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Im tired and want to end an argument quick so...


Dojo Trainee
Yeah but...but....the Xbox controller sucks!
Just get the Madcatz MLG pad. It's modular, and one of the D-pad options is identical to the PS3. It's fairly expensive at $80, but by the time you buy a PS2/PS3 pad and a decent converter, you're already spending anywhere from $40 to $60. You'd may as well go the whole nine yards and get a better pad that will actually last you.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
QFT. I've tried 1000x to pull off Cyrax's more complicated resets along with some other relatively-not-that-hard tricks, and no matter how I time it, it'll connect maybe once in a really blue moon.
Fuck, just today I played THIS matchup, and at least 3 times, Noob woke up with Shadow Slide, I answered with 33 Net, and I won every time without the Slide even touching me.
Some folks are lucky enough that they've played through issue-free, but stuff like this has always happened to me on PS3.
thats not the ps3, ive done this on xbox, its a problem with noob rather than a problem with a console


I've had both and the only issue aside from laggy xrays is the kratos stage. Which doesn't matter.
both seem the same to me.


So what I'm getting from all the posts is that both have similar issues and thus it doesn't really matter what system you choose to play on at the end of the day.


Dojo Trainee
These discrepancies exist because of the Xbox inferior hardware. Because it makes the most economical sense to develop on the weaker system then port, rather than develop the game on the higher system then have to develop a downgraded version to the weaker system. Thus when games are designed and then ported, the ported version tends to be the weaker version in some way or another. You can see this across the board, pending on what game was developed on what system primarily. This isn't a fanboy statement this is stating pure facts and cutting the bullshit of "Microsoft vs Sony".

Now in terms of MK9, the games are identical gameplay wise, everything that is on the xbox is on the ps3 and vice versa (outside kratos). The difference after that lies in performance of the game. The reason why PS3 are the main system for majors is simple, who do you think sponsored some of the majors including EVO?

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Just get the Madcatz MLG pad. It's modular, and one of the D-pad options is identical to the PS3. It's fairly expensive at $80, but by the time you buy a PS2/PS3 pad and a decent converter, you're already spending anywhere from $40 to $60. You'd may as well go the whole nine yards and get a better pad that will actually last you.
2 things on that: that pad hasnt been out long enough for anyone to know how long they can last (they do feel hella durable, but still, time will tell.) Also, not ALL majors are ran on one console, so for someone to be ready with that, they'd be looking at spending in upwards of $200 for either 2 MLG MC pads or buying one and getting it dual modded. You can get authentic PS2 pads anywhere from $15-$30 and both the Inpin AND xTokki converters with shipping for around $50. big difference in price.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
The reason why PS3 are the main system for majors is simple, who do you think sponsored some of the majors including EVO?
PS3 was chose for Evo at first soley because of controller/stick compatibility (converters were common from the PS3's get go). thats it. THEN came Sony's money.

MKK hanzo

These discrepancies exist because of the Xbox inferior hardware. Because it makes the most economical sense to develop on the weaker system then port, rather than develop the game on the higher system then have to develop a downgraded version to the weaker system. Thus when games are designed and then ported, the ported version tends to be the weaker version in some way or another. You can see this across the board, pending on what game was developed on what system primarily. This isn't a fanboy statement this is stating pure facts and cutting the bullshit of "Microsoft vs Sony".

Now in terms of MK9, the games are identical gameplay wise, everything that is on the xbox is on the ps3 and vice versa (outside kratos). The difference after that lies in performance of the game. The reason why PS3 are the main system for majors is simple, who do you think sponsored some of the majors including EVO?
According to that logic then the stronger system cant do what the weaker one does in its sleep?

On topic:

So there is NO absolute specific console stuff like an attack recovering faster on ps3 or a launcher that pops higher on xbox?

This is the purpose of this thread.

Check or REO guys what do you think??

Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
According to that logic then the stronger system cant do what the weaker one does in its sleep?

On topic:

So there is NO absolute specific console stuff like an attack recovering faster on ps3 or a launcher that pops higher on xbox?

This is the purpose of this thread.

Check or REO guys what do you think??

Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk
A question that needs answered now is how different the Komplete Edition is to the first version of MK9 (w/ patch/hot fix updates).
i only talk about offline enviroment
well stages are banned already so it wouldnt be a new thing (hell,kratos stage)

im not trying to be fanboyish either, im just saying ive played on both consoles and ps3 runs better, again hence why all majors are on ps3, there 2 different consoles there bound to be slight differences
yes, i didnt know there was differences between the 2 consoles , until a friend used to play on ps3 started palying on xbox using kabal, some combo he does on ps3 after he finish it with the spin the opponent land on the floor all spinned to continue with a combo and on xbox the opponent end up in the air after the spin, it is something weird but like manletters says there is few differences between the two its kind of weird.. but what can we expect from Netherrealm studios they did a dumb job not removing cyrax reset o jax corner combo the input delay in the game is bad sometimes when u press down does not even recognize it and among other things etc.. etc.. if i start describing all the error this game has i might finish tomorrow morning


Mad scientist
i have both consoles. The xbox version has no lag what so ever on stages and xrays. i get multiple types of lag on the ps3 version, but in saying that, im running it on a launch 60gb model console wich i beleive has slightly less ram then the newer consoles?

Gameplay wise i havent found any differences, though i think there might be a small input lag on the ps3 version, its not much and its not game breaking, but its there..

graphic wise i think the xbox version might be slightly better too...

This is coming from a guy who has been sony exclusive for 15 years. Ive only had the xbox for a couple months..

Id still take the ps3 pad over the peice of shit xbox one any day. I dont know what microsoft were thinking when they made that heap of shit.

when all is said and done i enjoy playing on the ps3 version more..

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
I have both versions, and will only use PS3 version for offline, as it's hooked up to an ASUS 236H. On 360, you can actually pull off something that closely resembles an actual MK match.

For those ps pad players, just purchase a converter off of etokki.com. Problem solved.

I say this without bias, there's plenty of games I prefer on PS3 over Xbox. BFBC2 for example.
Hanzo, play the XBOX version. It doesn't need any explanation other than that. Tony T wrote a good post on it. Bottom line, they are different. They always have been since MKD (don't know about MKDA). As i'm sure you remember all the differences i have pointed out over the last 10 years. PS will always be the "loose version".

To further elaborate, P1/P2 differences still exist, but they are minimal. You can't even tell it's there. I think what you should be looking for as far as recoveries is who is getting priority at the beginning of rounds. That seems to play more part than anything. And the infamous MKDC tactic "Im gonna lose the second round on purpose so i have full meter for 3rd round". It just isn't balanced.

Bottom line is, you could take whatever version is best and play it, but you would still have many factors that play into the game that totally overshadow the console differences. Just play, and have fun. And use the XBOX version.


MKK hanzo

Thanks Check, I asked you cause you are heavy into combo making and you know the engine and its behaviour better than most of us.

Thanks again.

Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk

Tong Lung

What is a breaker?
Since we're talking about stages I'd like to know what affects which player that gets to choose the stage. Is it the one that loses? Player 2? I press 2 on the char select screen and most of the times I can't pick the stage... keep ending up with stages like the desert "shudders".

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Sure majority of pad players prefer Playstation pads, hell even more prefer stick than the small number of players who prefer the Xbox controller. Its all about preference. And lets face it, outside of fighting games, the Xbox controller is a HELL of a lot better for other types of gaming than the 15 years old dual shock ;)

$5 converters, no lag...
Where, tell me where. Or show me a link or something.
no not $5, but the best converter you can get, and again, use PS2 pads, not PS3, are here: http://testyourmight.com/threads/ps2-to-360-converter-by-etokki.4533/


Loses to uppercuts
Sure majority of pad players prefer Playstation pads, hell even more prefer stick than the small number of players who prefer the Xbox controller. Its all about preference. And lets face it, outside of fighting games, the Xbox controller is a HELL of a lot better for other types of gaming than the 15 years old dual shock ;)

no not $5, but the best converter you can get, and again, use PS2 pads, not PS3, are here: http://testyourmight.com/threads/ps2-to-360-converter-by-etokki.4533/[/quote]
The only problem I have with getting a converter, especially for PS2, is that I won't be able to use my mic. :( I'm a social butterfly Tim.


Is there any imput lag if I use a ps3 controller whit adapter on the xbox, I use Kitana and I Iaf alot dont want to mess it up ¿?