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Quan Chi Post-Release General Discussion


“My AGENT is tougher than you...”
Greetings Quan nation! Tell me your secret tips!

I’m having a freaking BLAST playing quan

question: is it possible to play him strictly keep away or is that not advisable etc?


Greetings Quan nation! Tell me your secret tips!

I’m having a freaking BLAST playing quan

question: is it possible to play him strictly keep away or is that not advisable etc?
Matchup dependant, generally he wants to stay in mid range until he gets his portals and cage out then you'll stick to zoning with them and your disjoints (S4, S3, F2, etc) until you're unable to set them up again, at that point you'll be back at square one
The issue is a bunch of the top tier characters can flat out ignore your ranged options (especially Johnny) and for most of the cast it's not too hard to manouver around Armour Portal and Bone Cage as long as Quan doesn't have full meter or is right in their face
As far as defense goes you're goofed if the opponent gets in but if you somehow land a D1 on hit or block your best bet is to cancel it into Zone Of Fear (EX Zone Of Power) since that will push opponents away far enough to land either a weak punish or no punish, even Johnny
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When he's in mid range without Bone Cage and Portals he will want to play the whiff punish game with the disjoints i mentioned or mix the opponent with S213/S214 On Block
When he does have BC and Portals in midrange he will want to go all in with staggers (or the closest thing he has to them) as most hits will lead to loopable Oki with the right Kameo
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Your hole is mine!
Greetings Quan nation! Tell me your secret tips!

I’m having a freaking BLAST playing quan

question: is it possible to play him strictly keep away or is that not advisable etc?
I keep telling but no one listens, Quan Kano is the best zoner in the game. His zoning is super fucking oppressive, I've took games off some damn good Cages, Barakas etc using exclusively keepaway. If you haven't got a teleport, you aren't getting in. Feel free to pick my brains if there's anything you're struggling with.

Kano allows Quan an "engine", for lack of a better term. Kano knives allows you to get purple portal out for free, which allows you to use purple skulls to build meter, meter allows you to stall for longer with Push Portal, Ex Slow Skull and ExBoneCage, rebuilding Kano. Rinse and repeat.

What I've been having a lot of success with recently is using armor portal instead of push portal when people start getting close. Just throw out an ExArmorPortal when the opponent gets anywhere near. This either results in them still pushing forward, resulting in some pretty comical scenarios where you either steamroll through them with the armor, or get hit and chase yourself with the portal until you fall out of their combo. Or, this results in them being too scared to close the distance and they sit in the midrange/full screen until armor runs out. Again, allowing you to continue to zone, build meter, and throw out another armor portal as soon as the current one ends.

The 850 health doesn't feel great sometimes. But I promise, it's worth it.
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Your hole is mine!
Matchup dependant, generally he wants to stay in mid range until he gets his portals and cage out then you'll stick to zoning with them and your disjoints (S4, S3, F2, etc) until you're unable to set them up again, at that point you'll be back at square one
The issue is a bunch of the top tier characters can flat out ignore your ranged options (especially Johnny) and for most of the cast it's not too hard to manouver around Armour Portal and Bone Cage as long as Quan doesn't have full meter or is right in their face
As far as defense goes you're goofed if the opponent gets in but if you somehow land a D1 on hit or block your best bet is to cancel it into Zone Of Fear (EX Zone Of Power) since that will push opponents away far enough to land either a weak punish or no punish, even Johnny
Cage is a pain for sure, but Quan is perfectly capable of zoning him. How is it you feel Cage ignores all of Quans options? Bone Cage shuts down shadow kick and forces Cage to sit there eating zoning and push portal helps keep him out too once he's in midrange.


