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Tom Brady's MK9 Matchup Chart (2/17)

The second you wrote that you negated any chance of people taking you seriously......
wtf are you talking about kid? lol. I wrote what i wrote. i don't give two shits if anybody takes me seriously or not. I'm stating facts, if people don't like it, oh fucking well. Like i said, kenshi destroys kano (i should know i have been counterpicked and beaten by gay ass kenshis for a while in ranked match). If you don't play the character, shut the hell up, you don't know shit so don't say shit. Anyways, wats up with this mess with kano beating sub-zero. I always get my ass handed to me by turtling sub-zeros. Sure, kano has space control, but sub-zero has varied ways to get in on kano with virtually no problem. Aka, the trick i see the most, pretend they are about to clone and then jump in on me to combo.

Mr. Mileena

Iv beat every NightWolf Iv played since day 1 even a guy on the PSN that had like 300 wins and 20 losses or so just by rushing you got to agree hes wakeups are among the worst in the game the match HAS to be in Kitanas favor thats something I bet my life on maybe 6/4 if im generous. Then again I cant just CANT say reptile has an adventage on Kitana from what iv seen in footage and own experience.
First of all, don't judge a matchup- chart based from online play.
Secondly, back up what you say vs an elite player.


Mid Tier
Iv beat every NightWolf Iv played since day 1 even a guy on the PSN that had like 300 wins and 20 losses or so just by rushing you got to agree hes wakeups are among the worst in the game the match HAS to be in Kitanas favor thats something I bet my life on maybe 6/4 if im generous. Then again I cant just CANT say reptile has an adventage on Kitana from what iv seen in footage and own experience.
I don't think you understand match up charts and tier lists.

Reptile has an advantage, it's 6-4 for Reptile. It just is man. Play RipCrawleys Nightwolf with kitty if you ever see him in a room. I wouldn't bet my life on that being 6/4.


Monster Island Tournaments
A great example of why tier lists mean nothing and a 6-4 isn't really that much to over come. Me vs rev0lver in casuals usually go 6-4 in my favor. (I'm a reptile player, hes a Kitana). We met in top 8 at on the edge and he made every read known to man against me and knocked me out.



wtf are you talking about kid? lol. I wrote what i wrote. i don't give two shits if anybody takes me seriously or not. I'm stating facts, if people don't like it, oh fucking well. Like i said, kenshi destroys kano (i should know i have been counterpicked and beaten by gay ass kenshis for a while in ranked match). If you don't play the character, shut the hell up, you don't know shit so don't say shit. Anyways, wats up with this mess with kano beating sub-zero. I always get my ass handed to me by turtling sub-zeros. Sure, kano has space control, but sub-zero has varied ways to get in on kano with virtually no problem. Aka, the trick i see the most, pretend they are about to clone and then jump in on me to combo.
Oh god I just pray for your jaws sake that you don't talk that way to me in real life....

Keep posting like that and see how long you last on here....


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
RapZiLLa54 Pretty much lol.

That chart has Reptile losing to Smoke 4-6, and at SBV, ATL_REDD pretty much dominated me all day until losers final of our pool. Yeah.
Oh god I just pray for your jaws sake that you don't talk that way to me in real life....

Keep posting like that and see how long you last on here....
i'll post whatever i like bitchboy. and you better be glad for YOUR sakes that i ain't next to you in real life kid cause i'll knock your head off along with the jaw.


First of all, don't judge a matchup- chart based from online play.
Secondly, back up what you say vs an elite player.
As I said before Im not American I cant play top players offlines and in Venezuelan community none uses NW I base what Iv said from what iv experienced online and for footage at the time. NightWolf struggles whit good rushdown chars like Cage or any other rush down char due to hes bad wakeups, it wont change from online to offline wakeup --> O gets punished form down square, axe thing: same, reflect and grab cant affect it, EX --> O hits only whit 2nd hit after atleast 1 landed down square wasting 1 bar to make what 8 damage if not blocked also the EX axe thing hits only on overhead, if he gets patched and a buff making hes electric thing a cancel he might be a very good char since then hes not a thread to me, u actually inspired my Kitana at first when I saw you at Devastation, I learned alot from those videos, then CD and 16bit showed her nice rushdowns aswell and I dont think any of you will ever struggle whit NW no matter what.


