Dizzy I'm still having a hard time believing Ermac beats JC. Ermac's ability to keep out JC isn't as good as the other bad match ups I've listed. JC does more damage when he's up close than ermac when he's afar. Not to mention ermac is arguably more vulnerable to JC's pressure than most of the cast. Yes you can't do F33 ex force ball, but you can do 13 ex force ball and 11F1. You can do 11F1 on a crouch blocking ermac. He also doesn't have any armor. In the corner, ermac is just like any other character in the game, although probably easier because you have that 11F1. Also, just a random shadow kick is enough for ermac to respect it, even if it puts JC at a bad position. It's really fast and will punish TKP so long as he's not at max range. Yeah, the position shadow kick gives isn't ideal, but I can dash in while ermac's waking up and I'm pushing him into the corner. And again, ermac is not as good as others when it comes to keeping JC out.
Gonna have to agree with Dizzy, Ermac beats Cage, he doesnt just sit there and TKP the whole match, the fact that JC HAS to respect it makes it hard, it opens up opportunities for Ermac to advance, get some chip/throws etc and get out again, he's superior in the footsie game anyway, punishes alot harder than Cage.
Throws wont be that difficult for Ermac to get, which gives him the advantage.
you cant sit there and do 11F1 all day because for some reason if you hit Ermac with 11 and you go for another 11 he can lift you in between because of the way it moves your hitbox.
There are no forceball traps in the corner against Ermac at all.
Midscreen I would want the JC player to try shadow kicking if I played Ermac, thats just a death sentence and pushes him back to the other side of the screen again.
He has armour on his X-Ray too, doesnt sound spectacular but believe me its a game changer.
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