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Yeah, it explains that I have good taste in movies.

1.45 billion dollars worldwide, baby!

I can't imagine thinking the way you do when reality consistently proves you wrong.
Jesus fucking Chri - did I ever say that Barbie bombed? Did I ever say that women don't watch movies? Did I ever say that a movie targeted at women wouldn't succeed in the box office?

How in the world did you come to the conclusion that Barbie targeting women and doing well at the box office = fighting games are just as liked by women as they are by men? You're not making any sense and you're using irrelevant examples that hurt your case and present them as proof of your rambling.
Jesus fucking Chri - did I ever say that Barbie bombed? Did I ever say that women don't watch movies? Did I ever say that a movie targeted at women wouldn't succeed in the box office?

How in the world did you come to the conclusion that Barbie targeting women and doing well at the box office = fighting games are just as liked by women as they are by men? You're not making any sense and you're using irrelevant examples that hurt your case and present them as proof of your rambling.
You're straw-manning and demonstrating your lack of reading comprehension.

Go back and do a little re-reading. You'll figure it out eventually.
I can understand disliking the premise of the New Era. But it was always going to be different. If you don't like it, that's fine. What I'm against is people disliking it JUST because it's different. It's like they didn't understand anything Boon said.

And yeah, there needs to be more lady fighters. I agree.

I just think we should give it a chance before writing it off, you know?
Yea it's mainly being an OG lore guy, so naturally I'm gonna be attached to "Thunder God Raiden" that I played and saw in all the movies than "Earth Champion Raiden who follows what Liu says" LOL. But yea I play mostly female characters in all these games, Sindel here in MK1, Xiaoyu in Tekken, Athena/Leona/Kula in KOF, etc etc so I know they only add "but so many" of them in these games so it hurts when I'm waiting for the main one's I want and these Sektor/Cyrax heads get their character and half don't even want it lol like I could have gotten mine! But if the Sektor one gets turned into an actual robot I might try her.
Pretty sure plenty of men saw Barbie. I certainly did. It was funny as fuck. And not all 1.45 billion dollars worth in worldwide sales were women.

I think attaching mandatory gender requirements to hobbies is actually insane.

Also, MK1 outsold all of its fighting game competitors. Pretty sure Mortal Kombat is going to do fine, lmao!
Yeah but how many of them bought it and said, wtf is this?

Bet it was lots actually. In fact the backlash this game keeps receiving kinda points to that.
Yea it's mainly being an OG lore guy, so naturally I'm gonna be attached to "Thunder God Raiden" that I played and saw in all the movies than "Earth Champion Raiden who follows what Liu says" LOL. But yea I play mostly female characters in all these games, Sindel here in MK1, Xiaoyu in Tekken, Athena/Leona/Kula in KOF, etc etc so I know they only add "but so many" of them in these games so it hurts when I'm waiting for the main one's I want and these Sektor/Cyrax heads get their character and half don't even want it lol like I could have gotten mine! But if the Sektor one gets turned into an actual robot I might try her.
It's funny; I remember a lot of people being very toxic here in regards to Jacqui and the other special forces and I never understood why.

But yeah, Cetrion, Jacqui, Cassie, are all awesome.
Yeah but how many of them bought it and said, wtf is this?

Bet it was lots actually. In fact the backlash this game keeps receiving kinda points to that.
Let's re-visit this after the dust settles and KP2 is out. I'm 99% positive that it'll sell just as well or better than KP1.

What will your excuse be then?
I'm pretty sure the entire games industry and the FGC as a whole are trying to change this. So that games are made for gamers, period, whoever they may be.
And while this is fine,you cant igonre that men and women naturally gravitate towards different things. Is there crossover? Yes, but the same way that young boys want to play with cars and action figures, climb tress etc, while little girls want to play house, dress up as princesses and play with barbie dolls, is the same that guys want to play different types of games then women.
Let's re-visit this after the dust settles and KP2 is out. I'm 99% positive that it'll sell just as well or better than KP1.

What will your excuse be then?
KP2 has a story add-on and Noob Saibot. Of COURSE it will sell better.

What I want to see is whether MK2 will sell better than MK1 or not.
And while this is fine,you cant igonre that men and women naturally gravitate towards different things. Is there crossover? Yes, but the same way that young boys want to play with cars and action figures, climb tress etc, while little girls want to play house, dress up as princesses and play with barbie dolls, is the same that guys want to play different types of games then women.

"I made it the fuck up!"
Let's re-visit this after the dust settles and KP2 is out. I'm 99% positive that it'll sell just as well or better than KP1.

What will your excuse be then?
Just because a person bought something,doesnt mean they support everything within that product.

Some people may buy kp2 cause they like the story,the guests and noob,but despise the gender swap and be heavily against it,but you eill interpret it as them supporting it cause they bough the pack...

We have seen this in the past tons of times,peopel buy a game thats one of their fav franchises and see theres woke stuff in it,and actively push back against it and advocate for it to not be in the game.
Just because a person bought something,doesnt mean they support everything within that product.

Some people may buy kp2 cause they like the story,the guests and noob,but despise the gender swap and be heavily against it,but you eill interpret it as them supporting it cause they bough the pack...