Cage is a pain for sure, but Quan is perfectly capable of zoning him. How is it you feel Cage ignores all of Quans options? Bone Cage shuts down shadow kick and forces Cage to sit there eating zoning and push portal helps keep him out too once he's in midrange.
I admit i was being a bit hyperbolic but still it feels like Quan can only reliably zone Johnny out when he has ZOP and BC out
If Quan only has ZOP out then Johnny can wavedash away from S4 then do EX DF3 on reaction to Skull Volley and get in kinda effortlessly, and if Quan only has BC out then it's Kameo dependant how Johnny can get out but if he's not in it then getting in should be as simple as EX Shadow Kick into an Ambush to cover for him
It's only when both ZOP and BC are out that there's any real risk attatched to these options which allows Quan to actually keep Johnny on his toes
Still maybe i just haven't been playing Quan well who knows, i'll try out Quan-Kano and yolo EX ZOWs like you mentioned and see if i finf any success with that


“My AGENT is tougher than you...”
I keep telling but no one listens, Quan Kano is the best zoner in the game. His zoning is super fucking oppressive, I've took games off some damn good Cages, Barakas etc using exclusively keepaway. If you haven't got a teleport, you aren't getting in. Feel free to pick my brains if there's anything you're struggling with.

Kano allows Quan an "engine", for lack of a better term. Kano knives allows you to get purple portal out for free, which allows you to use purple skulls to build meter, meter allows you to stall for longer with Push Portal, Ex Slow Skull and ExBoneCage, rebuilding Kano. Rinse and repeat.

What I've been having a lot of success with recently is using armor portal instead of push portal when people start getting close. Just throw out an ExArmorPortal when the opponent gets anywhere near. This either results in them still pushing forward, resulting in some pretty comical scenarios where you either steamroll through them with the armor, or get hit and chase yourself with the portal until you fall out of their combo. Or, this results in them being too scared to close the distance and they sit in the midrange/full screen until armor runs out. Again, allowing you to continue to zone, build meter, and throw out another armor portal as soon as the current one ends.

The 850 health doesn't feel great sometimes. But I promise, it's worth it.
After a combo of looking at Sonic’s vid and playing him myself this weekend idk

I also do feel like he’s a bit weak against close pressure among other things etc

but heck I ever think sub zero is a better zoner then he is here atm

I’ll have to keep labing him a bit more but Those are early thoughts

Due to strong games and not so good normals I can see how he’s now low on the list atm

but he’s super fun


Your hole is mine!
I admit i was being a bit hyperbolic but still it feels like Quan can only reliably zone Johnny out when he has ZOP and BC out
If Quan only has ZOP out then Johnny can wavedash away from S4 then do EX DF3 on reaction to Skull Volley and get in kinda effortlessly, and if Quan only has BC out then it's Kameo dependant how Johnny can get out but if he's not in it then getting in should be as simple as EX Shadow Kick into an Ambush to cover for him
It's only when both ZOP and BC are out that there's any real risk attatched to these options which allows Quan to actually keep Johnny on his toes
Still maybe i just haven't been playing Quan well who knows, i'll try out Quan-Kano and yolo EX ZOWs like you mentioned and see if i finf any success with that
It's less "yolo bone cage" and more, "in any other matchplay I might summon a portal here, or some other filler move, but instead I'm gonna prioritise bone Cage to shut down his movement".

You do realise bone cage completely cripples Cages movement? His only option is to jump to get out which you can dash s3 anti air on reaction from full screen. If he sits in the bone cage, which he has to, start zoning away. You'd be surprised how much chip and meter you start accumulating with triple skulls, especially with Kano filling gaps allowing you to summon more purple portals for free.


Your hole is mine!
I'll share some videos below of what zoning with Quan Kano looks like. These are by no means the most impressive wins or anything like that, but just sharing to show what good zoning with him does look like so you guys can actually see what I mean.

The sheer volume of triple skulls Kano allows you to pump out because of the free purple portals he allows with knives results in disgusting chip, meterbuild and they cover almost the whole screen. Oh and they break armor. I really don't know how else to describe just how oppressive this can be in some matchups where you're just looping s4xxtriple skulls and using knives to cover the gaps when you need to summon another portal.
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Zoning Master
@M2Dave thoughts on the video above?
I approve, of course.

The issues with Quan Chi/Kano, among many, are the low health points, Quan Chi's horrendous low pokes, and flawless blocking.

In a game like Street Fighter 6, Guile can bait perfect parries by varying the startup and traveling speed of his sonic booms. JP can bait perfect parries by feinting his projectiles. Dhalsim can punish perfect parries by doing a yoga fire and teleporting. Quan Chi has no such options to deal with flawless blocking. There is a reason why lots of tournament players rank Quan Chi very low on tier lists.

