The problem im finding with this is that when they block your slide, you are almost always fully punished, and if they block the INSANELY LONG overhead (which they WILL), you are simply safe (not plus, safe) and just wasted half a bar. I played a mirror match with Reptile and the guy just did staggers of F2 and F211 xx stryker granades - I lost every match because I was trying to rushdown and do unsafe shit like random sky drop or slide or F23, or trying the overhead (that would NEVER land) and not a single time could I open him up. Safe on absolutely everything. Just waited and punished the unsafe strings.
So there you go folks, you cant open people up with reptile, all someone has to do is block low forever and they are safe. It's best to just do safe staggers and punish whatever unsafe shit your oponnent does.