Honestly, I don't think Scorpion has a solid placing on any tier list. He's a character whose success is largely based on luck. You guess your mix-ups right, you got it in the bag; guess wrong and he'll be shit-tier to you.
I have recently come to form a solid game plan with Scorpion that I think will work, but I'll need to mess around with it more before confirming anything. I'll tell you more over texts when I'm sure of what I think.
As far as Scorpion not being able to play footsies, I don't understand why this is being said. And
yes, I am aware that it takes more than simply baiting them out with Hellfire, so don't post telling me that it's not good enough for footsies. Perhaps I'm missing something here, but we live and learn.
...yeah, so summary of my post: I don't think he's shit-tier, but he's certainly not god-tier, either. You think he's got a casino down there in the Netherrealm?