I keep telling but no one listens, Quan Kano is the best zoner in the game. His zoning is super fucking oppressive, I've took games off some damn good Cages, Barakas etc using exclusively keepaway. If you haven't got a teleport, you aren't getting in. Feel free to pick my brains if there's anything you're struggling with.
Kano allows Quan an "engine", for lack of a better term. Kano knives allows you to get purple portal out for free, which allows you to use purple skulls to build meter, meter allows you to stall for longer with Push Portal, Ex Slow Skull and ExBoneCage, rebuilding Kano. Rinse and repeat.
What I've been having a lot of success with recently is using armor portal instead of push portal when people start getting close. Just throw out an ExArmorPortal when the opponent gets anywhere near. This either results in them still pushing forward, resulting in some pretty comical scenarios where you either steamroll through them with the armor, or get hit and chase yourself with the portal until you fall out of their combo. Or, this results in them being too scared to close the distance and they sit in the midrange/full screen until armor runs out. Again, allowing you to continue to zone, build meter, and throw out another armor portal as soon as the current one ends.
The 850 health doesn't feel great sometimes. But I promise, it's worth it.