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Incoming MK1 Balance Patch (Tomorrow, June 27)


It doesn't even need to a traditional pushblock even, you can make it work like Mavado's or Guilty Gear's Faultless Defense mechanic and it would work perfectly with some fine tuning


This is an issue that comes from MK fans not being used to assist fighters imo, the only kind of team mode we've had before was a KOF style turns mode in the classic games and a Tag Mode from MK9 which plays more like BBTAG than anything
Both of them are quite different from MK12 so there's not much to compare it to in the franchise
If we're to agree that MK1 is indeed an assist fighter, this opens another can of worms. Why did they re-revert Cyrax? Why did they nerf Stryker? Where's the pushblock or dash mechanic? What about the rest of the kameos?

Idk, we can't have it both ways.


If we're to agree that MK1 is indeed an assist fighter, this opens another can of worms. Why did they re-revert Cyrax? Why did they nerf Stryker? Where's the pushblock or dash mechanic? What about the rest of the kameos?

Idk, we can't have it both ways.
Cyrax was re-reverted because the revert was a bug, Stryker got nerfed because he dominated tournaments harder than Khameleon does now
And these mechanics aren't in the game yet because
  1. This game was clearly rushed out and thus didn't have proper play testing
  2. NRS tried to make it unique from other assist fighters and in some ways it backfired on them


Cyrax was re-reverted because the revert was a bug, Stryker got nerfed because he dominated tournaments harder than Khameleon does now
And these mechanics aren't in the game yet because
  1. This game was clearly rushed out and thus didn't have proper play testing
  2. NRS tried to make it unique from other assist fighters and in some ways it backfired on them
I still believe if they took out these type of assists, and buffed the main cast the game would've been infinitely more fun and balanced.

Gutting Peacemaker and JC like that makes no sense to me. Peacemaker is trash now.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Gutting Peacemaker and JC like that makes no sense to me. Peacemaker is trash now.
Neither one of them was gutted. Johnny still has his incredibly strong frame data, and is just slightly less braindead. Peacemaker will still be the game's best zoner, and will just have to think slightly more before throwing out a torpedo or popping the shield.
The fact that people are still complaining about this is bewildering.
Maybe if you've never played assist fighters. Again one of the main issues is there's almost no way to actually interact with assist calls. Nearly every other assist fighter has mechanics that let you blow people the fuck up for calling an assist at a bad time, often killing 1, if not 2, characters.

There is no such mechanic in MK1, so yes it's a problem.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Maybe if you've never played assist fighters. Again one of the main issues is there's almost no way to actually interact with assist calls. Nearly every other assist fighter has mechanics that let you blow people the fuck up for calling an assist at a bad time, often killing 1, if not 2, characters.

There is no such mechanic in MK1, so yes it's a problem.
Although it has assists, MK1 is still a 1v1 fighter, not a tag fighter. The combination of assists/offense in general is not nearly as potent as it is in vs. games where you can lose a character and still have another.

The offense in even Injustice was far more potent. Likewise with MKX. People are complaining about having to hold the smallest of mix and 80% of the pressure is strike/throw based without crossups, etc.

If the assists allowed you to set up INJ or MKX-level mixups, like most tag fighters, this argument would make far more sense. But as long as most kameos have some counterplay (ex., armor), there's not much to complain about. The fact that some people are trying to tone the offense down even further is surpsing for an MK game.



I am salty that this game has become as bad as Mortal Kombat 11 in terms of character archetypes and power levels.

Tournament turnouts speak for themselves.
Tournament turnouts are roughly consistent with past NRS games.

There's plenty of diversity among characters in terms of playstyles.

Take Quan Chi and Peacemaker. They both zone, but they play very differently.

In terms of power levels, any low tier in this game would completely mop up the low tiers in MK9. It wouldn't even be close.

Remember, MK9 had characters with negative on hit pokes, something MK1 does not have. All the patch did was give characters like Cage more defined weaknesses; his offense is the same.
Tournament turnouts are roughly consistent with past NRS games.

There's plenty of diversity among characters in terms of playstyles.

Take Quan Chi and Peacemaker. They both zone, but they play very differently.

In terms of power levels, any low tier in this game would completely mop up the low tiers in MK9. It wouldn't even be close.

Remember, MK9 had characters with negative on hit pokes, something MK1 does not have. All the patch did was give characters like Cage more defined weaknesses; his offense is the same.
Yes, but his offense is what people wanted nerfed, they didn’t do that so the crying will continue.

This whole thread is a legitimate Deja vu moment from the last patch lol.
You keep trying to mock me and it isn’t working , the game has a lot of life left and the things you guys wanted nerfed didn’t get nerfed at all, the logical conclusion is more are coming and dude is steadily getting nerfed every patch, is this really the hill you want to die on?


Yes, but his offense is what people wanted nerfed, they didn’t do that so the crying will continue.

This whole thread is a legitimate Deja vu moment from the last patch lol.
I don't think his offense should be nerfed.

And the idea of power levels being low is silly to me. Geras now has a near full-screen Fatal Blow.

Li Mei now has a gapless string and lantern hitting mid is pretty good.

Reptile can make his overhead plus.

Scorpion now has a gapless option with his best mid that you can use kameos to combo with.

Peacemaker can't mindlessly call Eagley after strings. It was a launcher. Most launching specials in the game aren't safe. But hey - that's where Kameos come in. Now you use Kano Ball if you want to keep it safe.

There's actual resource and risk management to using Torpedo and Eagly now. He's still going to zone fine.

Mavado's health was adjusted so more characters can use him without having their health gutted, opening the door to characters that wouldn't touch him due to the health loss.

This patch was a win, in my book. Havik and Geras didn't get the buffs I wanted, but I'm happy with what we did get.