We have seen this in the past tons of times,peopel buy a game thats one of their fav franchises and see theres woke stuff in it,and actively push back against it and advocate for it to not be in the game.
The MCU didn't collapse with just one bad woke movie. It took several meh movies and horrible tv shows to corrode them. Likewise, it'll take more than one genderswap to deter the main MK fan from not buying the product ever again.

And to be fair to MK, it's not NEARLY as woke as other IPs are, so in that area they are relatively safe. Male characters still get to do awesome stuff, they're not lectured, emasculated every two seconds in order for the girls to swoop in and claim the prize and there seems to be a balance which for now pleases many.

MK1 has much bigger problems than wokeness, specifically their need to release a full game in half the development time they usually had, their greed in MTX and more and more people not liking the fact that MK attempts to re-invent the wheel with every new entry, by forcing a 'gimmick' mechanic and basically having an identity crisis every game. I know this is what MK used to do from MK4 and onwards, but the truth is that if it wants to be taken seriously by the FGC, it needs to be more consistent in its mechanics.

But MK was always a casual's game. And I think that trying too hard to be on part with SF and Tekken means that it needs to pick a mechanic formula and stick with it. They can't have it both ways. The hardcore FGC who liked Sub-Zero in MKX wants to know that Sub-Zero is going to have the same function/role in MK11, MK1 and onwards. NRS doesn't do that, however, and that's a problem.

If people don't vote with their wallets who gives a fuck what they think. If they buy it, they support the choices the devs made. End of story. Money talks. The rest is just noise.
Exactly. Which is why we are slowly entering the 'find out' phase after five years of developers/filmmakers/artists 'fucking around'. There is a shift happening and it will be very interesting to see how things will turn out.

While I would say that MK would be fine, WB's current woes make me hesitant to say that today. Despite MK1's financial success, we might have to wait a LONG while to see another MK, if WB sells the IP or files bankruptcy or whatever.

Interesting times, if nothing else.
I've been seeing a bunch of people mad about the price of the expansion. I'm hella confused because its only $50 for a story expansion and 6 characters. Each character is $8, so the story mode expansion is $1.99 and people are losing their minds over that.
50 bucks is approaching a brand new full aaa game price,the main source of the compalints would be the fact that the base game released unsifnished,lacking content and with heavy monetisation.

So shelling out near new full game price for 6 chars and a few story chapters doeant sit well with people after the way the base game launched.
It's funny; I remember a lot of people being very toxic here in regards to Jacqui and the other special forces and I never understood why.

But yeah, Cetrion, Jacqui, Cassie, are all awesome.
Oh I understand why, I remember like it was yesterday all the ridiculous unnecessary Jacqui hate in MKX and MK11, but mainly during MKX. Shotgun Jacqui was the GOAT, I think I was one of the only one's who mained the Shotgun variation. All of that hate will come back 10-fold when she eventually returns too. #CantWait

I know Cetrion won't be back likely but she was probably my all-time favorite NRS character behind Raven in INJ1. Cassie I feel like is the most "locked" in character to come back so I'll get one of the girls back soon enough haha. Takeda already returned in KP1 so that's a good sign.
50 bucks is approaching a brand new full aaa game price,the main source of the compalints would be the fact that the base game released unsifnished,lacking content and with heavy monetisation.

So shelling out near new full game price for 6 chars and a few story chapters doeant sit well with people after the way the base game launched.
I still can't get over the fact that they were selling early-unlock for Havik for like, seven bucks? I was like, 'ho-ly shit'.
I don't think people had a problem with them as charictars.... Just their dead brain game play and gereral op'ness lol
i never liked the kombat kids except cassie, she was a really fun idea, the other 3 seemed like personality copies of her. i have semi-made my peace with it tough. i also never liked the emotional family thing in a game where characters bestially murder each other.
50 bucks is approaching a brand new full aaa game price,the main source of the compalints would be the fact that the base game released unsifnished,lacking content and with heavy monetisation.

So shelling out near new full game price for 6 chars and a few story chapters doeant sit well with people after the way the base game launched.
Okay then break it down, how much do you think it should cost
Do you really think MK2 won't sell like hot cakes when the inevitable release comes? Lol you can't possibly believe that.
Mk 1 is already not selling as well as mk11(which has the most sales of any mk i think).

The launch fiasco and casuals being dissapointed in the single player aspect,made its mark.They may still turn it around if they make the right moves like the latest patch, so mk2 while it will sell may not be in good position depending on how mk1 ends.
That wasn't what I said. I said I am interested to see whether it'll do BETTER than 1.
Right, and yea, of course it will. I would think that would be expected.

Mk 1 is already not selling as well as mk11(which has the most sales of any mk i think).

The launch fiasco and casuals being dissapointed in the single player aspect,made its mark.They may still turn it around if they make the right moves like the latest patch, so mk2 while it will sell may not be in good position depending on how mk1 ends.
Didn't Zaslav or whatever his name is say MK1 sold like 3mil the first month alone? That would be more than any of the MK games. Haven't followed much about sales, but just from that alone I'd have to imagine sales are incredible and wouldn't really expect MK2 to be different.