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Who Are You Looking To Main So Far?


I'm not a hardcore player so I am more of a dabbler. I will use everyone pretty regularly.

But, if I were to guess who will get the most use for me as of this moment Ill go (with limited knowledge outside of the first trailer/leaked roster):

Shang Tsung

Honorable Mentions


many interesting characters in there so far. i wanna try raiden, li mei, geras, sub, tanya, baraka, smoke of the officially revealed alone. but i'm heavily leaning towards ashrah if i like her style.


Chaos Enjoyer
Havik was my favorite back in Deception so he'll definitely be primary character. Reptile, Reiko, and Baraka are one's I'll check out. Cyborg kameos are lookin' sick.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
So far it's between:
Sub Zero
Li Mei

Sub Zero/Smoke will use Lin Kuei only kameos so likely the cyborgs, scorpion (lul), or frost
Li Mei will use whoever the coolest female kameo is

Lt. Boxy Angelman

1. Ashrah. Deception is my favorite MK of all time, she's my favorite character of all time. I've waited almost 20 years to go back to Hell with the demonic demon killer in the big white hat. Lesgo.

2. Peacemaker. John Cena. Duh.

3. Shujinko, because I'm 99% sure he's going to find a way to get in this game.

4. Havik. Chaos. Neck Snap Taunts.

5. A dead tie between Quan Chi and Ermac.


Come Thunder! Come Lightning!
Going straight to Raiden as my eternal main. will mess around with Rain, Smoke, Ermac, Quan, Baraka along the way then pocket a couple of them to cover up Raiden's bad MUs.


I'm kinda torn right now. I have always been a Kurai Liang guy. I liked his story arc and personality but also I'm usually inclined to play ice based characters... I never liked Hanzo's Scorpion, but this is Kuai Liang AND he replaced the katanas with one of my favorite asian weapons, the kurasigama (I loved playing Hanzo Hattori -not Hasashi- in Samurai Warriors) and the moveset looks great... but Bi-Han's moveset looks awesome too and the best and most versatile that Sub-Zero has ever felt... and I usually had Noob as one of my backups too.

In addition to those 2, I'm looking forward to play as Kenshi, Sindel, Johnny, Reiko, Kung Lao. Smoke and Quan Chi... my 10th spot is still undecided.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
I didn't include her in my list since she hasn't technically been revealed yet, hence the "so far" part but yeah Ashrah was my number one want for a 3d era character as I'm interested to see what'd they do with her and how they'd redesign her.


“My AGENT is tougher than you...”
Man I wish I knew…sub zero as a back up but..idk

Which we had some type of grapple character etc or Big boy bo was back…

not sure yet

Shania Twain

That Don't Impress Me Much
Probably Kitana at first. She is my female. But I'm going to play ALL of them. I mean with a whopping 24 characters I have to have something to do. ALTHOUGH. I understand Sub, Liu, Raiden, and SCORPION are in I just no. way overplayed. So far though, most of the characters are seeming great. Rain, Smoke, Reiko, Sindel. I'm liking the Darious Kameo.



slightly more seriously, uhhhhh not kitana? Just never felt her style. Everyone else looks possible. First game in forever where both designs and play styles all look great
After MKX and MK11 had one or the other, It'll be great to have a new game where Baraka and Reptile are both playable.

Every time Mileena's in a game I end up playing her too. Havik, Quan Chi, Shao, Nitara, Ashrah are also worth looking into.
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Space Cadet

They shot our face, Johnny. They shot. Our FACE.
Kitana. She's my favorite, so I'll always main her. Plus, her design and gameplay look amazing. No bias whatsoever : p

As for the others we've seen I'm really looking forward to Johnny, Li Mei, Smoke, and Tanya. Though I know they haven't been officially announced, Sindel and Ashrah I'm super excited for as well. Ashrah is my favorite from the 3D games, so I'm really excited to see what they do with her character/design.

I'll definitely be trying everyone on the roster out. Time will tell who I play out of them all.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
At this point, i just want to update that i''m not sticking to 1 or 2 characters, i feel like i can play the majority, and that's what i will do, play everyone until i start to gravitate towards the ones i like the most, but so far holy shit, the roster is investing as fuck and i love it.
I agree. First time since the classic MK’s that I actually want to use everyone. I’m definitely going to at least try everyone out in training mode to see what everyone can do and to see if I find a character I really like that I wasn’t really planning on using. As I’ve said a bunch of times, I’m 100% maining Smoke and Scorpion, but beyond that, literally everybody is game. I have very little interest in Kitana but still gonna at least try her out

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I agree. First time since the classic MK’s that I actually want to use everyone. I’m definitely going to at least try everyone out in training mode to see what everyone can do and to see if I find a character I really like that I wasn’t really planning on using. As I’ve said a bunch of times, I’m 100% maining Smoke and Scorpion, but beyond that, literally everybody is game. I have very little interest in Kitana but still gonna at least try her out
Same, kitana feels lack luster compared to what we've seen so far, Smoke looks and feels insane, and i love it