with the jump sprite unless you order the "slim" stick which puts the back/guide/start buttons elsewhere.

You're my hero with that template LOL

That right there makes me want to make one for every character!

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Hey Konqrr, use translucent buttons and have Ed label the buttons underneath, so you can see it through the button.

I still dont know how you can use a mish-mash between MK & SF layouts. That is flippin wierd.

Also, a template using the Ultimate Kombat Kode icons in the way my stick is with the character select pics would be cool :)

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Yeah, I was thinking of using one of the blander stages to avoid that. Desert might work, though.
That Cyrax template is AWESOME!

With the joystick plate that prevents pinching, it would cover most of the movement sprites, so you'd have to move them out. I'd put the HP sprite above the button and get rid of the air throw sprite so you can move the movement sprites out a bit. Not sure what you can do with the jump sprite unless you order the "slim" stick which puts the back/guide/start buttons elsewhere.

You're my hero with that template LOL

That right there makes me want to make one for every character!
I dont know if you 2 have played before, but both of your Cyrax's are some of the best I've played on XBL. You 2 should play and drop bombs together. :D
That Cyrax template is AWESOME!

With the joystick plate that prevents pinching, it would cover most of the movement sprites, so you'd have to move them out. I'd put the HP sprite above the button and get rid of the air throw sprite so you can move the movement sprites out a bit. Not sure what you can do with the jump sprite unless you order the "slim" stick which puts the back/guide/start buttons elsewhere.

You're my hero with that template LOL

That right there makes me want to make one for every character!
Lol, thanks. I wasn't sure how big the pinch guard was, so I just decided to put the sprites in anyway and worry about it later. Here's a couple of rough concepts with backgrounds slapped on:

I thought it looked okay, but I feel like I could do better.
Ooh, a good layout honestly would be for noobs and all but a basic move list and/or kombat kodes or memorization stuff like that....

Put together a design based on my favorite video game series:

I know it looks a little blurry, I stupidly saved the background as the wrong file type. I'd redo it before I use it.
The Cyrax one is cool. Though I'm sure I can legally print that. Would be cool a midway rep was around these parts and could fill us in.

The metroid one I won't touch with a ten foot pole. Nintendo and Namco scare me. They don't just sent warnings, they put companies under.
The Cyrax one is cool. Though I'm sure I can legally print that. Would be cool a midway rep was around these parts and could fill us in.

The metroid one I won't touch with a ten foot pole. Nintendo and Namco scare me. They don't just sent warnings, they put companies under.
I figured that, but I had to see what it looked like. It was worth a shot. I'd be more likely to want a print with Cyrax on it, though I'm still a little bit away from being able to pay for it.