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Zoning Master
My copy of mk 9 is also missing. Turned on my ps last night to watch some netflix and mk9 wasn't in it. I'll take it as a sign to quit.
This goes out to you as well as everyone else. Never leave your stuff without supervision. Not even for a second. Someone took my $200 camera at Season's Beatings several years ago.

And I am sorry about your awful experience. Nothing is worse than trying to do good for the community only to have fools take advantage of you. That is why I only travel and room with my cousin, and most of the time we do not even tell people where we are staying. Try to do the same with a close friend of the community if you stick around.

Deadly Torcher

King Dingaling
Never been to a tourny & prob never will but I do watch alot of Streams set up by you guys & they are always a brilliant watch, so its pretty sad to see a bunch of DICKHEADS trying to ruin it for every1 else.

Hopefully its the last time it happens or it will just get nasty in the future, cos theres always gonna be those guys that try to take advantage of decent folk & its gonna end in those decent guys hitting the free-loaders a slap.

Hopefully you get your money back & those idiots get banned.
That sounds f*cking disgusting. I don't tolerate sh*t like that. If they were all passed out and there was no room for you, I would put on a lighter to set off the fire alarm to evacuate everyone out of that room, wet or dry, that is MY room! Or I would've made a huge entire scene to get everyone the f*** out of your room. You should never let anyone take advantage of you like that ever, don't be afraid to stand up for yourself.
You can swear on these forums.


I Break Hearts, Not Combos
Even though some stuff at MLG was poorly planned when it concerned rides and room, in the end no one really had to deal with this amount of disrespect.

MK Community pls. I almost didn't make it to MLG or even make it home because Brownies car broke down almost everyday but I was willing to meet halfway with a lot of people and everything worked out in the end as far as I know.

SwiftTomHanks we don't even talk but remember that there will always be some bad seeds in every community but you did all you can do so don't put so much blame on yourself. If you leave the community, thats one less good person here.

Insuperable DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE ME! ;_;


Kuya Andy
wow, i had no idea all this was going on behind the scenes

first of all, i must apologize to Lulzlou, Korpse, @impactthemasses, and @xkaoticx, whom i had promised a space in my room on saturday night. i was out for a few hours and neglected to mention to the others staying in my room that more were coming and should have sent more than a single text to let you guys know where my room was. if anyone was inconvenienced by having to house these gentlemen on saturday night you have me to blame.

SwiftTomHanks thanks for letting me and the others i drove down friday night stay in your room on such short notice. we planned our trip poorly and you were a lifesaver. if i ever do see you at a tournament again the alcohol will be on me

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Pig, I might be 5ft something, but I will not be screwed with :) nor will I allow it to F0xy, Mustard & Ketchup.

as far as i am concerned man I guarantee you guys will and should be treated with complete respect

You are our country's guests at a world event

I feel honored you guys are coming - how many times do we get the 4 UK tops to come and play in a tournament w us?

We better embrace it and all of us enjoy it

There better not be any BS or ill do what i need to do to rectify it civilly


Media Master
The pools were moved around. I feel that the worst pool ended up being Khaotik, Blackula, Soup, Chris G. Frankly, all 4 of them would normally make it out of pools... in winners. Blackula was originally with Eazail and Jer then moved out for whatever reason while I was gone. Aside from that pool (pool 5?), most pools ended up being pretty balanced for all the issues we had going on. A master list before anything starts is a must next time.
Bullshit.. Chris G did't make it out at UFGT at all... Just saying :)

That tournament had semi-finals too so 4 people made it out of each pool so yea.....


Cock Master!!
Yea for future tournaments I go to I will be posting my room rules on the forums. This way no one can say they didn't know I was going to turn into a super flaming homo when I start picking people up and throwing them out head first out of the room.

I personally had this room issue stuff happen multiple times. This is why I wasn't planning on going to ect, but again storms and Andrew got me all hyped up and we felt we had a proper gameplan in place. Clearly we didn't. I think the fact that Andrew got drunk and I got almost drunk that we didn't follow through the first night. The second night we did take charge and hopefully everyone that stayed in the room after I left were comfy.