I would love to see a high level player perform well with Quan Chi/Kano at EVO, though.


Your hole is mine!
I approve, of course.

The issues with Quan Chi/Kano, among many, are the low health points, Quan Chi's horrendous low pokes, and flawless blocking.

In a game like Street Fighter 6, Guile can bait perfect parries by varying the startup and traveling speed of his sonic booms. JP can bait perfect parries by feinting his projectiles. Dhalsim can punish perfect parries by doing a yoga fire and teleporting. Quan Chi has no such options to deal with flawless blocking. There is a reason why lots of tournament players rank Quan Chi very low on tier lists.

I would love to see a high level player perform well with Quan Chi/Kano at EVO, though.
Thanks for the reply, wanted to pick your brains a bit about Quan Kano as I feel like I'm missing something here as he feels really strong. I'm gonna present some counterpoints and try to open a discussion around this character as I think he needs some further exploration and players to bring out his full potential. I do just want to say that I by no means think he's top tier, but I also most certainly don't think he's the worst character in the game.

The low HP is a weakness sure and isn't ideal. However, I would argue that this isn't really that big of an issue as it is outweighed by his strengths, and in a weird way plays into his zoning. As he has lower health, he builds meter slightly faster as meter build is dependant on total HP. Lower HP, faster meterbuild. More meter, more zoning/breakers.

I'd also argue that his low pokes can be played around too. Not denying the 9f D1 sucks for up close. But with proper armor portal/meter management you can completely plug this gap. Who cares if my pokes suck when I have free armor 24/7? Ensuring you always have 1 bar ready to pop an armor portal anytime someone gets even remotely close to you is vital for this character imo.

Now the flawless blocking point is interesting and I feel I don't have any real counterpoint to this one. Theoretically, if someone was flawless blocking everything you are throwing they could just slowly work their way in which may cause problems. I do feel like the sheer amount of projectile volume you can pump out with Kano would make consistently FB everything incredibly difficult though.


Now the flawless blocking point is interesting and I feel I don't have any real counterpoint to this one. Theoretically, if someone was flawless blocking everything you are throwing they could just slowly work their way in which may cause problems. I do feel like the sheer amount of projectile volume you can pump out with Kano would make consistently FB everything incredibly difficult though.
Don't forget that Quan can also vary the travel speed of Straight Skull by pressing Back or Forward during startup, might not be as effective as the examples Dave mentioned but it's an option


Number Cruncher. Jack of All Trades.
Side note. My favorite pair for Quan Chi is actually Darrius. He can make sky drop very annoying with the ambush overhead kick, and ending combos in f4 into f.K is perfect timing.
I swear there is a way to perfectly time Darrius ambush after sky drop... he even does a different animation when he comes in. But I can't figure out the key to making it work. I thought it was timing... im just not figuring it out


Your hole is mine!
Side note. My favorite pair for Quan Chi is actually Darrius. He can make sky drop very annoying with the ambush overhead kick, and ending combos in f4 into f.K is perfect timing.
I swear there is a way to perfectly time Darrius ambush after sky drop... he even does a different animation when he comes in. But I can't figure out the key to making it work. I thought it was timing... im just not figuring it out
With the Darrius buffs that have been showcased this is a pairing I'm going to be exploring more. I can see some DIRRRTY ass shit coming about with armor portal and Darrius' mix on knockdown. Gonna be shades of MKX Sorcerer.


Number Cruncher. Jack of All Trades.
With the Darrius buffs that have been showcased this is a pairing I'm going to be exploring more. I can see some DIRRRTY ass shit coming about with armor portal and Darrius' mix on knockdown. Gonna be shades of MKX Sorcerer.
I can't tell you why, but I think Quan can actually work with Tremor. The lava blasts are something Quan wants. But Tremor often feels like dead weight when I use him.


Number Cruncher. Jack of All Trades.
Ok, some buff ideas:
-I don't think Quan needs too many normal touch ups, but his d2 is awful. Fix that.
-Holding stance switch and 3 will increase the movement speed of an active portal. Quans meter will drain while doing so.
-F2 just a smidge more range?