"Heaven Will Fall!"
and that should be enough. no goddamn chart can tell me shit about my own character and neither can tom brady who doesn't even play kano.
wtf are you talking about kid? lol. I wrote what i wrote. i don't give two shits if anybody takes me seriously or not. I'm stating facts, if people don't like it, oh fucking well. Like i said, kenshi destroys kano (i should know i have been counterpicked and beaten by gay ass kenshis for a while in ranked match). If you don't play the character, shut the hell up, you don't know shit so don't say shit. Anyways, wats up with this mess with kano beating sub-zero. I always get my ass handed to me by turtling sub-zeros. Sure, kano has space control, but sub-zero has varied ways to get in on kano with virtually no problem. Aka, the trick i see the most, pretend they are about to clone and then jump in on me to combo.

Well from the attitude you carry in your posts it's no wonder you talk about getting blown up all the time maybe your just bad at MK9


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Vagrant and Optimistman enough. Knock it off.

I will say this, honestly most knowledgeable peeps tend to be right about characters because they're seeing the game waaaaay way differently than someone who may main a character, but doesn't have as strong an understanding of the game. I remember Slips said a while ago, when Reptile was considered top 5, that Reptile won't even be close to that, and people doubted him. Reptile ended up dropping even out of top 10 for most lol. I don't think Slips even put in anymore than a few minutes with the character at all when he said that.


RapZiLLa54 Pretty much lol.

That chart has Reptile losing to Smoke 4-6, and at SBV, ATL_REDD pretty much dominated me all day until losers final of our pool. Yeah.
The only real advantage Smoke seems to have in the fight is marginally better damage because of his reset (even then at high level people are smart enough with meter sometimes you can't even cash in because people will still break around 40%), but even then as you proved anything can happen. Personally, i'd put it more like 4.5 - 5.5 Smoke.


"Heaven Will Fall!"
A great example of why tier lists mean nothing and a 6-4 isn't really that much to over come. Me vs rev0lver in casuals usually go 6-4 in my favor. (I'm a reptile player, hes a Kitana). We met in top 8 at on the edge and he made every read known to man against me and knocked me out.

Not a big fan of tier lists myself but I did want to point out that Reptile beats Kitana 6-4 so you two are at the tournament in the top 8 best 2 out of 3 I assume and Kitana won...... 6-4 means she has the chance to beat Reptile 4 out of 10 matches all she had to do in your situation is make 2 of those wins... seems accurate to me.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
The only real advantage Smoke seems to have in the fight is marginally better damage because of his reset (even then at high level people are smart enough with meter sometimes you can't even cash in because people will still break around 40%), but even then as you proved anything can happen. Personally, i'd put it more like 4.5 - 5.5 Smoke.
If anything, Smoke's damage output is the only reason that matchup would ever be worse than 5-5. Smoke can't run, Reptile can't throw projectiles all the time. Mid-range game is neutral as can be.


Vagrant and Optimistman enough. Knock it off.
...what......in the blue fuck..... did I do?

I'm pretty sure if someone is claiming a non mirror matchup in this game is 10-0 it's fair to say that they aren't typically taken seriously....

He responded with a wall of angry 7th grader bullshit....

I told him that I hope for his jaws sake he doesn't talk to me like that in real life. (Yes implying i would hit him as many many many others would in a real life scenario)

He then responded with more 7th grade bullshit....

I try to contribute to this site the best I can and am an avid supporter of this community so when I tell a troll to fuck off..... I can do without being scolded by the mods...... No disrespect.....