One example of past nonsense is winter brawl. The tub knob was broke, over 8 different guys ended up crashing the room 4 people that were suppose to stay went some where else. I went to bed thinking everything was ok not realizing those 8 crashers had crashed in the room. People also ended up eating food and and just left it in the room. I got done with my tournament match went to the room to find 5 pizza boxes shot all over the place, bag of chips spilled on the floor. Those people that I still to this day don't know who made that mess, didn't have the common decency to clean up after themselves. I was fucking pisseddddd. Thankfully I have STORMS to bitch my feelings to at these tournaments.
FYI the room crashers are NOT random people in the kummunity they are well known members that have sponsors and make money during these tournaments. This has been something that has been driving me nuts for a while now but I kept it to myself because those room crashers are well respected members of the kummunity.

When I got my bill for winter brawl I ended up paying an additional $80.00 for the room being a mess and broken tub.

At final round I decided to do the just 2 people in the room but even that is too just expensive.

All on all at these tournaments I have gotten a MKD, 2 ps3 pads, one hdmi cord, and 1 long USB cord to my sticks either taken or misplaced.

The disrespect that some players have makes you not want to go to these tourneys. The few spoil it for the Many.

But I just fucking love chilling with Andrew and storms.

I made sure I took one picture with the just incase I don't see them again in person. :(

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk


Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Man your a great Sindel player. I always have to work to beat you. Your not free man trust me. Also, I cant wait to drive down to play casuals with you and Curbo.
I agree 100%
Damn Andrew, so sorry to hear that man. Your such a good asset to the community. I know how you feel though. At WB Ashley paid for that hotel room by herself and a lot of people stayed in there. I know a couple people such as yourself I said can stay in for free cuz uve done so much for me in the past so it was all good. But Ashley PS3 cord and controller was stolen at that event unfortunately :(. It sucks that you just cant trust people out there and always have to keep a close eye on your stuff.

Andrew your so nice man, next time just speak up. Don't let people take advantage of you. What happened to you pisses me off honestly. I wish i was there, i would of said something. Dont leave the community man. WNBA is evolving. Lets keep this shit going.

Kevo I have no idea what was going on but disrespecting a fellow WNBA player like that is appaling. Maybe your recent success has gotten to your head I dont know. But I hope to see you in my pool at the next event.
and 200%


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
as far as i am concerned man I guarantee you guys will and should be treated with complete respect

You are our country's guests at a world event

I feel honored you guys are coming - how many times do we get the 4 UK tops to come and play in a tournament w us?

We better embrace it and all of us enjoy it

There better not be any BS or ill do what i need to do to rectify it civilly

Pig keeps saying what I'm thinking. Makes my life much easier while at work. ;)

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk 2


Media Master
Honestly though, MLG has the most organized tournies. Pools aren't posted early which kind of sucks but is no big deal. Where they shine is how on time everything is. You know exactly who your playing, at what time and which station. Man, if they had proper regional seeding on top of their point seeding and used better quality BenQ it would be absolutely perfect. The refs are pretty chill to. All this is my experience at Colombus, idk how Anaheim was...

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
This goes out to you as well as everyone else. Never leave your stuff without supervision. Not even for a second. Someone took my $200 camera at Season's Beatings several years ago.

And I am sorry about your awful experience. Nothing is worse than trying to do good for the community only to have fools take advantage of you. That is why I only travel and room with my cousin, and most of the time we do not even tell people where we are staying. Try to do the same with a close friend of the community if you stick around.
WHAT?!? I didnt know about that.......


Administrator and Community Engineer
Let me also say:

As far as the lack of respect for Sawnik Fawx:

This kid played out of his mind. He absolutely deserved the win, and even at his age, he hung in there and refused to crack under the pressure on the big stage. He played Mileena with a high degree of skill, and more impotantly -- he looked like he was having fun, he chatted it up with his competitors and generally showed a bunch of older guys what it's like to be a decent sportsman.

As far as the Kevo video:

The problem with videos like this is that they don't show what started it.. You only see half of the argument, after everyone's pulled their phones/cameras out. I wouldn't judge someone until I get the whole story, and if you have any kind of sense, I'd avoid jumping to conclusions from a video cut perfectly to make one person look bad.

Either way we don't need this kind of drama, but remember -- every coin has two sides.


Coward Character User
This is absolutely disgusting. This man was taken advantage of completely, and he was one of the people running the event. Besides that, he was nice enough to let people stay in his room, then half of them don't even offer to pay for a portion of it? Come on now what are we, children? Seriously i feel that way with all the bickering and frankly horrible behaviour.

This brings me to my next complaint... Kevo and AC situation. You guys have beef, whatever. But man that was just taken too far. It's a tournament, yeah. If you think you're better than another player play them in a set, or even go as far as to money match them. Standing around talking shit about them is insulting them as a person, there is no need for that. Lets face it, at the end of the day we're all friends, here to support a hobby that we all love. Why are we shitting on people in our already small and in some cases outcasted community?

Then you force STH to sleep in a parking garage while the rest of the people are sleeping in HIS room. It baffles me how much people mooch of each other. You're going to a tournament, clearly they had no room themselves... What were they going to sleep outside for the night? I bet my ass they wouldn't. Instead, they would prefer to take advantage of other people's generousity. Don't get me wrong here, rooming with a friend is great, but he let uninvited people stay with him. He is so nice to even do that. I bet half of them didn't even exchange words with STH and he was nice enough to let them stay. Then to put the icing on the cake you steal from him? Damn man, this is a new low.

It's sad to see such child like behaviour, you know what, i'd go as far to say children would be more mature than this. Figure it out people, that's all i can say. If you think all this bullshit is not going to affect the community as a whole then man you're sleeping. This is discouraging to ANYONE who ever wants to attend a tournament. People don't realize that they practically wasted other people's money that they spent to have a good time; and it's sad that some of them probably don't even care.

This is getting repetitive, so i'll just stop now. Swift Tom Hanks, there's not much i can do for you sadly but say sorry. Sorry that all of this had to occur. I hope you do remain in the community, but it's understandable if you don't. Best of luck man.

*still pissed* lmao


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
I seriously don't understand how adults can be so damn sheisty and classless. DanChoke and I had a similar experience at Final Round where people promised to give us a ride back to the airport but then BLATANTLY flaked with no reason whatsoever. Also, if you are gonna crash in someone's already paid for hotel room, you better be ready to pay AT LEAST SOMETHING.

After Dan told me of some of the players that would just use him for his room and then bounce was so disgusting to me. I would suggest making a friend in the community, as I did with Dan, and arrange to room privately with them. At the end of Final Round, I promptly went to the ATM and paid Dan (which still wasn't ALL of what I probably owed him, he really took care of me with cab rides and food etc.) I mean...that's just what decent people do...you help each other out and take care of each other. We are a community for fucks sake!


I don't play Runescape
Let me also say:

As far as the lack of respect for Sawnik Fawx:

This kid played out of his mind. He absolutely deserved the win, and even at his age, he hung in there and refused to crack under the pressure on the big stage. He played Mileena with a high degree of skill, and more impotantly -- he looked like he was having fun, he chatted it up with his competitors and generally showed a bunch of older guys what it's like to be a decent sportsman.
Why are people picking on a kid? I don't know how old he is, but I know he's really young


Monster Island Tournaments
Now I know a lot of KevoDaMaN hate is going around and while he does deserve most of it (hell hes the one who wouldn't GTFO of my bed) let me you in on something. He talks shit to pump himself up if you feed into his hype then you're doing nothing but fueling him. Unfortunately I used to be like this when I was younger so I'm well aware of what hes doing lol. Kevo is entertaining and funny as shit but he can definitely get under your skin if you let him which is what he wants.
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