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I told him that I hope for his jaws sake he doesn't talk to me like that in real life. (Yes implying i would hit him as many many many others would in a real life scenario)
This is why I said knock it off. I don't care that you contribute, by all means continue to do so, I along with everyone else encourage that. That still doesn't give you a right to threaten someone, be it to their face or over the internet.
Well from the attitude you carry in your posts it's no wonder you talk about getting blown up all the time maybe your just bad at MK9
i'm not the best at it, but i don't suck. I've been playing this game for a while. like i said, i know my own character. I main him, not tom brady. I play his matchups everyday, not Tom Brady. And for the most part i win the majority of my matches as long as there is no kenshi involved (sub-zeros kick my ass half the time as well, but nowhere nearly as bad as kenshi). Me, along with the VERY few amount of others on psn (from what i have seen) main kano. No insults to tom brady, but i think i know from experience of playing this game for hours on in rather him going and having a few matches my own character better than he does, sorry.


"Heaven Will Fall!"
i'm not the best at it, but i don't suck. I've been playing this game for a while. like i said, i know my own character. I main him, not tom brady. I play his matchups everyday, not Tom Brady. And for the most part i win the majority of my matches as long as there is no kenshi involved (sub-zeros kick my ass half the time as well, but nowhere nearly as bad as kenshi). Me, along with the VERY few amount of others on psn (from what i have seen) main kano. No insults to tom brady, but i think i know from experience of playing this game for hours on in rather him going and having a few matches my own character better than he does, sorry.
But your admitting again that it's on PSN these MU's are off-line data only..... Maybe what needs to happen is all the online players should get together and make themselves an off-line tier list for the game.
...what......in the blue fuck..... did I do?

I'm pretty sure if someone is claiming a non mirror matchup in this game is 10-0 it's fair to say that they aren't typically taken seriously....

He responded with a wall of angry 7th grader bullshit....

I told him that I hope for his jaws sake he doesn't talk to me like that in real life. (Yes implying i would hit him as many many many others would in a real life scenario)

He then responded with more 7th grade bullshit....

I try to contribute to this site the best I can and am an avid supporter of this community so when I tell a troll to fuck off..... I can do without being scolded by the mods...... No disrespect.....
like i said, you don't play the character, don't say anything. you're the troll in this situation, you came at me with an insult, i came back. Come at me with a threat, i will come back. Even though knowing you won't do anything if i was in your face telling you this in real life anyways. If you really support this community, respect what others have to say, not make some unnecessary smart remark.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I don't spend any time with Kenshi other than maybe a few experimental matches...I called this character a possible top 5 sometime ago before even putting much time into him. Only now are people dancing around the idea this could be right.

Not trying to sound egotistical, but players who are very knowledgeable may very well understand how good characters are BETTER than the people who use said character simply by understanding the game better than they do.

Optimistman ENOUGH! I said stop already. Not saying it again. If you two have a problem, take it to PMs, not here.
But your admitting again that it's on PSN these MU's are off-line data only..... Maybe what needs to happen is all the online players should get together and make themselves an off-line tier list for the game.
???....lol, where in the hell would everyone meet and what building would hold that many people?
in all reality, most of the matches i have online have virtually no lag. So i don't see the difference between fights online and fighting someone sitting on my couch.


i'm not the best at it, but i don't suck. I've been playing this game for a while. like i said, i know my own character. I main him, not tom brady. I play his matchups everyday, not Tom Brady. And for the most part i win the majority of my matches as long as there is no kenshi involved (sub-zeros kick my ass half the time as well, but nowhere nearly as bad as kenshi). Me, along with the VERY few amount of others on psn (from what i have seen) main kano. No insults to tom brady, but i think i know from experience of playing this game for hours on in rather him going and having a few matches my own character better than he does, sorry.
Thats TOTALLY true everyone has spent 1000s of games whit their own mains and know against who they do good and against who they struggle I agree in most stuf, whit Kitanas numbers Kenshi is in my opinion is the hardest match and exept for 2 of them that I allready pointed out the stuf there is true, once again I base a top 5 not in match ups, I base it in what a character has to offer to the player thats why Kitana is top 5 shes overall good in everything so people can relly on both rush/spamm/fly out of corners.